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The conclusions about raid leading (everyone should check this out)

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:14 am
by Lenah
This thread bases on the questions and answers talked trough in this post :

Suggestions and ideas gathered

(banana) The existance of these forums is not clear for everyone, and big part, if not even majority of people dont know what is hapening when.

(sharkith) Alot of pressure is piled to the few raid leaders that have made name.

(sharkith) Intresting and new raid targets is needed to upkeep the community morale, not the same things over and over again.

There is sometimes 2 or more raids same time. That reduce people from neither one. Also RVR issues effect here.

18gmt is too early starting time for many people. also raids that last over midnight on weekdays is a problem for some people.

(sharkith) alot of weekend only players, suggested raids that need more people or last long only to be held on weekends.

(sharkith) Effort is required to make sure everyone knows these boards.

(Seanchai) Rewards is often unclear, what and how is person coming to raid going to benefit.

(seanchai) random group setups reducre the funfactor.

(seanchai) goal of a raid may be unclear.

(seanchai) lack of planing, or the plan only known by the raid leader, makes it unpleasant to join a raid.

(malisha) Good planing and skillfull players makes better result than pure numbers.


There are mainly the points that were gathered from the post about problems leading raids on low population server such as prydwen. Due these replys it is clear that some changes must be done, when raid threads are made, and how to answer to them. (and some other things.)

The most important thing for everyone of us, is that everyone is aware of these forums, and read them aswell when they search for something to do, or have any question. DAOC itself doesn't at its current stage provide us any kind of community tools, so its all about ourself, to write the 13 letters to the address bar.

When you write a raid thread, make sure you answer to the majority of questsions that are sure to raise when someone reads it. It is important that you mention as much as you can, and try to make it intresting, so that its as easy as possible to answer it and to sign up. You need to tell what is the plan of the raid, whats the rewards, how the loot is going to be splitted, when and where its going to start and how to reply to the post.

Its also very important that you are aware what other stuff is hapening that day, so that you dont try to run big raid on day when another raid is hapening, else you cause problems for both of you. Also its important to run raids that require alot of people mainly on weekends, and those that require less on weekdays, to gain better succses both for you and for the people that come to the raids. On weekdays raids should not start too early, so that as many people can join them, also they cannot last too long so that everyone can see the end too.

Making somekind of preparations before the raid you are going to lead is neccesary for everyones pleasure. You should know what you are doing, atleast have map about it. If you dont, you should be sure that you got someone by your side wthat does =) This is worth looking when you search for maps for areas ( Vision of sages if ofc very good information source for everyone about everything related to TOA. ( and there is hunred of other pages to seek info.

If you are the replying person, that answers the post. Start your post always with clear answer to what is asked, dont hesitate to mention as much info as you can, it will all help the on that needs the information. Answering to posts makes the post go top of the threadlist, so its also good to answer a post even if it doesn't require it, to give it atention if it requires it. Only sign up for raids that you can come, we all have RL but also we are all mature enough to know what we are doing tomorrow.

This is all important for the succsess of our small server to survive and keep the funfactor high =)

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 5:57 am
by Tuthmes
About the dragon raid, which i didnt join btw..

Atm i don't think we have an idea how hard he is (patched again). Used to be fun with around 10+ animist + nurture dr00d + bard (fop is a must). Dies quick then. The problem with him is when you target him, he will AoE nuke the one that has it targetted (prolly random). Plus if it take's long the incomming aggro will get a pain too. Havin a raid means lots of people and there'll be always one none tank targetting him. Big Glimmer unit moves in for the kill, glance's at your ass, lots of people die, raid over. If you heal too much for glimmer king's like'ing, he ofcourse will also aggro you, hit you, then you have him targetted, etc.

On the animist part, the more shrooms, the lower his resists get, the more and the harder the shrooms will nuke. The patch included that there's a max of 150 shrooms in one area (so max 10 animist), which should be enough to kill it....

If respec stone's really get too rare we should imo try to organize some 10 animist + crew to kill it frequently, like we used too (if its still possible).

