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Has Goa Finished?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:50 am
by Xcerus
Do GoA claim to have finished sorting out right now reports or are they still working on them, sent a right now on the first monday and i am number 957 but still not resolved. Any one know what number they are up to?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:47 am
by Quinlan
Read the latest update here:

Feel free to discuss here so we keep it combined

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:45 am
by vampirela
how can the possibly over half way through, if people from day 1 or morning day 2 are still naked, yet they say they done most of the first 3 days worth?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:04 am
by Bidi
vampirela wrote:how can the possibly over half way through, if people from day 1 or morning day 2 are still naked, yet they say they done most of the first 3 days worth?
I'm guessing that there was over a 1000 tickets on the first day, mine was in the 970's and when I finished compiling my list I chucked it on RN around 10-10:30, I know there was more that night so we could be looking at 2000 ish tickets over Mon/Tue.

At a guess I would say we're looking at them having done approx 2/3's to a half of the tickets.

I only have 2 chars on that account that got affected, a guildy that filed his later than mine had 5-6 chars all stripped with a house vault of stuff gone some chars simply take longer to do I guess..

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:10 am
by Satyn
vampirela wrote:how can the possibly over half way through, if people from day 1 or morning day 2 are still naked, yet they say they done most of the first 3 days worth?
like requiel said before:

Originally Posted by requiel

The number of reports coming in has now slowed to a trickle and we are working flat out on clearing the backlog. It takes a long time to do each one as there's a lot of searching and cross-checking to do for each item on every character. We are working through the reports more or less in order and I must ask you if you've had no reply since the standard acknowledgement to be patient. We will get to your report, we haven't closed or ignored any.

We have a team of GMs from all the different server teams working on the problem and one English GM (Zenythe) who is sending out the acknowledgement replies as well as dealing with all the regular English RightNows. When she's sent the reply she is forwarding the report to a central list where the various GMs are picking them up. The reason you may have heard of some people being sorted out of turn is because if there's no reason to log the affected character in (we can give money without logging the character in for example), she will deal with it then and there without sending it to the central list. Only the reports that need items returning are going to the main list. Once there, they are being done in order, we aren't leaving the hard ones till last or doing our friends first.

To be honest the job is a lot bigger than we'd been given to believe, however there really isn't an alternative to doing what we are doing however long it takes. We appreciate your patience during this time and rest assured that you aren't being made to wait a second longer than is necessary.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:22 pm
by Xcerus
why was i given negatives for that post :(

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:25 pm
by Mojo
Xcerus wrote:why was i given negatives for that post :(
It means nothing IRL so stop caring :D