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things people used to crave... before SI/TOA and even crafting

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:42 am
by Takitothemacs
was just thinking about some of the things that people used to crave in daoc in the old days of classic areas only.

Warshadow bracer.... oh the wipeouts that I saw when people would go farming them in Sheeroe Hills.

Shadow Crystal Slicer... (yes the black sword with the blue glow ;)) relatively rare drop from the lode protectors in corus... quite a few arguements about that one back in the old days.

Shadow Crystal Rapier... I believe it was one of the very few black piercers ingame. Dropped off Weeweres in corus.

Epic armours... yes people used to want to get them asap and there was even a time when the stats were good! ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:56 am
by OohhoO
What's the name of that ranger Bracer which is an extremely rare drop off Pooks near DL? I paid 5p for one of those, & later sold it again slightly soiled for 7p. Those prices were a fortune in those days :p
The stats on it are laughable nowadays.
Archers Bracer
Drops from Amadan Touched not Pookahs :p
Celtic Dual +2
Recurve Bow +2
Dexterity +7

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:13 am
by Teador
lol yea i remember those days, sold stuff with what would be considered laughable stats now for some big amounts of money... even by todays standards

there was one that dropped off some fairy things, white/blue or smth crystal bracer, saw alot of ppl forming grps to try to get one of em. Today if someone gets one somehow its usually sold straight away to a merchant :o

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:33 am
by Takitothemacs
ah the melancholy fairies in near the BOC.... people also used to farm them for the wings which could be handed in to an NPC in one of the villages/merchant areas in BOC... they also dropped the Melanchololy Cloak... was UBER in its day ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:33 am
by Jupi
Phooka Lords Mantle and the cloak drop from that guy in the frontier dungeon Marfach? cant remeber the name conservators cloak?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:44 am
by Tare
Who doesn't remember the Warshadow Staff of the Void? :D
Sweet memories of me being one of the three people in the whole realm having that one :(

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:38 am
by Cromcruaich
And the legendary Dob's Bloody Fang - still not seen one to this day.

On the faeries, its blue, white, black and red bracers. The blue and white are worthless, but people still buy the other ones, probably for thidlings - how times have changed.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:42 am
by Takitothemacs
Cromcruaich wrote:And the legendary Dob's Bloody Fang - still not seen one to this day.

On the faeries, its blue, white, black and red bracers. The blue and white are worthless, but people still buy the other ones, probably for thidlings - how times have changed.
spent a while trying for that... but got a bit sick and tired of getting ganked by the aggro in the area where he is supposed to be... and with him being such a rare spawn.... pfft... well and truy given up on him now... but I might go hunt him and stick my GS up his backside for being such a pain! :D

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:05 am
by HappyG
Here's my first Ranger template. All SCed pieces were MP (expensive as hell), and overcharged for 80% (35 imbue points), because no one told me things don't actualy blow up if you use 99% gems :P Oh ye, and I specced 30 piercing, just to be able to use Dob's fang - never got it tho, gave up after a few hours :)

Code: Select all

Str:  73
Con:  74
Dex:  74
Qui:  50
Hits:  192

Body:  22
Energy:  25
Crush:  26
Cold:  28
Matter:  23
Thrust:  28
Heat:  24
Spirit:  23
Slash:  26

8 Celtic Dual
8 Piercing
3 Recurve Bow
7 Stealth
And stuff I used:

Code: Select all

Vest of Hateful Deceit (Legion RF Vest)
Blue Crystal Fairy Crown (melancholy faires drop - the only invisible helm)
Rhoiwyn's Necklace
Pooka Lord's Mantle (one time drop!)
Ranger's Jewel
Stout Leather Belt
Warshadow Bracer

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:20 am
by pikeh
glimmerspirit sword! back when pikeh was blades.