Polling interest in farming Erinys Charm

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Polling interest in farming Erinys Charm

Post by Seanchai »

I (and I suspect like many other people) would like to use Erinys Charm in my template: unfortunately this artifact is one of the trickier to get.

I would like to check who would be interested in making a semi-fixed group(s)(might need to rotate slots depending on participating toons requiring credit) to farm the Erinys Charm until everyone has got one. Initially going with needing 5ish animists, 3ish PBAEs, Bard, Puller, a couple of support classes and bots.

Likely days to raid on would be any day I don't work nights ;P so possibly Tuesdays after 8:30pm GMT, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Theoretically it should be possible to farm 4 charms a week this way so we could be done in as few as three weeks. All valuable loot would be vaulted until we have enough Erinys Charms, at which point we would do a lootsplit.

If you are interested, please reply to the post, including the toons you could bring and indicating which toon (if any) you would need to recieve credit on. If there enough replys that can make the above days (it has to be those as I work all other nights) then I will go ahead and organise this properly and hopefully kit myself and several realm mates with shiny new Erinys charms!

Thanks, Seanchai
Seanchai - Mentalist Migraine Giver
Duchasa - Druid Cheerleader
Mycophycophyta - Animist Farmer
Draiodior - Eldritch Butler

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Post by Treeeebeard »

Well this is the last arti am after so sign me up as Treeeebeard HollowHead animist ^^ Should be able to make it each of them nights
Marsh horde
Treeeebeard Hollowhead <Animist> ML10 RR5 Grandmaster talior


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Post by Adalyn »

Adalyn Hollowhead signing up - last artefact i need for Animist, can also bring a FoP druid to assist, can make each night.

Adalyn - Eagle Knight - ML10



Fishyflaps - Grove Protector - Ml3

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Post by stupeh »

Keep the charms until you have enough for everyone. :) Just incase ^^

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

I'd like to join with my animist I think :)


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Post by ant »

would like to join when i can with 46 and rising chanter

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Post by Domo »

48 chanter signing up for eriny raid.
Did this over a 2 week period on alb/excal until all the ppl that signed up for the charm had 1, was run by avowed. The post is still on FH somewhere :)

he held on to all charms till raid was finished (guarantees ppl keep turning up)
pryds a bit dead these days so im playing in galstonbury now,, shame about the effort in hib tho.


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Post by Lenah »

What you suggest as grp setup, is not even nearly enough, speically if there is people bellow 50 and not properly geared.

Been failing this many times with 2fg random, and only once sucseeded with 7 animists + support.

The actual camps are very easy, as a skilled bard can pull only the leaders out from the camps without pulling more than 2-3 adds. But the last mob is very very hard, specially nowdays when it uses that ability of HOT himself constantly.

I suggest 6-8 animists atleast, and reducing pbaoe to 2, and then support.

Signing in my self I got pbaoer that needs encounter and arti, animist and bard that I can use for help. And i know how to pull the bosses without the adds.
Lenah 50 Bard ML8 sojourner
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
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Post by Seanchai »

Ok thanks for the interest so far, and thanks for the advice lenah. Looks like there is enough interest to warrant starting this: will make a proper sign-up thread before the weekend (I am just leaving for work now ;P)
Seanchai - Mentalist Migraine Giver
Duchasa - Druid Cheerleader
Mycophycophyta - Animist Farmer
Draiodior - Eldritch Butler

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Post by Jor »

Irah (lvl49 Animist) would love to come, need arti and credit for encounter.

21:30 CET is fine for me, will log around 23:30 CET to get enough sleep for next workday, can prolly do longer on Saturdays.

Got some RL stuff to do and since RL>>game I might be online only some days or not the whole time, I will announce in advance if possible.

Can bring ML4 Druid (Yorinde) as support when I got arti and credit (on same account), my warden too low atm to give good PBT (don't know if needed) - only 3rd best atm.

Will announce that in our Guild board too.
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DAoC: Jorykia/Valk, Yorinde/Druid, Irah/Ani, Weda/Warden, Jorub/Bard&Friar, Rydegh/Ranger
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