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Master level 8 BG steps 14CET 24th Sept

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:21 pm
by Rjen
Hi there folks...
As some of my fellow guildies lost the ml8 bg steps they forced me to make a raid, as i know some people say; omg not again this is gonna be shitty etc, i can promice u it will go smooth, no failures i hope and fast... Beside people will gain mlxp that already did the ml8 last time.


Start: Will be in Aerus at 02.00 Pm - 14.00 CET. Tomorrow 24 of september
End: Probably around 2 hours 2½ hours after we start.

BG: Will be on Rjen and will be open atleast 30 minutes before the raid.

Rules: So as other raids i have few rules to make it go as smooth as possible, and plz try to follow them, if people have ideas how to do a step easier then i know of already there will be a CG going aswell where grp leaders can spam and have cyber in aswell. The following rules i require u to follow:

AFK's: some people might think this is boring but if everyone go AFK there wont be any results so if u go AFk say to grp leader, and try to limit it to two minutes...
As i wrote above try to do as i say.
LD's will be handled as good as possible, If one ld, during a step i will grant credit afterwards ofc. if one ld during the raid running to a step, we will clear adds and the grp "can" if they want wait for him, then come to raid (Note: that if he dies, his grp will rez him), we will not start step if 1 fg or more is missing but if its only one, we will, i can as i wrote always grant credit.
Unsticks: Do it emediatly so i dont have to be moaned and bitchy about it, i will with no doubt kick the person from the bg if he keeps sticking me after i said it. depends what mood im in :)

Loot: Mainly MP items will be lottoed, my personal slave boy (Bjaadi), will deside if any rog drops is worth saveing on.
It will beside this be /random 1000 if anyone has any doubt.

Try to stick to the rules, because i dont want to be a moaning, whiny bitch, and remember do as i tell you to

Sorry for the typos.
And again sorry that people dident have time to see this post before now...

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:29 pm
by Asterixxx
you havent said what day. and if this is tomoro daytime?
i cant make tomoro daytime as will be working but is there anyone here that i no and can trust that would run my warden through these for me as i have to get him ml8 for a set rvr grp? pweety pwz
:asterixxx :asterixxx

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:50 pm
by Mattsing
Will be there m8 !!
And thank you!


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:42 pm
by guano
/hug im coming!D:::

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:57 pm
by Pharoahe
I'll be there too, 100%

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:59 am
by Teador
so thats 2pm uk tim tomorow? if so i'l be there

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 5:37 am
by OohhoO
Teador wrote:so thats 2pm uk tim tomorow? if so i'l be there
13:00 BST
14:00 CET
er wait
<looks confused>
yeah think that's right hehe

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:46 am
by Lieva
CET one hour after UK
so UK = 1pm if CET = 2pm

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 3:01 pm
by Rjen
Sorry for the roll mixup had minor communication bug whining :)

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 3:04 pm
by Lieva
Ml8 done with 27peeps :D

that rox tbh

ow many anmist did we have btw?