On the other raids issue, beside's the fact that some of us have our belly's full of ToA atm, our char's still need ml's and arti's... The trouble with ml/arti raid's is that it takes ours. If you start at 6pm for a ml raid its prolly done after 12pm. As for arti raids, you'll have to w8 for your arti to be on the next to do list and even then you feel bad if you left after that, cause others helped you too, so you might wanne stick around to help them.

Rolling for item's should be imo, if you won something already, you cant roll again.... Raid leader can pick one item he like's, but has to state it in advance.

I truely appriciate people that lead a raid. Afk's, ld's, people lot listning, not done pre requirement, cursing, etc, etc, is not something you do for fun. I remember some raid leaders set the bg so that groupleaders could speak only, which is something that should always be done.

Just my 2 cent's on a couple of point's and again i truely appriciate those who lead a raid.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:58 am
by Ankh Morpork
I think thats the problem mate, if im not all sure the 10 animist thingy doesnt work anymore :(


Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:22 pm
by Kesxex
As far as it is known as of now you must have at least 18 players/toons to attack or the dragon is insanely hard.

Still, Albs can still do it with a full group.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:26 pm
by Briannon
Kesxex wrote:As far as it is known as of now you must have at least 18 players/toons to attack or the dragon is insanely hard.

Still, Albs can still do it with a full group.

The alb dragon is probably easier than ours.


Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:32 pm
by Lieva
afaik the hiberian dragon was always the hardest of the 3 realms :)

i believe last time my group was suggesting bazooka or nuclear missiles to take him down - perhaps this is a plan for a later date..when they get invented in hibernia ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:41 pm
by Hrymf
Hib dragon is and allways have been the hardest of the 3, but even before animists we could take him, though they did have to nerf him in the end before we finnaly did it under leadership from Abbadon i think it was???

Anyway, as far as i heard, you normaly have around 50 peeps or so, right?
If so, then i simple suggest making 2x tank groups like we did in early days, let them deal with the aggro, then make sure animists dont touch the dragon till he is at 80% or perhaps even dont actually use the animists much for other than adds, i remember under leadership of Rami we nearly killed the dragon 3 times with just about 40 peeps, but it was allways the adds that got us, so if you got 10 animists spread out in small groups to take down adds while you got the tank groups on dragon, it should work... Ofcourse all this means the raid will last longer than your normaly expected 2min with animists, but at least that how we did in earlier days, and that was actually darn fun and it sure did need all peeps to be focused and play well.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 1:42 pm
by Rami
Hrymf wrote:Hib dragon is and allways have been the hardest of the 3, but even before animists we could take him, though they did have to nerf him in the end before we finnaly did it under leadership from Abbadon i think it was???

Anyway, as far as i heard, you normaly have around 50 peeps or so, right?
If so, then i simple suggest making 2x tank groups like we did in early days, let them deal with the aggro, then make sure animists dont touch the dragon till he is at 80% or perhaps even dont actually use the animists much for other than adds, i remember under leadership of Rami we nearly killed the dragon 3 times with just about 40 peeps, but it was allways the adds that got us, so if you got 10 animists spread out in small groups to take down adds while you got the tank groups on dragon, it should work... Ofcourse all this means the raid will last longer than your normaly expected 2min with animists, but at least that how we did in earlier days, and that was actually darn fun and it sure did need all peeps to be focused and play well.
Actually we were running with 32 ppl, but like you said adds got us, but we managed to get the dragon under 5% 3 times :sleeping:

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 5:19 pm
by VidX
ML10 convoker Animist with Verdant pet and ml10 convoker enchanter with Underhill Friend pet, get shroom numbers up to full, AE buff them, then all convokers hit the ml10 ability at the same time, it's still possible to do the dragon with this, as long as there's a decent amount of people, rest of the raid just looks after any adds.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 5:23 pm
by Lenah
Dragon raid itself isn't really a problem. Its all up to get new working tactic and there is plenty of them. As Malisha says its better to get small amount of people doing good tactic, than just believe the force of numbers will handle it.