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17th February Noob day

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:52 pm
by Sky
I have posted this in FreddysHouse Forum and am hoping that a lot of players take it up :P
I'm also hoping a lot of you goto it and sow the new players to this land how great and Friendly Prydwen Hibernia is so a lot of them take it up as their new home.
If it dose work it would be a good time for all them guilds to try and get new members. SO GET OUT THERE ON THE 17th :silly: as new low level players.

Do you miss the old times when every one was new and there was lots of groups your lvl to join and leveling was a fun thing to do?


Are you new to the game and are wondering how the high levels got to lvl50, when there is very little other players at your level if any, and it is no fun leveling on your own. You are paying for a Multiplayer Game and no one to play with! It was not always like that, a year or two ago it was not like that at all, there was lots and lots of players your lever / low lever and it was fun leveling. To me it was more fun being in a low level good group than being in a level 50 group in RvR.

They where the days.

On Thursday 17th of this mouth way not start anew? Make a new Character and Come to Prydwen Hidernia at 7gmt in Grove of Domnann (Grove of Domnann is the starter point for new Characters)

Relive the old times and have fun with a lot of players who is not using /level and not calling any one a noob as we are all noobs.

Way not try this? you never know you may enjoy youself.


Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:57 pm
by Ethild
I wish you the best of luck.

Just one minor point ... I think you mean 'Noob'. 'Nood' is how I imagine Rami in my dreams, and has quite the different meaning.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:00 pm
by Penlid
Ethild wrote:I wish you the best of luck.

Just one minor point ... I think you mean 'Noob'. 'Nood' is how I imagine Rami in my dreams, and has quite the different meaning.
Ewwwwwww naked firbolg ewwwww :crosseye:

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:15 pm
by Sky
Ethild wrote:I wish you the best of luck.

Just one minor point ... I think you mean 'Noob'. 'Nood' is how I imagine Rami in my dreams, and has quite the different meaning.
That is not the only thing I have mucked up on and there is no edit on any of the forums. :P
Could Banana or some one fix the Calendor for me. (take the 15th post off)

So far it been a good start :o

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:31 pm
by pikeh
there is an edit option on both forums :)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:47 pm
by Sky
pikeh wrote:there is an edit option on both forums :)
On FreddysHouse If you do not use edit with in 10 mins of making the post, you can't Edit :angry: