Slight issue in leading raids ...

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Slight issue in leading raids ...

Post by Lenah »

.. yes, population.

Jinxed this from our legendary community toons message in another thread :

It's not the rvr that bothers me, as clearly pointed out some of us hibbies are doing a pretty damn good join despite the fact that we are underpopulated. It's the ML's/Artifact raids that bothers me since we can hardly get enough people to do some of them anymore..


And I just couldn't write it better myself. I'm personally been leading PVE side raids daily for last couple of months, and just cannot avoid noticing how there is less and less people not only /who all, but also /bg status ...

Almost everyone that follows things, are aware that 2x Dragonraids from last 2 sundays, have failed poorly. ML6 and 2x DV raids were canceled becouse of lack of numbers ... ML Rush 1-10 dind't get enough intrest neither... 4fins is no longer running...

It is dayclear fact that we at pry/hib are in a sinking ship. Not only other games, but also these problems in PVE in 1st place, drag people to other games / servers. And this also makes very high gap to new players to join this server.

Dunno what to do. Last 2 "do you need artifacts"-raids had 3 and 4 people on .. but from the facts and amount of pm its clear that there is alot of people that still try to get themselves to top gear. But I cannot no longer promise people that we can even do Zo'arkat, AT, or even dream about Erinys Charm ... there just isn't enough people.

Discuss please ...
Lenah 50 Bard ML8 sojourner
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
Harapon 50 Bard BB PVE only
Bloodcure 50 Druid ML1 perf
Krnzacgh 50 Ani ML1 conv
Crystaleye 50 BM
Grilfriend 50 Druid BB
Sithknight 50 Hero

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Post by Aerendur »


Im new to this server, I dont know many people. But when asked pretty much everyone has always helped me so far (/hugs to all).

But I have been on two failed Dragon Raids. And I have yet to find a good artifact raid. (I can only now join them since I wasnt 50 before today)

So yes Im willing to go on any raids. I can bring Puz + Deynah. And when I dont need encounter I can bring Surea instead of Puz. (surea a now 46 chantress)

I have no solution to the problems yet, I dont know all sides well enough. I do know I will try to help anyone when I can. And I hope I can get the same in return. Wether that is enough only time can tell.

Perhaps instead of clustering they could merge two small servers. But thats all guessing, and maybe something not possible or something GOA doesnt want for whatever reasons. :) (Name problems are but one thing that pops to mind when thinking about that)

See you all out there,



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Post by Lieva »

gobsmacking as it may seem

people honestly miss raids.


A few peoeple on ml4 this week said 'they didnt know it was master level 4 this week. they only knew by off chance' and thats after kesxex running one raid a week for 4 weeks..

I dunno how to get the information out though. Perhaps one message of /as spammage regarding events that day could be allowed?

I personally have a goldfish like memory so unless ive signed up for it i will prolly not remember it going on unless someone asked about it somewhere :(
Lievaordiea x Eldritch
Peonchants x Enchanter

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

I hope people dont abandon the game cos of the low population, Ill do my best to help anyone to feel welcome and wanna stay. I've spent way to many hours in the game to just sit back and watch it die. Fingers Crossed that it will get better!


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Post by Poliava »

Will still try to be on every arti raid to help people out, if im not working(tuesdays n thursdays).
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Post by Sharkith »

OK well I am worried about the amount of pressure being put on the major leaders and I think it is time we all started to try and pull together a bit more. The population has fallen yes but what made this one of the best places to play was the fact that it was a tight knit community and people pulled together.

Some of that spirit has been lost with the many great people who have left. That said we do have some cool people around and it is a case of trying to bring them on. I mean recently we had Asterixxx offering to run ML's for noobs etc so people are willing to try it is just some of you are so good you make everyone else feel so inferior that we worry about running our own raids.

IMHO the ML rush would not have failed it is just the leader felt too much under pressure for having taken it on... There was plenty of interst and I know plenty of people in our guild needing ML levels. If we cannot run a ML 9.10 raid then you need to get more people up to ML 9.10. Try to focus on where the need is and think carefully about the point that not many are yet schooled in the culture of these boards.

As for the dragon raids - the one I could make was superb and I am glad you went back - the secret is variety always doing something new. Try to mix things up - Lenah has done a great job doing that.

