ML10 Farming

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ML10 Farming

Post by Finolin »

As some of you know, it's possible to farm ML10 with sufficient (5+) animists (or at least it was before the last patch - haven't tried it since). I'd like to get together a group of animists who are interested in farming it on a somewhat regular basis.

The mission is to farm as much good stuff as possible. Weapons and accessories will be lotto'd first, then armour, then scrolls. (Draco drops three Aerus scrolls as of 1.74.) Everyone can roll for everything, but you can only win one item per session in the first round. Then anyone who hasn't won something will get a Star of Destiny if there are enough to go around - otherwise they will be lotto'd. Anything left over will be lotto'd in a second round.

Obviously this is primarily for the benefit of the people involved, but in small ways it does trickle down to the rest of the realm - if you check out the price of a Star of Destiny on CMs now it's something on the lines of 5P, whereas it was more than 10P before the first round of farming. ML10 armour is still rare and expensive, but an increased supply might change that somewhat.

The secondary purpose is to make it easy for anyone who needs ML10 credit. Anyone who wants to come along just for credit is welcome to do so.

If you have a ML9+ animist and are interested, sign up here or PM me. Non-animist spots (PBAOE, FOP, BBs, backup ressers) will be filled with alts or guildies of those participating. Raids will likely be whenever there's sufficient mass of interested animists, starting next week. Twice nightly seemed to work well the last time this was done. I'll try to avoid posting times - no need to tip off other realms as to when they might find us there.

Signing up does not commit you to coming. I'd like there to be a big enough group of interested people that at any given time we can just pull together 5+ animists, a few support, and give it a run. Runs can take less than an hour once everyone knows how it works, though there is some luck involved. I have a Celestial Compass, so finding the portal is much less of an issue than it was the last time, and there's no need to log your characters at the encounter.

So sign up here or PM me if you're interested.
Finolin, 50th Elven Void Eldritch ML10 Convoker
Felia, 50th Celt Bard ML10 Sojourner
Fert, 50th Sylvan Arboreal Animist ML10 Convoker
Finality, 50th Sylvan Valewalker ML10 Battlemaster
Finoshar, 50th Shar Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Findrid, 50th Celt Druid ML10 Perfector
Fiat, 50th Celt Druid ML10 Perfector
Finesty, 50th Shar Mentalist ML10 Warlord
Fung, 50th Sylvan Verdant Animist ML10 Convoker
Finchant, 50th Elven Mana Enchanter ML10 Convoker

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Post by Ovi »

ML9+ Animist interested :)

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Post by Scabs »

I got a level 23 animist can he come :(
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Post by Thandruil »

Been looking forward to this for a while, so can bring fop :)
Thandruil lvl51 Elf Ranger RR6L3 ML10 CL5 :thand:
Thand lvl51 Warden RR6L5 ML10 CL5:wave:
Vanara lvl50 Animist ML10
Extreme lvl50 Blademistress ML10

GM of Fallen Spirits :ranger:

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Post by Adalyn »


Can bring a ML10 Animists + a FoP druid out of grp for buffs/back up ress.

Adalyn - Eagle Knight - ML10



Fishyflaps - Grove Protector - Ml3

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Post by Radhoc »

Would like too join with Druid if possible. Also ml10 chanter if needed instead or can duallog also
Radhoc Shaman
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Post by Aran_Thule »

Would like to join in as Fernglade if possible, hope you get the numbers, tried to get a few people together to raid it last night but noone was interested.
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by Erce »

Definately interested.

ML10 lvl 50 animist

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Post by Bourkey »

can bring a ML 10 bard and or ml 10 FOP/BB druid.
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Post by Dre@d »

If u want i can bring a warden with fop with purp pbt and a light eld as dmg dealer
Mezzmastah Sorc R6 (Alb/exc) ML 10
Garruloman Pally R5 (Alb/exc) ML 10
Andetoi Infiltrator R4 (Alb/exc) Ml 4
Api Cleric R3 (Alb/exc) ML 6

Dreadnough light eld R5 soon r6:) ml 10
Wapet 50 arboreal animist soon ml10

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