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Lack of hibs on Pryd...

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:30 pm
by Gandelf
While most hibs are slogging it out on Glastonbury Midgard, the albs have taken two of the hibs' keeps.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:47 pm
by Aran_Thule
looks like it, 1000 on pryd+excal, 3300 on glast, 200 in Hibernia, 23 in alliance. :( <sulks>
and if the times on social are right the albs took DC at 5am, and they wonder why noone likes them.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 9:40 pm
by Octagon
to put it frankly....we screwed :( well maybe not but its hard since we (not hibs) appear to have some ppl that dont wanna play primetime and ruin the fun for everyone else. im so angry atm because of laggcasting and fucked up los im going to bed.

wanna thank those guys/girls that try to get the keeps back at primetime but as it is i see no reason to not do a morning/night raid back at them.

night night

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:41 pm
by Gandelf
Just proves the point (for me anyway) that ToA was the biggest mistake that Mythic made.
If there had been no ToA, then Mythic (and GOA in turn) would not have had to have made the retrograde step of commissioning the "Classic" servers and we would not be in the position we are in now, where all the Hibs are playing on Glastonbury and leaving the Prydwen Hibernian frontiers open for plundering.

What they should have done instead, is remove ToA from all the servers, disable all artefacts and ToA drops, but leave the ToA races. Yes, it would have created a few problems in the short term, but at least everyone would still be on Prydwen.

Having said that, I'm enjoying playing on Glastonbury and loving the notion that there is on ToA on it. But, my heart dispairs somewhat for the fate of Prydwen.

I kind of get the feeling that Mythic are just clutching at straws to try and prolong the life of a game that a number of people feel should have been consigned to the scrapyard many months ago.


Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:55 pm
by Craft
I think its also the option of now beign able to try all three realms as long as you had characters on exc and pryd before..

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:03 pm
by Lieva
]id relax alittle

remember when pvp server first came out?
loads of hibs went there
also whentoa first came out - albs virtually owned our keeps for ages cuz peeps were just busy leveling up and stuff.

I must admit - the thought of playing an olde style daoc has me more intregued than i had thought and tbh i dont actually feel like playing prydwen atm because of it - that saying i AM only level 14 so have a way to go befor im bored.

chances are other peeps are like that atm
in al 3 realms so technically the realms *should* be balanced still

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:10 pm
by Sharkith
Gandelf wrote:Just proves the point (for me anyway) that ToA was the biggest mistake that Mythic made.
If there had been no ToA, then Mythic (and GOA in turn) would not have had to have made the retrograde step of commissioning the "Classic" servers and we would not be in the position we are in now, where all the Hibs are playing on Glastonbury and leaving the Prydwen Hibernian frontiers open for plundering.

What they should have done instead, is remove ToA from all the servers, disable all artefacts and ToA drops, but leave the ToA races. Yes, it would have created a few problems in the short term, but at least everyone would still be on Prydwen.

Having said that, I'm enjoying playing on Glastonbury and loving the notion that there is on ToA on it. But, my heart dispairs somewhat for the fate of Prydwen.

I kind of get the feeling that Mythic are just clutching at straws to try and prolong the life of a game that a number of people feel should have been consigned to the scrapyard many months ago.
Patch 1.81 for the win :)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:46 pm
by centurion
I dont think ToA is the problem, it is the classic server.And you can't really judge server population now, pure logic that a server with a new ruleset, especially when it is called classic (although hardly being classic), will be popular a few weeks/months, we can only hope the interest for it will eventually die out.

Remove ToA from all servers? Whoa, thats realistic, strip people of artifacts, items and masterlevels they've spent tons of time and effort to get? I think that would rather backfire and make people quit the game to be honest.

You just have to accept ToA being a part of daoc whether you like it or not, and honestly I think DAoC would become a bit boring after a while without an expansion of this kind, perhaps with a little less amount of focus on having to put too much effort and time into your toons to be able to rvr, but then again thats mostly what MMORPGs is all about, always favoured the people with the most playtime etc.

I do not like ToA more than anyone else, but I have realized that in one way or another it was necessary for DAoC anyway.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:15 am
by Satyn
What I experienced tonight wasnt that pleasant. I went back to pryd to help out with our grp and all i found was ppl bitching at each other and not listening to their leader (aran). Its not difficult then to not enjoy your time.
Atm on classic i'm having a blast. The ppl make fun again, we laugh we have to farm to be able to buy our guildemblem etc ... i mean its great!

Goa didnt screw up with Toa, there are ppl for it and there are ppl against it. It will always be like that. They listened to us and made a classic server for the ppl who dont like toa.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:45 am
by Maeloch
Classic server is effectively the all-euro cluster server now. Not sure population here will recover, will just have to see, peeps may be back with 1.81.