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New to Hib Groups

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:00 am
by Sharkith

I just thought I would post here to let you know how the 'New to Hib and Pryd' nights have gone. So far I have spent about 3 nights doing this since my last post. Over the last week several of these raids have found that there might only be one or two people new to the server or new to the game.

Others are doing the same thing and they have also found out that on some night there is absolutely no-one out there. So it appears that there are very few new people coming into this server. My last raid was on Thursday and I only found three new to the server. We had a nice night out but to me it looks like there has been a bit of a drop off. Of course with WoW taking even veterans off for a bit it is a concern that we would lose so many and find very few coming in.


Sorry for the spam but just some thoughts for peeps to mull over.


p.s. Apologies to those of you who have had to suffer my spam - I hope it isn't too big a pain.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:50 am
by Gwom
What about new players i dont know but to me it seems the server is comming bit back to live as what concerns RvR. Yesterday was plenty of action in alb and mid land and they even brought it to hib too soo that makes me happy as my mind as twisting with maybe moving to more populated server if it got worse.

Ow and to people in my /as Soz for my all night long MT session :knockout:

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:55 am
by pikeh
i dont think the population is really that bad - i expected a greater loss when WoW came out. Hopefully catacombs will bring back even more players and most probably some new people altogether. We are contending well in rvr, we have held DF for ~2 weeks.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:46 am
by Sharkith
Lots of people will come back that much I know, I just wanted to remark that there are actually very few new people just at the moment. Hopefully when catacombs comes, like you said, we will have many more.

I am still really enjoying the game now lag aside and have no intention of starting another game.


Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:45 am
by pikeh
there were always very few new people anyway - even before NF.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 4:39 pm
by Lieva
<sigh> i also hoped people will return with catacombs however i got told by friends they will not.
Dont hold your hopes up at this bringing people back however it is a good thing for us who are still left - and may bring fresh blood into the game.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:09 am
by Briannon
Sharkith wrote:Lots of people will come back that much I know, I just wanted to remark that there are actually very few new people just at the moment. Hopefully when catacombs comes, like you said, we will have many more.

I am still really enjoying the game now lag aside and have no intention of starting another game.


Marketing could be an issue here Sharki. When was the last time you saw DAoC advertised on TV? When was the last time we saw WoW advertised on TV? On the latter it was last week on Sky One in a commercial break between Stargate SG1 parts.

Blizzard have launched a massive marketing campaign (check out that is probably going to snaffle all the new players looking for a MMORPG. From what Aithne and I have seen so far, there appears to be a lot of people new to the genre on WoW at the moment.

Catacombs might pull older players back to DAoC but unless it is marketed better its not going to get new MMORPG players. Also, the WoW interface is much easier to learn and the quests steer you through your first 10 levels very gently so even if new players come because of Catacombs they'll need help getting hooked into the game and this is where your newbie nights will be absolutely vital.

BTW, this is not a "WoW is great, DAoC is pants" post, it is an observation on how I see the two games being promoted at present.

Round 1 has gone to Blizzard.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:46 pm
by Tammuz
Totally agree with Briannon here, i can only talk about Uk but theres never been any real marketting for DaoC, even at the very start it was sparse and has been noexistant for years now, WoW advertises alot, added to that you can find it in your face at every computer game shop you go to, when was the last time you even saw 1 copy of DaoC :confused:

I dont think there will be a massive rush back for catacombs 1 - It doesnt seem to add that much, few new ott classes and easier leveling which lets be honest isnt that much use when we all know you can PL to 50 and thats what most do and 2 - because leveling in WoW is enjoyable, sure the RvR content atm is pretty crap but its gonna be a quite a while to hit 60 and who knows what will happen by then.

I wouldnt scream come to WoW thats each persons choice but i think youll find the new players all going to the one they can see not the now hidden choice.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:12 am
by Jor
Well, I saw some new faces, especially in DF and talked to them ... people which came back after a longer break, people from Excal and some real NEW people too.

Problem is - they don't know about you have to grab them SOMEWHERE :)

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:54 am
by Sharkith
Jor wrote:Well, I saw some new faces, especially in DF and talked to them ... people which came back after a longer break, people from Excal and some real NEW people too.

Problem is - they don't know about you have to grab them SOMEWHERE :)
Yes and we all have to do it in game and as often as time will allow. A friendly face can make such a difference to those early days. I enjoy meeting them - even if a few are a bit odd!