The ship is not sinking it is just getting bigger as the number trying to sail it have got smaller - what we need to do is to try and find out what each other want. There are a lot of people out there who just do not know about these boards as yet and we need to get them here or try to inform people through the guild system.

Sorry I know I might not have added much here but just because things are not as big as they used to does not mean they are dying. Heads up. All this down nosed stuff gets in the way of a good game.


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Post by Tammuz »

Sometimes numbers arent everything

If it makes you feel any better i remeber the original dragon raids, they used to pull in 100+ players and on more then a few times the dragon won them hands down :silly: .

Appart from a few ML steps the majority can be done with 2-3 groups if ppl pay attention, arent afk, dont do completely stupid things or you dont have server issues like uber lag (not cos your running 2+ accounts at which points its your own fault but real server issues)

Im not saying underpopulation isnt going to hurt MLs especially the stupid ass ones where you really do need an over the top number of ppl, im just saying that as many problems are caused by the people themselves as by anything else.

If ppl really wanted it, wanted to help out those who needed it there are still enough players on the server to do it all. <shrug>

Edit : Also the number of ppl turning up for arti raids had dropped along time ago, its unfortunate for some ppl but alot simply got all the artis they wanted and so didnt help with them (im not condeming that, its just the way it is)

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Post by Lenah »

Truth is that the numbers are pretty much everything, when it gets this tight.

Tammuz there is right, most ML's can be done with 2-3fg, specially if they are good. Well 1st I'd like to ask, where do you find 2-3fg that good geared people, when getting 1fg for an arti raid is starting to be a problem? See my point =)

Yes dragon has beated zergs of over 100 people. This was before TOA came, and toons were alot weaker back then. Aslo not that many animists were about, in last 40 people raid there was 9 animists so total of 150+ attackers.

Sharkith says it well "The ship is not sinking it is just getting bigger as the number trying to sail it have got smaller". This is serious issue, becouse this game engine has not been counted to adjust its dificulty by the numbers of people taking part of it.

The spirit of current hib population, is by far as far as I know, very high. Compared to exc-greed-policy, and the RVR situation of prydwen tells our server reality pretty clear it self. Reason why the server spirit is so high, is clearly that those with low spirit, have already gone to wow-legoland, and only pure hibernians are left.

Issue here is, that the number of online people at prime time at any given day, is a fraction of what it used to be, and the amount of cooperation needed, to gather force to any random raid has increased drasticly. One very good point was given there, there is still a great deal of people that have no idea about the existance of these boards, or just dont have the time or effort to follow them. That is clearly a point we can work on.

Also I was PM'ed ingame about this matter, one thing that makes some raids hard to get people in, is that there might be more than one raid going on same time. This is another thing we can work on. Every raid should be on the calendar page, with clear time and duration info. Also I know not many are used to follow that calendar, majority just scrolls trough the threads. Many of the thread topics are unclear aswell.

There has been atleast 3 threads, and countles of replys, that raids starting 1800gmt are too early for some people. In the other hand, raids that last over midnight are hard for others. This is another point atelast I am going to take under consideration. Its easy to organise raids that take 4+ hours during weekend, and raids that can be done in 2-3 hours during week, so they can start bit later and last little less, and therefore have more people that can take part to them. Also this gives more flexibility for people that dont want to spend all their night in one raid.

I would like to hear opinnions from other known raid leaders.
Lenah 50 Bard ML8 sojourner
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
Harapon 50 Bard BB PVE only
Bloodcure 50 Druid ML1 perf
Krnzacgh 50 Ani ML1 conv
Crystaleye 50 BM
Grilfriend 50 Druid BB
Sithknight 50 Hero

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Post by Monk »

if theres a consensous for arti raids id be more then happy to run them :)
(1 of the few things bout TOA i like) - its not mind numbingly boring and it helps ppl out and i dont have strict rules bout chit chat on BG, thougfh its been a fair while since i ran my last 1 (b4 NF)

will make a post in the mornign when im not dead tired but the jist of it is:

2fg minimum sign up (with 1 fop and 2-3 anis) and every grp has spd
now i dont mean its 2fg and thats it, i just want to have 2 fgs properly setup to deal with the encounters

lootsplit random 100/1000 depending on numbers

and will do 1-2 zones(aerus, volcanus etc) of artis per day (so it'll be 2-4 days)

anyway more tommorow :)
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Post by Quinlan »

Wait till 2 weeks after Catacombs release..there will be a shitload of people who need ml's on their alt.

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