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Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:06 pm
by nibs
Free for all on this didn't work; but my signup raids did. So lets take a step back; and i'll do it how i was. This raid comes with some subtle differences than my last runs. And here they are:

- Including myself there will be 8 people attending.
- This will run until we have 8 EC artifacts
- I will hold onto the Artifacts until we have 8 (an incentive to get it done)
- Everyone attending will walk away with an EC artifact.
- In order to gain credit with characters that you want EC on, a 9th run might be done, allowing anyone who wants to-to attend and roll for the artifact.
- This will be run over a two-week period (three if its down / people cant attend)

As such; if you sign up; i plan to run the raid 8 times between July 4th and July 16th (them days being a combination of eight of the following 4/5/6/7/8/11/12/13/14/15/16 - (July 9th is me 21st (me are teh drunketh) and 10th is a Sunday so im at work)

Group Setup:

Druid (must have 30+ reg and preferably fop): Medjai **
Druid (must have 30+ reg and preferably fop): Ticklish **
Animist: Gahn **
Animist: Liss **
Animist: nibshroom **
Animist: Xianghua **


Bard: Niblet *


Volcanus - 6.45 uk time (be there for 6.35)

Other notes

- Bring buff bots if you can (even if you leave them at haven - they can buff before we head out)
- Animists should be level 48+
- Scrolls/MP Loot will be lotto'd at end of each run
- EC Arti's will be kept on niblet till we have 8 - i will then give everyone one.

Any questions feel free to contact me ingame; generally found lurking on a 'nib' toon, so a /send nib <message> will likely find its way to me. Fail that; you can contact a member of 'The Wild Hunt' and if im there, they will find me or ofcourse via forum in this thread, or via pm.

EC Count

Amount of charms farmed to date: 2

//edit1: will state the date of the first attempt once the group is full.

NEXT RAID - Monday 11th - 6.45 UK Time - Volcanus (Be there for 6.35 please)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:35 pm
by stupeh
4 ani's + a PB'er might work a bit better?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:38 pm
by Brodwen
Any room for a warden? have 42 reg, and need MLxp :)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:42 pm
by Adalyn
stupeh wrote:4 ani's + a PB'er might work a bit better?
doesn't need a pbaoe at all, only 3-4 mobs come each time he pulls the named which 4 animists can insta kill.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:53 pm
by Evulweebeastie
Animist here, not sure tho since PS Raids require me to log deep in Cata

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:02 pm
by nibs
Going with the grp setup i said. So sorry if you haven't got one of the classes i have thrown down that i want. Its just to optimise the ease with which the raid will do.

As adalyn rightly said - pulling merits 3-4 mobs; and a shroom pile of 75 (if my maths doesnt decieve me) will basically insta kill the mobs. So no stupeh, a PBAOE wouldn't make it work better : )

//edit: well evul let me know whether you will attend 8 raids or not; as im not putting you down unless i get a definitive answer.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:02 pm
by Trez
I think I can join with my animist :)

Might not make it all the raids but will try to get as many as possible.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:04 pm
by smiley
ill come with animist lvl 50 - Muerriba,
can attend all days,

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:05 pm
by nibs
Just to highlight - if you want to come - i want you to attend 8 raids. It is being run over 2, possibly 3 weeks. so thats either 4, or 3 - 30 minute sessions a week. As i want to ensure everyone gets themselves an Arti out of this :)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:11 pm
by stupeh
Can be a lot of help with Samut too. (and no im not after a spot with a pb class, have my charm ty ;p)