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Is HIbernia doomed?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:15 pm
by chabio
I know I'm going to get flamed or recieve jibes for this, but I need to get it off my chest..........

As a Ranger, I was in the Midgard Frontier around the area of Blendrake, for roughly two hours watching over enemy movements. I decided to count the Deathspam. I counted aproxiameterly 427 Hib deaths compared to 108 enemy deaths at the hands of Hibs. In my mind, this wasn't very good statistics at all. It was depressing tbh.
The Ratio isn't unique either, as I've noticed it is quite common throughout the frontiers recently. We maybe getting a good portion of Realm points, but we are giving away by far, a scary amount. This has given the enemy a better ratio of Realmpoints compared to us and their higher RR's will escalate into more Hib deaths in the future and our eventual demise as a potent Realm.


My Realm points are quite low compared to the fresh up and coming Hibs, but this is in part due to me trying, not to give the enemy easy Realm points at the sacrifice of me losing opputunities. I was taught this from the very start by veteran Frontier fighters and have tried to adhere to it. For a while, we seemed to have, had a good period of gaining Ranks, because the enemy got sloppy, due to them being more interested in self gain at the expense of their Realm's position in the battle. Hoping to get some RP's, even if they knew they would die, the outcome of the battle meant we would overcome them and get more RP's in the overall battle. However, I feel that we have lost this edge now, as we seem to have followed their ways. :irked:


When Clustering appears, closely followed by Excal enemies with proportionally higher RR's and ML's than us, they will be looking towards us, for some easy RP farming. We will slide right down the ladder of Potent fighting forces and fall back to our oppressed position, where we were in that first year of creation. Unless, we check what we are doing.
If we were to carry on this roaming looking for fights, we need to organise proper battlegroups with a strategy in mind and start to think a bit more, rather than ramdomly charging here, there and nowhere.
To my mind, our strength lies in keep or tower defence and helps partially negate their higher numbers and compensates for their better classes and Realm Ranks. Should we not be taking towers we know will niggle the enemy , such as ones enabling their porting in areas, so that they have to come to us. Eventually the Hibs get overwhelmed in the tower and die, but at least the Ratio of Realm points isnt 4 to 1 against and may even fall in our favour. Thre must be something better we hibs can think of, to improve the situation.

This is not a moan as such, nor do I have any proper solution... I just wanted to alert our wise Hibs to the situation that is developing and I hope you all take it in the spirit it is meant.. even though , I'm not too good at putting points across.. I love Hibernia and hope we will suvive the problems that face us.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:29 pm
by Alexandrinus
i was at beno bridge 45 minutes and won all one on one fights,they always needed 2 or 3 peeps to kill me, and so it was with two other Hib tanks there.
And our rps points statistik showes the real facts.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:43 pm
by Puppet
Next time go shoot enemies instead of counting; that would surely help the odds abit!

Also for the facts; Hibernia is leading the last-week RP's gained on Prydwen by a quite fair margin (almost 30% more then Mid and Alb) while we're still 'underpopulated' in numbers (tho not in RvR).

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:45 pm
by Puppet
Also I might not be considered a Frontier Veteran but trust me: If you dont try to kill, you dont get RP's.

Better aim for killing (and dying in the process) then stand back for hours waiting for the perfect kill. That is if you wanna earn RP's (and therefore lessening the gap you seem to be worried about).

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:06 am
by Evulweebeastie
To be honest the reason is theres more hibs in rvr then mids / albs so there's more of us to kill :o

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:31 am
by Cuchuluhain

dont forget, whilst 'oh noses' there may be albs and mids of high rr coming along with the server merge/clustering

there are high level hibs too like Llew Aran ;)

shame we cant make Nolby Pride f**k off tho.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:34 am
by Silverbirch
Cuchuluhain wrote:shame we cant make Nolby Pride f**k off tho.
If I was to back any1 to be able to acomplish that feat, my money would be on you Cuch :D

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:19 am
by Ixu
when clustering comes we will see who gets whooping... tho exc/hib have alot experienced gamers from beginning of the game... been there, saw that, got the scar.
So if we (prydhibs) gettin frustrated I think our fellow cousins will show them what happens when meddling with hibs :p
And in average I gotta say that exc is more experienced server on RvR than pryd... like on people amount..well ofc there is more players than here :cow:
Well it's still unknown what will exactly happen to RvR when clustering comes because none have seen it yet.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:34 am
by Ankh Morpork
Ixu wrote:And in average I gotta say that exc is more experienced server on RvR than pryd...


Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:27 am
by Xest
Chabio, as long as you're around, Hibernia will be fine ;)

Ixu does kinda have a point, Prydwen's RvR was pretty weak until some Excal players moved over and showed everyone how it was done tbh, there was only like SotL and no other real fixed groups for ages and ages whilst Excal had been 8 vs 8'ing properly for months. Like it or not in defending Prydwen's honour or whatever, it was very slow catching on. Of course however that doesn't have any baring on where the server stands now - I haven't played on either in ages to comment well enough on that. It depends how you determine experienced of course also, but when it comes to time 8vs8'ing etc. Excal most certainly has the edge.