What is the deal with people these days?

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What is the deal with people these days?

Post by Adalyn »

Heya, anyone care to explain why people got so grumpy the past few weeks and really tried to piss me of?

Started of in my WTS Thread which am sure most of you read about ML7 cloak price (which is now sold at buyout but nvm).

When ever i hint a bit of advice or try give advice to someone to help them in there travels through DAoC they pretty much tell me to piss off, lock thread, bring up prices of some item, i dunno whatever really.

I just don't see why everyone hates me so much, i only try to help people.

Would be great if someone could explain this as it starting to get on my tits (yes i got man boobs, no you cannot see them ;))


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Post by stupeh »

Well, this was an unpredictable response! "Oh no ppl hate me and are out to get me"

Has it occured to you that your idea of advice is considered offensive by others? For example the thread discussion about moc3, your first comment involved telling someone they were wrong, and their template was shit. Did you really expect positive replies to that?

Btw, taking things personally from a forum is very smart!

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Just ignore people who flame or use harsh words to try to prove their point imo..
im trying to do that myself but I loose my temper way to easy :P

Edit: Tbh there are alot of agression in forums. Many people seem to think its ok if they tell somebody to F.O just cos they don't think or act the same. Abit depressing and even if its just a forum and like you said you shouldnt take things personally its sometimes quite hard to avoid doing so.

stupeh wrote:Btw, taking things personally from a forum is very smart!
Not always so easy to avoid doing so..especially since I concider many of the people here to be friends..


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Post by Adalyn »

stupeh wrote:Well, this was an unpredictable response! "Oh no ppl hate me and are out to get me"

Has it occured to you that your idea of advice is considered offensive by others? For example the thread discussion about moc3, you first comment involved telling someone they were wrong, and their template was shit. Did you really expect positive replies to that?

Btw, taking things personally from a forum is very smart!
Its not just forums, its in-game aswell :P

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Post by stupeh »

Seriously, take a step back, read through what you've just written then laugh at yourself for awhile. You really do sound like a spoilt 5year old with these comments. 'No-one likes me on the forums, or ingame! Even when i try to be helpful'.

Get a grip. :E

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Post by Sehanine »

Well , all due respect Adalyn... if you "talk" to ppl ingame as you "advice" ppl here on forums etc... then i think i understand why ppl might be rather... agressive .. to you.

In my oppinion, advice is useless if not explained properly.

And tbh, in that other thread, i didnt for a second thought of your post as .. positive.. only negative. Might just be me though....
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Post by Lieva »


this week i can understand why peeps gonna be grumpy - denied their server etc :p

however everytime you make a post on a forum you let yourself open to replys. negative and positive.

i can only comment on the ml7 cloak as i havent seen the others but in that particular one you seemed to not care what people thought regarding prices on prydwen and said that people would buy in cluster.
Perhaps people would buy it when cluster came into it however clustering has got alot of peoples backs up especially regarding prices and so forth so to say that would be like adding petrol to a smoldering fire so to speak.

But like others have said - tis easier to flame people on a forum. Xest (for example) had a terrible reputation for flaming peeps on forum (still does every so often) but hes a sweet widdle fluffy bunny wabbit in server ;) I spect everyone hwho flamed you is as well :)

ahh just saw your moc3 comment
Look at your template its not even near 100p in total, and is pretty crap - low resists, dex/int not capped
you seriously need to ask why you got flamed??
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Post by OohhoO »

/ignore is your friend

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Post by Elrandhir »

heh, well when posting something Im always prepared to get both good and bad comments, depending on the thread you could ofcourse only end up with bad ones ;D

And ofcourse it's always easier for most people to give bad comment, and that most people seems to Zerg a thread whenever they have the chance to give "Im a Smart as* comment" ;P

Still guess it somewhat ok as long as there aint no personal attacks, things like that just show that they are to young to play a game like this atall imo.

And if I where a Mod, I would ban all people doing so ;D still if unlucky the forum could get rather empty after awhile, so I guess it's better having the Mods we do instead of me ;P
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Post by pikeh »

Look at your template its not even near 100p in total, and is pretty crap - low resists, dex/int not capped
Are you surprised really? you didnt make any constructive comments and you slagged off his template without giving any hnts on how to make it better, and when the comment was made about the stupidly overpriced cloak you made the argument continue.
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