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Does anyone know why ?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 10:49 pm
by Luz
Just read that other thread that got closed by someone regarding dragon stone drops.

This ISNT about that. Just that I dont understand one thing.

Why does US code differ from English servers??
Why cant US server and for example Prydwen be 2 exactly the same hardware servers with exactly the same code running ?

Wouldnt that be alot easier for everyone?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 11:48 pm
by kash

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 11:54 pm
by Genedril
iirc it's something along the lines of - Mythic own the US version & then sell the international version (which has some fluff & other stuff hiked out of it) to GOA.

How much they rip out & how different things like drop tables may or may not be is going to be down to pure speculation on behalf of all of those that can't see what Mythic actually give to GOA.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:26 am
by Lieva
tbh i thought they are sposed to be the same game.
barring a couple of things

GoA said they prefered to organise player weddings insted of having the wedding guy in tnn (this tbh was a good idea however since they decided that afik there as only been only player wedding in game :( )
CSR - due to legal reasons (and the fact -lets face it - europe is a rip off compared to us so everything is more expensive here) and we dont pay enough for it, goa cant supply in game CSRs so we have nice GMs to abuse insted.

and some things we get that the us dont!

Pigball - this was introduced into the game by GoA and now mythic have taken it on board so its a completly in game thing :)
Events - US servers (barring the occasional server thing) dont get any events. these re created solely by GoA

and some things that well dont appear to match

Quest journal eraser - apparently in the us this erases all of your quests whereas in the euro servers it erases 1-15. Tbh this is how it should be however it seems the us server is bugged...
Corus mines exit bug - mythic knew about this and never closed it however in a earlier patch it was closed in the euro servers (not sure about present day us servers- it IS closed in the euro servers however)

Tbh it seems like the US servers seem more bugged that the euro servers?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 6:27 am
by pikeh
Banana wrote: Tbh it seems like the US servers seem more bugged that the euro servers?

for a simple reason. they have the effectively test the patches for us before we get them, so there are always going to be more bugs to iron out between US transistion to euro servers.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:58 pm
by Lieva
ahh but these bugs i mentioned have lived for quite some time ;)
just that the player base prefers the bugs so they dont remove i think ;)

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 6:02 pm
by Xest
The only bugs GOA seem to fix over US are the fun and useful ones like exiting Corus mines via the hole or the old SCable cloaks :p

One of the main reasons for the difference in code bases though is internationalization - the euro version supports more character sets than the US version, such as accented letters and such because the US version only has to support a single language whereas the international version needs to support European and Eastern character sets.

That said however I have no idea why I had issues with the euro version and my network card that never existed on the US version - things like that shouldn't change between versions so I have no idea why they do.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 6:46 pm
by Briannon
Banana wrote:
Tbh it seems like the US servers seem more bugged that the euro servers?

That's not my experience of playing both games.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 11:16 pm
by Genedril
Pikeh had it more or less down straight. Mythic tend to patch progressively & so by the time we get the code it's more or less sorted. GOA patch in chunks, but it's dependant on the feedback & work from Mythic (though GOA may or may not add extra 'features' during their conversion). On the downside Euro get's far more lag than US.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:09 am
by Lieva
Briannon wrote:That's not my experience of playing both games.

check out the still bugged exit in corus mines then (if its still there) and the quest remover.

thats what i ment by bugs briannon :p