Tech Help Stickie Posts/Master Level viewer file
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:15 pm
This is a list of tech help stickie posts for those who feel that the 2-3 extra clicks to check help is clearly to much effort
Using items with a macro
Obtaining a US Account
QB set up made easy
Play 2 accounts on same PC and want to keep stick?
Forcing a Full File Check with Catacombs Client
What to do in case of Lag
I have added the ML viewer .zip file by request. This is probably out of date though
The program can be updated by including a questnames.ini
The current version of the file is:
Save as questnames.ini and place in the same file as the parser.
This can be used to update missing ML's and/or missing artis. If people post missing artis, I can add them.

Using items with a macro
Obtaining a US Account
QB set up made easy
Play 2 accounts on same PC and want to keep stick?
Forcing a Full File Check with Catacombs Client
What to do in case of Lag
I have added the ML viewer .zip file by request. This is probably out of date though

The program can be updated by including a questnames.ini
The current version of the file is:
Save as questnames.ini and place in the same file as the parser.
Code: Select all
[21:53:43] You have completed the following quests