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Strength Attribute Idea...

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:27 pm
by Gandelf
I think it would be a good idea if the strength attribute was not responsible for how much stuff you can carry.

As it stands, races with low strength and who don't have strength as a primary, secondary or tertiary attribute cannot carry they same amount of stuff as some of the more stronger races/classes in the game. In a way, this is a little unfair because if say, you're out soloing and getting drops, the character with less strength has to empty the backpack more often, which can be a pain if you're miles away from a merchant/vault etc. Also, crafters with lower strength can't carry as much crafting materials and sometimes get totally encumbered.

I would like to see a new system, whereby what a player can carry is not determined by strength. Yes, I know we have the "Lifter" Realm Ability, but it's a waste of Realm Skill Points imo and there are more important abilities to purchase. So, what if every player had the same carrying capacity? i.e. something not related to strength? To pluck a figure out of the air, say a value equivalent to having strength at 200 or something? This figure would stay the same, except where players decide to get "Lifter".

Then strength would only be related to combat damage etc.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:41 pm
by stupeh
So a lurikeen and a kobold carrying as much as a firbolg and a troll! :o

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:59 pm
by Elrandhir
this is the same really in any RPG, so even though it's sad for those classes with low strenght, it's like it should be really.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:07 pm
by Cromcruaich
dont have a problem with it as it is.

keep the ideas coming though :)

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:08 pm
by ambera
It's not supposed to be *fair*. If it was fair, all classes would be the same. Call me a roleplayer, but I don't think it should be possible for even a firby to carry a whole ram in his pocket, never mind a lurikeen...

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:09 pm
by Mojo
ambera wrote:It's not supposed to be *fair*. If it was fair, all classes would be the same. Call me a roleplayer, but I don't think it should be possible for even a firby to carry a whole ram in his pocket, never mind a lurikeen...
Your a Roleplayer!

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:16 pm
by Cromcruaich
ambera wrote:It's not supposed to be *fair*. If it was fair, all classes would be the same. Call me a roleplayer, but I don't think it should be possible for even a firby to carry a whole ram in his pocket, never mind a lurikeen...
Thats not a ram in my pocket ...

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:21 pm
by ambera
I can always rely on you to step up to the mark, Crom


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:29 pm
by Wyst
Can we also have all spells unaffected by stats for casting speeds and swing speeds and damage unaffected by stats?

I think this would be a progressive way to get rid of BBs and make everyone without one happy.

Perhaps we could also have specific good looking character models for characters with high Charisma?

Please excuse my sarcasm and take this post in good humour

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:42 pm
by Elrandhir
Wyst wrote:Can we also have all spells unaffected by stats for casting speeds and swing speeds and damage unaffected by stats?

I think this would be a progressive way to get rid of BBs and make everyone without one happy.

Perhaps we could also have specific good looking character models for characters with high Charisma?

Please excuse my sarcasm and take this post in good humour

well even though I aint no real roleplayer as I can't understand why having to pretend ur 1 with ur char or something.

This is still an RPG though even though it almost dosent feel like it sometimes.. for me Baldursgate is a roleplaying game and I really enjoy games like that, but not like I feel the need to talk in a spicific way or so, but I do like storys in games like that..compared to Baldursgate and games like that Daoc really suck, only fun thing in Daoc is reallt RvR ;D

Still those who wants to pretend and so, good for them and I guess they have fun doing so ;D