Finishing Epic

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Finishing Epic

Post by Kesxex »

Looking for a few players who could help tonight to finish Croxx' and Nightingayle's epic quest.

We are both on the BoC step hunting down the cronicorn and from there want to proceed through CF grilling Flame and playing with the russian puppet Green Maw.

If anyone would like to do same steps, then meeting in Innis at 8 PM GMT.
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Post by Alexandrinus »

would have helped you with this quest, but i think im not online tonight,did this bevore ToA for a friend and it was a lot of fun :bandit:
We had a FG and had a hard fight with the cornicorn and the keepers of the cornicorn. :banana:
and dont pull one of the mobs in the village near the cornicorn spawn, you will get a million adds then ;)

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Post by Kesxex »

Yes, I intend to steal the Siabra Queen's silver at a later date :bandit:
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Post by Belisar »

I would love to come and help with any one of my toons but can't make Friday's.

If for any reason this does not go ahead tonight and you want to try again over the weekend I will prolly be on so give me a yell.
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Post by Lieva »

Kesxex wrote:Yes, I intend to steal the Siabra Queen's silver at a later date :bandit:
ooooh make than event please :D
ive never killed the siabran queen...least i dont think i have..
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Disappearance in the Bog of Cullen

Post by Kesxex »

Disappearance in the Bog of Cullen

"It's not been a good idea to set foot in the Bog of late. Obviously, nobody with an ounce of good sense would go lording it up down there anyway ! What with the mosquitoes and their bloodlust and Bog Creepers snoozing everywhere leaving their tails around for a-trampling, you've got to have a mighty good reason to go bog-trekking ! Don't get too many Lurikeens or Elves round here these days, either. Mean little beasties do like the look of their delicate skin."

"Things are different today, mind. Once upon a time, I'd go visiting every nook and cranny of Cullen with my chum Gerebernus who knew trails too way-out even for them cursed Siabras. If he hadn't been there, I'd never have been able to pick my way through that dingy quagmire. Oh, they come alright, them explorers, bright-eyed and bushy tailed ; I warn them, so I does, but do they listen ? Do they, heck ! And do they come back ? Not a lot."

"So why do I hang around this dismal fen, I hear you ask. I don't actually know the answer to this question. I suppose I've got used to it here, over the years, and I'm not much fond of the town with all its crowds or sitting in the sun for too long. Funnily enough, I get all kind of homesick."

"I've got my job here, skinning animals, tanning hides. Deamhan Hounds, Savage Fishing Bears, the lot. Buy one of my cloaks and you won't find better quality hides in the whole Realm, even in the Cursed Forest !"

"I am sorry, I'm blathering. If Gerebernus were here, he'd tell you better about the animals and all, but unfortunately he's not, see. He brought his furs back from Alainn Binn yesterday and I've never seen him so worried. He said he'd never seen the Siabras so busy nor so hostile. So he sets straight back off again to find out more. I can't work out why he's so fascinated with such a loathsome race."

"Anyway, he's still not back and I am getting worried for his safety. It's not like him at all. I hope nothing untoward has happened to him. I've never met a man who knows the bog like he does. If you want my advice, stay away from there right now. The Siabras don't like it at all when you tread on their patch."

Some advice from the scholars of Hibernia
The auguries tell of strange events that may occur in the days to come. They advise the novice adventurers to be careful or to go and visit Hy Brasil during that period.

[GOA notes Friday 11 Mar 2005]
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Post by Kesxex »

Definitely going to look now. Might be a short notice event tomorrow then.
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