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Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:31 pm
by Adalyn

This is starting to get very annoying now, ever since last Tuesday, no one from what i have heard from people has been able to do Atlantis Tablet encounter due to it being bugged.

Bugged you say?

There are five chests inside the temple, 4 of which hold Triton Acaeus inside and pop on you when you have chosen the wrong chest and one of the chests has the Guard of Atlantis inside (Main mob). But, ALL the chests have Triton Acaeus inside them, i am not sure why this happens (mayby something corrupt with the database, i don't know).

Mayby it's down you say?

How can it be down, there are five chests, when it's down there are no chests left inside the temple when it's down, and if it's down and chests are there, oh look another bug. I am 99.99% sure it isn't bugged as i check there every few hours to make sure it has been reset.

This is happening on both Excalibur and Prydwen and is annoying quiet alot of customers. I have rightnowed this and nothing has happened since i rightnowed it, and many others have also rightnowed it and still nothing has been done about it. This is been happening frequently since 1.79.

I understand that GMs are busy with other jobs (DR released soon, people missing items since database corrupt etc).

Second thing...


More E&E's need to be recruited and remove those that are not playing anymore or update the list of the new alts of the current E&Es, i haven't been able to contact an E&E or GM for awhile now to fix since in-game bug which is stopping myself and others from completing there tasks.

Hope you get it sorted soon :snail:

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:40 pm
by Requiel
I've reset AT several times on both servers and in various realms recently. Every time a broken encounter is reported we check it and, if it is broken, we reset it. I suspect that someone has found a way to break it as it's a fairly simple encounter and has never been particularly unreliable before.

Regarding E&Es there are plans to recruit more. I've been holding off for a little while until clustering and the impact of Classic servers have settled down a litte as it's hard to see what the true state with regard to active E&Es is in these circumstances. I have to say that the Hib E&Es have been pretty much constantly in touch recently so it seems that quite a lot of people are able to contact them with no problem.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:42 pm
by Adalyn
Requiel wrote:I've reset AT several times on both servers and in various realms recently. Every time a broken encounter is reported we check it and, if it is broken, we reset it. I suspect that someone has found a way to break it as it's a fairly simple encounter and has never been particularly unreliable before.

Regarding E&Es there are plans to recruit more. I've been holding off for a little while until clustering and the impact of Classic servers have settled down a litte as it's hard to see what the true state with regard to active E&Es is in these circumstances. I have to say that the Hib E&Es have been pretty much constantly in touch recently so it seems that quite a lot of people are able to contact them with no problem.

oh fast reply <3

Anychance you are able to log in now as am stood at AT now, and none of the chests are spawning the main mob. :(

Online as Werty if you can :)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:53 pm
by Requiel
I've just watched you do it and it's not broken. You need to kill the Acaeus otherwise the chests stay locked. If you just aggro him and wait for him to despawn then you can't complete the encounter and you'll just get the Acaeus everytime until you do it properly.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:58 pm
by Adalyn
Requiel wrote:I've just watched you do it and it's not broken. You need to kill the Acaeus otherwise the chests stay locked. If you just aggro him and wait for him to despawn then you can't complete the encounter and you'll just get the Acaeus everytime until you do it properly.

If it doesn't work properly when i just did it how you watched me do it, then why did the main encounter monster spawn in the last chest untill you made every disapear when it popped?

If i do have to kill the triton Acaeus for it to work 100% i will do it that way, but if i find it not to work that way, then i will continue doing it the way i just did as then it would prove your theory wrong.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:01 pm
by Requiel
I didn't despawn it. It despawned itself as the encounter was still incomplete.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:04 pm
by Adalyn
Requiel wrote:I didn't despawn it. It despawned itself as the encounter was still incomplete.

Ok so the encounter named mob spawns from the 5th chest i opened, it casts it spells and says the msg it always says, i go to hit it and then it disapears and none of the chest re-apear. IF this is not your doing then it must be 'another' bug?


Is this one my fault becuase of the way i did it? I and 80% of other people do it this way from what i have seen and heard and oh that bug has never happened before :p

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:07 pm
by Requiel
No, as I've explained it's because you've not completed the encounter correctly. The encounter is pretty simple, you need to picka chest and if you're unlucky you have to fight an Acaeus. If you use a trick to make the Acaeus despawn without fighting it then you haven't done the encounter properly. The encounter breaking when you're using questionable methods to complete it isn't a bug.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:09 pm
by Requiel
Adalyn wrote:.... 80% of other people do it this way from what i have seen and heard and oh that bug has never happened before :p
Adalyn wrote:This is starting to get very annoying now, ever since last Tuesday, no one from what i have heard from people has been able to do Atlantis Tablet encounter due to it being bugged.
Is it possible that these two situations are connected? When people did it properly the encounter gave no trouble at all.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:10 pm
by Adalyn
Requiel wrote:No, as I've explained it's because you've not completed the encounter correctly. The encounter is pretty simple, you need to picka chest and if you're unlucky you have to fight an Acaeus. If you use a trick to make the Acaeus despawn without fighting it then you haven't done the encounter properly. The encounter breaking when you're using questionable methods to complete it isn't a bug.
How can i complete the encounter when the mob just despawns when i am about to attack it then?

Oh and from what i just heard speaking to someone who went to do it on Excalibur server (am in Prydwen as you watched me) the chests suddenly disapeared on there when the ones on Prydwen did and no one was there opening the chests, the group was just about to enter and try it. Bug? i think so. GM not being able to reset it correctly? yup

Ok look am not sure if you reading it correctly as you properly scrim reading through this.

Main mob spawned
Every disapeared
Nothing repopped (no chests, nothing)
happened both servers, same time. was a group about to attempt it on other server.

So must of been reset badly.