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HoT in other realms?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:08 pm
by Cromcruaich
Seem to remember asking this elsewhere but cant remember for the life of me where.

Do either of the other realms have HoT?

I scanned through the spell lines and couldnt see one, but wondered if I missed something.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:10 pm
by Adalyn
Shamans get the HoT spells on midgard if they spec in the healing line. On alb i beleive there is only one class with HoT and can only cast it on his pet and thats the Necromancer.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:12 pm
by Quinlan
Firbies and memory. You asked earlier here


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:31 pm
by Cromcruaich

Looking at the time of that post i cant even claim i was under the influence.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:38 pm
by Penlid
Shaman HoT is nice but you have to spec mend all the way for it to be effective like hibs, and if you do that that there is no aug :(

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:57 pm
by Espen
the shamans spell isnt a hot... Hot = heal over time.. shamans "version" is just increased healregen that amplifies the healregen of the target by x amounts of times..

Q: As I understand it, Friggs (Mid HoT) heals only when the natural heat rate ticks. I think I speak for every shaman in Midgard when I ask this - why isn't Friggs using the HoT mechanics that apply to similar spells?

A: First, for the sake of clarity and for those who may not know, I got the mechanics of the different spells from the Spell and Style Goddess (who has been overhauling things bit by bit since her promotion a few months ago, if you can't tell from the bug fixes and tweaks - and thanks to our Team Leads, has more in store):

"Frigg's is set up as an enhancement to natural health regeneration. Other HoTs are set up to heal a specific amount over a period of time.

"Because of this difference in function, they have different uses for combat. Frigg's is probably the most efficient when used after combat - since your natural health regeneration increases to a resting rate after your combat timer expires. HoTs are more useful *during* combat - they are usually of short duration, but heal the player while he's taking damage from an enemy target."

A little more from Code Ed (who, as you might have guessed from the clever name, deals with the actual programming, whereas the Goddess deals with spreadsheets and settings):

"That's correct. Frigg's adds to the amount regenerated on a given natural health tick. Thus, Frigg's is optimal when the person is out of combat and sitting. In combat, Frigg's (30 seconds

duration) will fire off twice; out of combat and standing, approximately five times; and out of combat and sitting, approximately ten times - whereas a normal regen will fire off the same number of times regardless."

That's HOW it works. Why is it that way? Because during the original design process, we wanted to give different healers different types of spells, so that groups would have a variety of options at their disposal. We thought it would be neat to have that kind of variety; a tool that was best in combat and a tool best used out of combat, though both certainly usable in multiple situations even if they weren't OPTIMAL in all situations.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:26 pm
by Glacier
Hib: Mana Mentalist (Most powerful if FoP, as it does the most, over the least amount of time[118hp over 10 Seconds])

Mid: Mending Shaman (Heals for the most, but on a longer timer, thus less heal per second, but only works out of combat (as stated above) [132hp over 30 Seconds] also has a group cast [141 over 30 seconds] )

Alb: Rejuvination Friar (Group cast, not single target, but it is [67hp over 15 seconds])

These numbers are base value, and affected by stats, so the final number of hp's healed depends on the caster's casting stat, by some modifier I dont have a clue about ;d, and the duration can be increased with +to spell duration items.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:52 pm
by Alexandrinus
Glacier wrote: Alb: Rejuvination Friar (Group cast, not single target, but it is [67hp over 15 seconds])

friar have,i wanted to liftab one down and was wondering why he regain health while i did this......

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:27 pm
by Heta
Hib: Mana Mentalist (Most powerful if FoP, as it does the most, over the least amount of time[118hp over 10 Seconds])

Mid: Mending Shaman (Heals for the most, but on a longer timer, thus less heal per second, but only works out of combat (as stated above) [132hp over 30 Seconds] also has a group cast [141 over 30 seconds] )

Alb: Rejuvination Friar (Group cast, not single target, but it is [67hp over 15 seconds])

These numbers are base value, and affected by stats, so the final number of hp's healed depends on the caster's casting stat, by some modifier I dont have a clue about ]

You realy have to take in count that both alb and mid HoT's get decreased if target is in combat, the hib HoT does not do that (was one of the boosts mentalists got many moons ago)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:27 pm
by Adalyn
Glacier wrote:Mid: Mending Shaman (Heals for the most, but on a longer timer, thus less heal per second, but only works out of combat (as stated above) [132hp over 30 Seconds] also has a group cast [141 over 30 seconds]
Actually, it works in combat as am using it at the moment.