Tech Help Stickie Posts/Master Level viewer file

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Emerald Rider
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Joined: Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:00 pm

Tech Help Stickie Posts/Master Level viewer file

Post by Lairiodd »

This is a list of tech help stickie posts for those who feel that the 2-3 extra clicks to check help is clearly to much effort :p.

Using items with a macro

Obtaining a US Account

QB set up made easy

Play 2 accounts on same PC and want to keep stick?

Forcing a Full File Check with Catacombs Client

What to do in case of Lag

I have added the ML viewer .zip file by request. This is probably out of date though :).

The program can be updated by including a questnames.ini

The current version of the file is:

Save as questnames.ini and place in the same file as the parser.

Code: Select all

[21:53:43] You have completed the following quests
This can be used to update missing ML's and/or missing artis. If people post missing artis, I can add them.
(40.34 KiB) Downloaded 860 times
Lairiodd Level 50 Nightshade and Legendary Grandmaster Smith (1065) check prices here
Lairirian Level 50 Mana Mentalist and Legendary Spellcrafter (TDD)
Lairgreybark Level 50 Arb Animist
Lairmindlock Level 50 Bard (TDD)
Lairthall Level 35+ Friar

Stocking one 99% of most of the useful spellcrafting gems at Houses 3304 and 3306

Over 150 gems at 99% stocked

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