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Realm Lotto and Event's

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:34 pm
by Kabane
Ok Guys the Raffle wasnt as good as i hoped but we still rased some Money for relam defence!!!!

Now for my next trick Oo Im paning on holding a lottery well 2 in fact!
but first off i want to make it a whole day event im going to try and get GoA to help me out here but if they dont then its gonna be lota work for me, I will try for some Ram races, Fighting Comp's, mabey some hurdle races ... well u get the idear.

ok and now to how you can make some money first off there will be 2 lotto's a big jackpot one and then a smallerjackpot for the lower lvl or new players.
the big jack pot will be 500g a ticket i will stop giving out tickets for the lotto's 1 Day before the big Event as i will need to work out how much money was taken ... then do all the maths of it ... the Total of the ticket sales will be X amount i will then take off 60% of the total and that will be used to pay they Winner of the lotto then 20% will be used for Realm Defence then the remaining 20% will go to me it will pay for all the bit and bobs i need to buy to make this a full day event If there is any left over after paying out that will take it and put in my personal fund.

The same will be done for the smaller Jack pot lotto .. the tickets for this lotto will be 50g and the split will be the same as the big jackpot lotto.

Right i had the pleasure of talking to one of our Gm's today and i was informed that inorder to possabley get GoA's help with some events i would need to give atleast 2weeks knoitce so i will endever to talk to someone again 2morrow and see if i can get something sorted out for 2weeks sataday acording to my calandar that will be August the 27th 2005 this will give me over 2weeks knotice and hopefulll get some help . but like i said its a possablity they will help so if it turns out they will not then wish me LUCK!!!

I will do the lotto Tickets the same way i did the raffle tickets every thing seem to go well so no point changing :-) im looking to start the Day off at around 11am that gives ppl pleanty of time to wake up from the drunken stupper they were in the night before :-p,
We will have the Smaller lotto around 2Pm UK time then The main Lotto will be at around 7pm Uk time, i will start taken meny for both lottos the next time im on IF anyone has a problem with me holding the money for the lottos then working out the amounts to be won etc then we will have to decide on a differnt person who is willing to be apart of this to take the money and hold it.
The rules are basicly the same as the Raffle ill spam on my /as as normall :-p and /B in DL.
You will need to come to me i will spend mst of my time in DL waiting for ppl to come to me, You will need to say what lotto you want in on i will give you a lotto nummber and you will pay me for this nummber . then on the day of the lotto i will find out how many ppl bought tickets for each lotto the i will do /random < the amount of tickets sold> and then Pay the jackpot winner.

For the Fighting Comp Please put your name Down here nameing weather you are a Caster, Tank, Healing class , etc then i will arrange the comp's out the Winner of each Class will Win a FULL Mp unSced sute of armor for there class ie Tank will win Scale, Casters Cloth,etc.
The fighting qualifers will take place before the the Big Lotto the Finnals will take place After the Lotto.

I will arrange suprise Pirzes for the other events. Ill Keep you posted here keep ya eyes pealed and Ask any Q's u have here so others can see it and the reply .

Regards Kabane

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:19 pm
by Amedor
Gibth more info on the fighting comp :D. Would be interesting to do.. but not sure if I'll be here on that day :(

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:41 am
by Ankh Morpork
Sounds like a good idea St.Kabane :)


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:25 am
by Kabane
Ok More info on fighting comp.

First the fight's will be split into the folloing catagrys:- Tanks<heros, bm, champs,Vamps> , Casters <animist,chanters, elder's, banshiess,menta's> , Healers<wardens,druids,bards>, Stealthers <Nightshades,Rangers>
With regards to VW's im tempted to put these in the tank section but im not 100% sure ,, VW;s tell me what You think.

Once everyone has put ther name down telling me there Name and class i will draw up a competiters list where you will see who you are fighting and when ... Failyer to turn up to the fight will resalt in a Lose, Once we are down to 3 finnalist for each class we will brake for the Lotto and some other small events then after the main Lotto it will be the Finnals the Winner of each event will Win the the Mp armor , Second place will win 2p, And 3rd place , Well just isant good enouph,

Ok Rules No RA's but armor charges and Class abitys are alowed so this means No Ip/purge Etc but eg.heros can use Mossy etc.

Level Min Level for entry will be 45 and ofc max lvl 50. u can use all the items at your disposal weather it is Artis Sc'ed armor etc.

Casters you will Not bable to Cast a pet <ani spam shrooms> Untill the fight starts <menta's will have to get a pet during the fight too> u will only beable to buff yourself with self buffs . once the fight starts u will have to work to win so eg Anis if u want to spam shroom ull have to do it during the fight,chanters youll have to make ya pet duiring the fight ,menta;s the same etc etc.

Ok NO Absoluty No Buff bots, u can use ya own self buffs but that is IT

Okiedoky anymore questions please post and ill try to reply asap

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:26 am
by Ankh Morpork
Kabane wrote: Ok NO Absoluty No Buff bots, u can use ya own self buffs but that is IT
But...but...half the realm doesnt know how to play without them!!! ]/Ankh[/B]

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:37 am
by Belisar
Armour prize seems nice but bear in mind...

BM's use RF, Vamps use leather etc so you may have to see who the winner is before ordering the armour. Same for bard and drood etc.

Heal class could be fun - hasn't Bugzy got a battlebard ? Could see this getting a bit unfair as spec is gonna make such a difference - maybe more so than for the other classes. Not sure how you balance it though.

Nice idea - can see this being a lot of thought and work though.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:57 am
by Kabane
i will have the armor before hand then when i dont use a set for the winners of the fight ill sell the spair set at a later date and add the fund's to the realm pot,

as for being a lot of work ... yep i see it too but ill be worth it i hope :-)


Could i request that people dont arrange other events for this day please if there is nothing else going on i think it will be a much better turn out and there for more fun for eveyone else ofc i cant stop anyone for arranging things but please try not to :-)

Thanks Kabane

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 11:56 am
by Amedor
Where will the class dueling places take place, and will we be able to use Master Level abilities? :D

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:25 pm
by Hemuli
You won't win anyway Amedor so kinda same do u use ml abilitys or not :)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:44 pm
by Kabane
Amedor ya just tryingto give me more work arnt you, tbh i think it would be more fun for just the way ive done it tbh and trying to do more than 4 main event fights will be a little to much for me :-s on top of the races and some other atcivtys ive got pland'ed.

Most of the atcivitys will be taking place between TNN and MM i think thats the largest safe area for All Lvls to gather and being claisic daoc then everyone can be there:-) .. i have some games for the Lower classes as well so its not going to be just a lvl45+ day so Come one Come all and bring your familys !!!!

Sign up ealyer so doing the fighting compO will be easyer for me to sort PWEASEEEE

Cheers Kabane