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Classic Servers?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:28 pm
by Gandelf
Probably old news, so forgive me if this has been discussed....

Anyone know if there are any European Classic DAoC servers currently active? I ask because I came across this:-

I kind of preferred the old days of Classic DAoC when there was no spellcrafting and no ToA items and when all your gear was from drops and quests. Those days were much harder work, but more fun because you stood a better chance of survival in RvR... your survival depended more upon how skilful you were at playing your character, rather than the fact you had ToAd gear. Then there were the old frontiers (which I sorely miss) and all the fun of camping milegates and running over mountains in the Frontiers. Getting to level 20 or 30 the hard way!

The atmosphere of the game felt more like the Dark Ages and not like Ancient Greece/Egypt and the rush to get all your characters to ML10 was not heard of.

They were also the days before all the new classes were introduced from SI onwards, which in my opinion ruined the balance of the game. Those cursed Bonedancers were nowhere to be seen and phrases lives "Reaver Bomb" had not yet passed one's lips!

So, anyone got any more info please?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:32 pm
by Ankh Morpork
No EU ones so far but there are US one(s).


Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:34 pm
by pikeh
they are not really classic servers, just normal servers without ToA zones, still access to catacombs and buffs are on 5000 range and limited only grouped characters. still has NF.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:52 pm
by Alexandrinus
i like SI
and ToA brought things wich make you more competetive against high RR peeps without ToA (artis,armor....)

and tbh a decent rr is one of the must have to have real fun in RVR,for my BM things getting alot easier when i reached RR4 (charge,IP,purge or whatevere you get)
i really cant understand this 'oh was the old times good' attitude

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:58 pm
by OohhoO
Aye the days of hunting Clik the Water Beetle for his ubah L10 Shield ...
Forests of gravestones along the coast from Mag Mell ...
Heart pumping adrenalin when the upper doors of AMG swung open behind you ...
<sighs nostalgically>

Unfortunately as stated above the Classic servers are just normal servers minus the ToA zones & with restricted buffs.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:58 pm
by Lothandar
Old days weren't any better with no immunity timers (yes, it happened :D) bms getting killed by any melee class, mid hammer dominating everything since mostly all armor types were vulnerable to crush, no sc (it wasn't a good thing), then hib insta mez dominating everything, then mid insta ae stun dominating everything, skalds soloing mostly every melee class, thanes 3 shooting stuff (although thanes disagree about it being a bad thing), warriors not wanted in groups (thank gawd I made my warrior later when determ became fotm).

Just a few of the many malicious things the "old days" included.

DON'T get me wrong, I loved the old days, BUT not because they were oh so better, just because I was a newcomer to the mmorpg scene, daoc was young, player base was big enough and I had no freaking clue what "end game" means. I actually liked lvling and killing mobs.

Now if I would have to level a tank alone again I would just quit. It's boring. I enjoyed it 3 years ago, but I wouldn't know. Soloing curmudgeons on lvl 27 and achieving 1 lvl in 2 days = oh-my-am-I-slow-or-what.

Also if I will play on an european "classic" (not really classic with cata :p) server it won't be because of the game mechanism. I have no problem with toa'd fg fights. It's not tartaros gift killing my groups anyway, it's moc 3 lifetap, if anything caster related. Overpowered realm abilities have nothing to do with toa.

It will be because it will attract 3k people and there will be tons of shit to farm :D .

Waaaay too much time spent with toaing my different chars for it to actually bother me, I can just do it again and again should I ever want to play another char (though I rather play a few chars to rr8 than 251515 to rr3-rr4 so toa is not at all an issue for me)

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:05 pm
by Poh
the days when Arms could get a group ahhh it was wonderful ;) would make an Arms ASAP if there were any classic EU servers.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:13 pm
by pikeh
agree with lothander. People when they hear the slightest hint of "old days" suddenly go into a state of teary-eyed depression about the state of the game as it is at the moment. Without ToA daoc would be so dated compared to other Mmog's, the bonuses, the graphics, and the longer game life - without which everyone would have got bored ages ago. (maybe catacombs is a bit much for me, the content does not float my boat).

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:47 pm
by OohhoO
I used to be a ToA-hater, but I've come to the opinion that the ToA zones offer the best PvE in the entire game.

What I still havn't managed to come to terms with is post-ToA RvR. I used to live for RvR with my gimp Celt Warden & do very well at it, but ToA's effect on RvR dampened my enthusiasm, and then NF killed off what was left almost completely.

I just can't seem to stoke up the fire for NF RvR. Part of it is probably due to the fact that I never had any problems getting into good RvR groups in OF, in fact I almost never left DL without one, whereas getting into a semi-regular NF RvR group is something which has always seemed to evade me :(

Pre-ToA I played 95% RvR / 5% PvE
Post-ToA / Pre-NF that changed to 50% RvR / 50% PvE
Post-NF I play 1% RvR / 99% PvE.

Pre-NF zerg-MG-camping was a problem, but at least RvR was relatively organised, at least where I played. Now it just seems to have degenerated into an ML/RA-dumping tower-humping free-for-all.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:06 pm
by Lieva
the thought of no fop keeps me awake at night :(