Hibernia has a king?

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Hibernia has a king?

Post by Satyn »

found this when i was browsing the web. I had no idea about this guy :(

Lugh (Lug Lamfhota [Eriu], Lleu Llaw Gyffes [Cymru], Lugos [Gaulish], Lugus [British & sometimes Roman])
Lugh is the Irish great god of light whose festival is Lughnasadh, a celebration of the death of his foster mother, Tailtiu. He has many epithets including:

* Samildanach, "many skilled," as he was thought to be a patron of the arts;
* Lamfhota, "long-armed," referring to his ability to hurl a weapon a long distance;
* Ildanach, possibly referring to him as a fili or seer.

He is the son of the Danann Cian and Ethniu (or Ethlinn), daughter of Balor, leader of the Fomorians. The Fomorii were often described as having only a single hand, foot, or eye. He replaced Nuadha Airgetlamh as king and battle leader leads the Danaans into victory in the Second Battle of Turieadh. Sometimes called the " Shining One," Lugh also has attributes of a carpenter, mason, poet, Druid, physician and goldsmith. The father of CuChulainn, Lugh also has possibly gave his name to many cities, including London.

In Welsh mythology, Lleu Llaw Gyffes, "of the Skillful Hand," is the son of Arianrhod. He could be killed neither by day nor night, indoors nor outdoors, riding nor walking, clothed nor naked, nor by any weapon lawfully made. His mother laid a series of curses on him, including the promise that he was to have no name unless she gave him one, no weapons unless she provided them and no wife of the human race. With the help of his uncle Gwydion, who raised him, Lleu overcame all these taboos, though the wife, Blodeuedd, created by Gwydion and the magician Math nearly murdered him. She fell in love with another man and plotted his death. When the lovers struck him, Lleu rose into the air in the shape of an eagle. After a long search, Gwydion found him and restored Lleu to human form.

Lug Lamfhota, King of Hibernia

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Post by Lieva »

hes been beyond the veil for like ages tho
Bridgit has been in charge whilst he's been away and we've been in charge of his spear.
Looks like DR will bring him back tho :D
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Post by Adianna »

He should take that spear back to TNN so that Albs and Mids can't grab it.
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Post by Gandelf »

If you talk to the bard or whatever in the throne room, you hear the story about Lug.

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Post by Wyst »

Sounds like our King is a battlemaster Warden to me, chucks weapons, heals, woodworking and wall fixing, poetry (hmm have to work on that bit).....
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Post by Sharkith »

It all depends on your position on Celtic Mythology tbh.

Read the different cycles and you will see what I mean.
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Post by Cromcruaich »

Good cut from the essence of the mythology that DAOC stands (stood) for.

Now we have to face a continuing bastardisation of the already watered down european mythology (god how the yanks lap it up) that we are now served with. Top of the dillution is this catacombs remodeling of characters which is frankly ridiculous and an obvious pass at trying to sneak in a few Wow fanbies.

I would like a lock down to old worl alb/mid/hib rp - the pantheon is deep enough - shame the buyers arnt.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Cromcruaich »

In many ways i /salute artisans who have had to put up with the diversion from a generic western european mythology and have to but up with the abysmal compromises we are given in game - again, i blame the yanks
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...the A(nimist)-Team

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Post by Puppet »

Wyst wrote:Sounds like our King is a battlemaster Warden to me, chucks weapons, heals, woodworking and wall fixing, poetry (hmm have to work on that bit).....
If you examine the picture carefully you will notice our king is an Elf and wearing scale-armour (topped with a Winged Helmet).

There is 1 problem,Lug Lamfhota has a spear, which would indicate he's a hero and not a champion (only Elf scale-wearing class).

One could explain that the spear of Lamfhota is a relic and not actually wielded by our King. That means he's a Champion who found a weapon he wasnt able to use, so he imbued it with Elvish Magic and gave it to the people as a relic.

Hail the King - a Champion for us all!
[Tuatha Dé Danann]
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Post by Sturgis Podmore »

Too much thinking going on here perhaps ;)

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