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whats happening :)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:15 am
by Nejtun
lo folks , had a months brek , but might re activate next week when i get back off hols :) ,where is everyone hiding ? the daoc home page is making that new server look very busy are people perma moved there or just trying things out ?
and if so , which realm ?
it would be nice to see some familiar names :)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:20 am
by Rejecta
The new server has hurt the old skool servers, but in the 1.81 patch TOA is made shit loads easier, so there is gonna be a flood back to the cluster imo.

Classic will be another camlann.

RvR is still good on cluster, prime time.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:26 am
by Nejtun
are we not about 3 months from this patch ? ( i could be wrong ) wanted to try something without a BB ( wasnt too fussed about the realm ) the days of paying for two accounts are over for me :p ,
also , my toa stuff on prydwen is finshed , so not reallz a deciding factor , maybe i should check both :p wouldnt mind a quick heads up as to which realm most people have fled to , seems to be midgard from the others posters.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 10:10 pm
by Mr Manic
Classic will be another camlann
i dont think so my X-realmer friend... with master lvls on classic as well soon.. going to be even more fun!

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:43 am
by Zupernova
Dont think Classic servers will die anytime soon tbh :) Hibernia will conquer ^^

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:38 am
by Arvengar
Mr Manic wrote:i dont think so my X-realmer friend... with master lvls on classic as well soon.. going to be even more fun!
Don't u mean Champion Levels? :D Thought the classic servers was not gonna use ToA at all? :)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:12 am
by Luon
prolly perma moving here to lancelot us. cause of morrons thinking classic is the best way of playing daoc :D (yes i think classic is a bad idea)

anyway 1.81 rocks dr rocks but with toa mind you. Ppl think classic server is fun just because everyone started on equal basis but as gamah said will be like camlann when dr hits "the real servers" in feb ppl will prolly start moving back to cl and check out the new stuff :D.

just wanted to say one more time classic servers are a waste of time atleast with 1.81 inc. Its like playing 50% of daoc instead of the full 100%

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:11 am
by Gamblor
Luon wrote:
just wanted to say one more time classic servers are a waste of time atleast with 1.81 inc. Its like playing 50% of daoc instead of the full 100%
That's a fairly Sweeping statement there.

I'm playing on Classic Simply becuase i have yet to try out Mid , I've played alb ( 4 lvl 50's ) and i love hib/pry , but i've always wanted to try Mid , Calaman wasn't really a option as if you pick a certian class you just get insta pwnd.

So i'm really enjoying it over there, it's brought by my Noobness as i'm learning a realm again , i've checked out the classes i want to play ofc, so i know what i'm doing there, just wandering around Mid is fun =).

Plus as a Middy we have almost Constant access to DF :P

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:50 am
by Satyn
Luon wrote:prolly perma moving here to lancelot us. cause of morrons thinking classic is the best way of playing daoc :D (yes i think classic is a bad idea)

anyway 1.81 rocks dr rocks but with toa mind you. Ppl think classic server is fun just because everyone started on equal basis but as gamah said will be like camlann when dr hits "the real servers" in feb ppl will prolly start moving back to cl and check out the new stuff :D.

just wanted to say one more time classic servers are a waste of time atleast with 1.81 inc. Its like playing 50% of daoc instead of the full 100%
I'm not a morron cos i play classic.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 12:03 pm
by Luon
well if you think classic is the way to play daoc :/