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Catacombs MLs & TOA

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:04 pm
by Monk
ok so its still a month away but i cant wait to get catcombs and get a lvl 50 Vamp, then arti and ml him up ofc, so thats a good months work, but i was wonderign if anyone would be interested in doing an ML 1-10 raid a few weeks after cats is released, i would love to lead one, but i really dont know enough about the ML locs and strategies to do it, but can help anyone who does, anyway, just wanted to know if anyone had same idea :)

Oh and for Artis, ill be quite happy to lead raids for these, probably at the start of April, everyday for a week, do similar to peats raids back in the days, have a list of everyone (god i hope this doesnt go over 40 ppl :) ) and do it in order, but more on that closer to the time :P

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:28 pm
by Aran_Thule
im probably going to try to run the ML's a few weeks after catacombs.
might also be an idea if someone starts them a couple of weeks after.
So if for example i try to run them every tuesday, 2 weeks later someone starts them on another day, this will give the 1st lot a chance to get MLxp and people that couldnt make the Tues one to still get them and get access to the higher dungeons.

Doing BG for the tough artifacts would also be great, trouble being stopping them from clashing and getting enough people.

Oh and if i do run raids it will be using my rules... muhahahaha <grin>

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:48 pm
by VidX
Less running raids on weeknights, no fair :(

But yeah, I could happily run the raids, but it would be limited to Sundays as it's the only day I won't be working over a 10 week period (work every 11th Saturday and on call as well...).

Might want to look at doing the raids a month after Catacombs release, as since the 2 new classes can't be /levelled, it will take slightly longer for people to hit 40 with them.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:11 pm
by Adalyn
I was going to run ML1-10 4 weeks after Catacombs release, should be enough time to of gotten most peopel from 1-40 atleast... ^^

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:09 pm
by VidX
Will be levelling my Vamp and Bainshee at the same time, so can bring both on the raids :D

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 8:22 pm
by Lieva
ye gods usp :( hope you get paid well for that :(

and dont forget ;) the first master level raid done after catacombs will be mega .. all those vampiir and bainshee...
think kesxex raids will be onto ml4-5 by then ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:35 am
by Monk
right sounds good

im gonna lvl my vamp in BGs as much as possible, ive heard people taling of 1 week for 1-40 on vamps, prob bit more for bainshees if solo for pwr regen, but quicker for grps surely.
so it should be alright few weeks after, though MLs will be tough with people mostly wanting to ML their new cats toons, there might be a shortage of key classes: druids bards wardens and animists
but then again i guess numbers will simply prevail

think the double ML thing is good idea, 1-10 2 weeks after and 1-10 4 weeks after shld allow people plenty of time

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:53 pm
by Bone
With so many Bainshees and Vampiires running around trying to get mls and toa stuff. I wonder who is going to want to play a support class :)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:31 pm
by Evulweebeastie
get yer artifacts now, im selling Tarts cheap :D for all u banshee lovers ;o

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 8:32 am
by klonk
Bone wrote:With so many Bainshees and Vampiires running around trying to get mls and toa stuff. I wonder who is going to want to play a support class :)
Memememe! :P

My bard is lvl 38 now, figure he should be close to 50 when Catacombs come, so I'd love to have him on ML raids/arti raids.

I would think the same goes for my BM m8 and my gf's Mentalist, and our druid "bot".