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Do you want to SLAY THE LEGION!?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:16 pm
by Lenah
... and high lords, behemoth, and all other DF goodies =)

Plan :
Leaving from inside DF from the exit room, heading down to Hulk areas, pass the Gatekeeper, right to the Legion room, pull his name guard, have a little chat, slay the Legion (Using animists, and heavy tank). Move backwards abit, head mid entrance, go down to high lords, kill Lord near mid side, go down to the tunnels, search for Behemoth, kill Behemoth. Do lootsplit, Be happy.

Reward :
XP, MLxp, Historical drops, see mobs that u dont see often.

Rules :
This is an ALL REALM Event, there is no level limit, but if you are not lvl50, you are going to lose xp, so a suggestion is to bring a 50. Bring animist, if you got one! There is only one raid leader, and everyone is suggested to listen to her, else u might get whipped ;=) Raid will wait for 5 minutes for LD. Lootsplit is going to be held at DL, after the raid has ended, named drops and other drops will be rolled in that order. You may only roll for an item you can and will use (scale for wardens). Only 1 item for one person.

When & Where :
Wedensday 1900GMT DF Exit portal room.
Bring your animist!

Signing up :
Is not necesary, please post your opinnion anyway =)

C ya at the raid!

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:55 pm
by Pelquinn Nightbreed
I`ll be there!!!

(With my L7 bot :o)

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:57 pm
by Cromcruaich
NFD gg runs weds, so my apologies for not being able to attend.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 1:33 pm
by Malaeus
Nilm is eager to attend, and will for sure not listen so she can get whipped :banana: J/K (Sorry Nilm couldnt help it) :OP


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 1:58 pm
by Mojo
Lenah wrote:Do you want to slay the legion?
No Thanks.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:24 pm
by nibs
if a level 41 ani is high enough, ill come with that (for exp cause im sick of soloing on it)

if not, name what char you want me on :P

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:45 pm
by pikeh
will join with my (atm) 46 vw - need about 6 bulbs then im 48...

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:48 pm
by Ankh Morpork
I'll try and be there with both my animists if possible. Might not be cos I havent decided if I should spend time with my son/gf most of this week or not yet..


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:49 pm
by Moley:)
Will bring my 50 Ranger if i rember its on and my bro not taken over the computer with WoW :tired:

But yay! Sounds FUN :cheers: :banana: <- me right now

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:53 pm
by Quinlan
Mojo wrote:No Thanks.
Slow work day?