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Dragon Respec stones, Goa's Responce

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:52 pm
by Sugah
When i ran my dragon raid no RA stones dropped. I have asked goa about this and got the answer there not a 100% drop. After querying this by supplying patch notes i again got a poor excuse. So beware if you go on a dragon raid your not guaranteed to get stones.

This is Goa's responce

Hello again,
The drop rate is nt guaranteed. The patch notes do not contradict this answer. We will not grant you the respec stones.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Customer () 06/15/2005 09:46 PM
Please see this from your own patch notes.
Patch 1.58 found on the camelot-europe site.

Patch 1.58

Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.58 Release Notes



In order to give players the chance to respec at high levels, we've put in the ability to find objects in the world that will grant the player a realm ability or career specialization respec.

Because of their extreme power and high worth, these objects are currently found only on the dragons in each realm's mainland. On their death, Golestandt, Gjalpinulva, and Cuuldurach will now drop fifty Luminescent Stones. Half of these will be Full Career Skill respec stones, half Realm Skill respec stones. These stones can be traded or sold to other players as any other object in the game.

This patch states that on the dragons death the stones will drop. It doesn't say they may drop but they will. I would kindly ask you to reconsider your previous answer and credit my druid arctura with the missing stones.

Response (CM) 06/14/2005 06:28 PM
Thank you for the query. You should be aware that the respec stones are not guaranteed drops. While they will nearly always drop, the chance is not 100%.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Customer () 06/13/2005 11:43 PM
Hi, tonight on Hibernia on the prydwen server I lead a dragon raid. When the dragon died there we're no Realm ability respec stones dropped. Would it be possible for you to investigate this matter and if possible award my charachter Arctura the stones so that I can share them out between the people who attended. I have included a screenshot to show the drops from the dragon.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:57 pm
by Alexandrinus
Sugah wrote:When i ran my dragon raid no RA stones dropped. I have asked goa about this and got the answer there not a 100% drop. After querying this by supplying patch notes i again got a poor excuse. So beware if you go on a dragon raid your not guaranteed to get stones.

This is Goa's responce

Hello again,
The drop rate is nt guaranteed. The patch notes do not contradict this answer. We will not grant you the respec stones.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Customer () 06/15/2005 09:46 PM
Please see this from your own patch notes.
Patch 1.58 found on the camelot-europe site.

Patch 1.58

Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.58 Release Notes



In order to give players the chance to respec at high levels, we've put in the ability to find objects in the world that will grant the player a realm ability or career specialization respec.

Because of their extreme power and high worth, these objects are currently found only on the dragons in each realm's mainland. On their death, Golestandt, Gjalpinulva, and Cuuldurach will now drop fifty Luminescent Stones. Half of these will be Full Career Skill respec stones, half Realm Skill respec stones. These stones can be traded or sold to other players as any other object in the game.

This patch states that on the dragons death the stones will drop. It doesn't say they may drop but they will. I would kindly ask you to reconsider your previous answer and credit my druid arctura with the missing stones.

Response (CM) 06/14/2005 06:28 PM
Thank you for the query. You should be aware that the respec stones are not guaranteed drops. While they will nearly always drop, the chance is not 100%.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Customer () 06/13/2005 11:43 PM
Hi, tonight on Hibernia on the prydwen server I lead a dragon raid. When the dragon died there we're no Realm ability respec stones dropped. Would it be possible for you to investigate this matter and if possible award my charachter Arctura the stones so that I can share them out between the people who attended. I have included a screenshot to show the drops from the dragon.

this sucks, and if its not an 100% drop you should get maybe 20 or 30 of these stones and not 0, and a really nice answere thx GOA you really care about your customers :banghead:

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:58 pm
by Penlid
Sugah wrote:On their death, Golestandt, Gjalpinulva, and Cuuldurach will now drop fifty Luminescent Stones. Half of these will be Full Career Skill respec stones, half Realm Skill respec stones.
If it isn't true update the patch notes you french cocks, and i know from playing on the US servers that they are a permanent drop. So stop lying and pissing about and sort it out. Your lying to your customers and your customers are always right. Thats how you lose em, i'll talk to an US CSR today and see what they say, and i can 100% say that their response will be they are a 100% drop.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:58 pm
by Xest
Alexandrinus wrote:this sucks, and if its not an 100% drop you should get maybe 20 or 30 of these stones and not 0, and a really nice answere thx GOA you really care about your customers :banghead:
lol it is guaranteed drop, GOA just don't know wtf they're on about as usual.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:02 pm
by Sugah
Bit that got me was. There statement doesn't contradict the patch notes. As far as i'm aware theres a huge difference between Will and may.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:08 pm
by Xest
Sugah wrote:Bit that got me was. There statement doesn't contradict the patch notes. As far as i'm aware theres a huge difference between Will and may.
It's because they're French and don't understand English properly.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:11 pm
by Gahn
This must be a bad joke ... or some1 really needs to get fired ... i prefer 2nd possibility altho.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:11 pm
by Alexandrinus
Xest wrote:It's because they're French and don't understand English properly.
and then this that a drop consists of 50 stones, for me these are 50 drops and maybe (but they said will) drop

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:20 pm
by Childofkhain
imo need a US CSR to comment and then stick a pic on your reply <get somone to screenie the us CSR's responce...

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:30 pm
by Penlid
Taken from Herald Knowledgebase


What are the respecs my character has available to them upon creation?

1. At levels 20 and 40 your character receives a free single line respec. This respec must be used exactly at that level, as soon as you hit levels 21 or 41 the respec is gone. To use this respec, visit your trainer and type "/respec skill" where 'skill' is the name of the single skill line you want to reset to its base value (please note if this is a skill your character autotrains in you will retain the levels autotrained in this skill, it will not reset to 1.)

2. You are given two realm skill respecs, one at level 20 and one at level 40. These can be used at any time after you get them, but you only get two. Each will clear your realm skills and refund the points to you. To use these, please visit your trainer and type "/respec realm" to clear your skills.

Are there other ways to get respecs beyond what is given?

Yes, there are several ways to get 'respec stones' in the game if you need to customize your character further.

1. The four Summoners in the Summoner's Hall dungeon have a chance to drop a Luminescent Abrogo (realm skill respec) Stone. These stones can be turned in to the following NPC's:

Albion: Paiton Hazlett - Camelot

Midgard: Haili - Jordheim

Hibernia: Bretta - Tir na Nog

2. Monsters in Caer Sidi, Tuscaran Glacier and Galladoria have a chance at dropping a single line respec stone. Note that non boss monsters have a significantly different drop rate than named boss monsters. These stones can be turned in to the following NPC's:

Albion: Mae Oswy - Humberton Castle

Midgard: Hjortr - Vasudheim

Hibernia: Ita - Mag Mell

3. The dragons in each realm's mainland. On their death, Golestandt, Gjalpinulva, and Cuuldurach will drop Exerpise (full skill respec) and Exeregum (realm skill respec) Luminescent Stones. These stones can then be taken to the following NPC's:

Albion (in Camelot):

Ellette Redding - Luminescent Exerpise Stone (full skill)

Paiton Hazlett - Luminescent Exeregum Stone (realm skill)

Midgard (in Jordheim)

Tordis - Luminescent Exerpise Stone (full skill)

Haili - Luminescent Exeregum Stone (realm skill)

Hibernia (in Tir na Nog)

Dywana - Luminescent Exerpise Stone (full skill)

Bretta - Luminescent Exeregum Stone (realm skill)

Notice how they say, have a chance, or will drop. Wake up GoA!