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ML 5 group steps signup

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 7:52 am
by Kesxex
The majority of ML5 are group steps - to be exact 80% of it. As such I will make a few runs over the next 2 weeks with 2 groups each on signup.
You have to be ML1 to join the group steps.

Here's the rundown of the group steps and I expect everyone to have read them before the groups starts - anyone not being able to do what is required will mean that I stop running the attempt.

I prefer the west side of the dungeon - a) it has shorter ways and b) it is not bugged (unless the people in the west side really mess it up).

5.5 Gorgons of Aerus
This is just a deep purple croc in one of the alcoves. Set up SOR and get going. There is one left and one right of the entrance so both groups can do it at once.

From now on one group will go for credit, the other supports by killing the adds or up to a certain level in hps on the mob that is hunted.

5.1 Qebehsenuef
Simple mob - easily tanked, kited, nuked. With high fire resists he's easy even when using his AOE heat DD very often and while in combat.
Non credit group stops at 15% hps.

5.3 Echo of Hapy
Tricky mob but easily outtricked. Hapy will split no matter what but one trick is to use rangers to do as much damage as possible before.
The other is once Hapy splits all run clockwise around in the room and meleers try hit the copies. Once hit with damage the copy lives for another 3 secs and dies.
This will reduce the hp regen that Hapy will have.

5.6 Mask / 5.7 Resin / 5.8 Wrap
Respawn time: 20 to 30 mins
The three items that you will need to keep hold of till the BG raid.
2 purple entrance guards that can kill group members fast so this is a NO AFK time.
Once downed both groups move down to last third of stairs. Set up SOR, then pull the guarding mobs from there.
Further down into the chamber, set up another SOR/FOP (if available) and non-credit group starts pulling mobs from sides.
Credit group will go on the mob straight ahead from entrance and gank the credit mob - which they have to do as last group on a mob.

5.4 Imsety
Simple pure melee mob - non credit group helps till 30% then pulls off and guards against incoming lions. These are DANGEROUS with their 500 heat DD -so need killing fast.

5.2 Duamutef
One of the most hated mobs of all times !!! And I kid you not.
This mob has a tendency to break up - literally. The problem with this is that he spawns around 3 dozen yellow/orange scarabs that nibble on everything they can hold off.
There is a key to this encounter: Don't melee, don't nuke. Animists can make this step easier with bombers. Keep a pet up in case of a break and the pbaoer ready too.
Other than that only rangers hurt him. I have done him with 4 rangers within 5 minutes without a single breakup.
ML5 is the shining point for any ranger.
On a second run the credit group will get as many possible rangers as can be. Non credit group will help with hitting him to 5%, then pull off. This is critical timing and it can add an hour to running the group steps if you don't follow the instructions.

So if you need them, the first chance comes on Thursday, 10th March.
Update due to morning amnesia
Starting time will be 7 pm GMT, 8pm CET
Starting point will be Stygia
Steps normally last 2 to 4 hours to run.
Update end

2 groups, setup as follows:

Ranger Tox
Tank Caestar
Melee Bourkester (Ranger)
Druid Ilverin
Warden/BB ==empty==
Bard Ezeekiel
Caster Kilreen (Mentalist)
Misc Piki (Animist)

Ranger Ironbow
Tank Blutark
Melee Lieva (Ranger)
Warden/BB Gweodd
Druid Gried
Bard Szunzu
Caster Anghar
Misc Fhrank (Chanter)

Please state name, class, level, ML. Druid spot will require 30+ regrowth, the BB slot goes to min Nurture 40.

Groups set for now, on reserve (and for later date) are:
Arcoiris Ranger
Axolotl Druid
Kalyca Mentalist
Vampirela Animist
Thand Warden (ML1 prereq missing this week)
Bourkester Ranger
Fletch Ranger (playing Fhrank on first run)
Sharkith NS (Ml1 missing)
Wyst Warden
Hemp Animist

Please be aware that I might call upon you to replace a missing person on short notice. Would be good if you drop me a pm so I know you are online.

Next day will probably be Monday - depends a bit on my current workload and whether any ML raids happen.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:12 am
by Tox
Sign me up please

Tox the ranger lvl 50 ML 4 RR 4.1

Bard signing up..

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:39 am
by Malaeus
Ezeekiel, Bard, LvL 50, ML 3 (4, but need ML xp). Classic bard spec: 43/47/16.
Got CTR lvl 10, so I can play bard for both grps if needed.


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:06 am
by Vautrin
Druid signing up!
EDIT: 31reg/39nurt/20nat, ML4

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:07 am
by Sharkith
Sign me up - lvl 50 Nightshade. ML0 (trying to get ml1-3 sorted soon over the next few weeks)

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:11 am
by Trez
Sign me up.

Ironbow Ranger lvl 50 and only ML1 :(

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:17 am
by Malaeus
Kesxex wrote: Please state name, class, level, ML. Druid spot will require 30+ regrowth.
FYI! ;O)


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 10:02 am
by Celedth
Signing up my Druid

level 44 (atm)
ML1 (ML4 done)
Regrowth 35/Nurture 29

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:57 pm
by Anghared
Hello. Anghar signing up Season 50 Light Flavoured Eldritch and ML4.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:00 pm
by Merino
Would like to sign up a team of two:

Arcoiris lvl 48 ranger, ML 3 sojourner
Axolotl lvl 48 druid (35 regrowth), ML4 convoker
both actively played.
