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Heavy Tank love patch oO

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:12 pm
by Gahn

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:24 pm
by Diddum
nasty :)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:38 pm
by Wyst
This has to be a joke patch notes thingy right, I mean rps for repairing walls, who would benefit from that........

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:59 pm
by Hrymf
Wyst wrote:This has to be a joke patch notes thingy right, I mean rps for repairing walls, who would benefit from that........
The ones spending their time and ressources on it, while we other just move along?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:12 pm
by OohhoO
looks like being one of the best patches ever :)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:00 am
by Frozodo
all i can say is hero will be new fotm tbh :D good for some of us who have lvlled em up and already rvring atm :D

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:14 am
by Lieva
While a player is shape changed to a lion when summoning a guild banner, the guild banner will no longer appear to come out of the lion's mouth.
ill pay someone 500g to try that tonight..
Note: These abilities are currently only available on newly created characters. All of these will be available on previously created characters in the near future. Functionality of some spells are not yet finalized and will be adjusted accordingly
ooh dumb move there..
Modified ML 9.5 slightly to decrease the amount of the students that can be called by Nelos each time he gets a new target.
so thats how that works..
The new Djinn Stones added between the x.5 and x.6 steps: Sobekite Eternal, Temple of Twilight, Halls of Ma'ati (one for both faction sides) and Deep Volcanus are now fully functional with teleport locations provided to them from any other Djinn Stone. Note that you must meet Master Level requirements for the Djinn to allow access to Deep Volcanus.
i quoted it before but :satyn1:

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:51 am
by Ankh Morpork
- Level 35 Spell/Ability - Climbing Spikes: Self castable buff which lasts for 30 seconds that grants Climb Walls. The player will have the ability to climb walls for a short duration of time. While climbing a wall, any hit that does more than 31 damage will knock the player off the wall. Furthermore, any hit which knocks the player off the wall will hit for double damage. If the buff runs out while the player is on the wall and he/she does not reach an area where they can walk again, they will be knocked off the wall. Re-useable every 60 seconds. (Note: Currently this spell does not have an icon which makes it unable to be used. This will be addressed in a future version of Pendragon.)
This one is actually quite good :) but they should add 2-4 more climbing points on the keeps..
- Upon choosing the path of a Hero, Armsman or Warrior, the player will be granted 50% siege resistance automatically. This includes all siege damage types including Boiling Oil.

- Upon reaching level 41, the Hero, Armsman or Warrior will begin to gain more magic resistance (spell damage reduction only) as they progress towards level 50. At each level beyond 41 they gain 2%-3% extra resistance per level. At level 50, they will have the full 15% benefit.
also quite nice!


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:02 am
by Poh
another way to make the siege ladders the Arms community requested 1year ago ;) now i cant wait for classic so i can start climbing walls with an Arms ;D

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:04 am
by Ankh Morpork
[quote="Poh"]another way to make the siege ladders the Arms community requested 1year ago ]

Yeah I know, but its a good start. And better late than never...but ill stick to the proper servers instead of some Daoc lite ;)
