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Druid RAs?
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:22 am
by Sturgis Podmore
Hello all
I hope to reach lvl 50 soon and was wondering if someone could suggest which RAs I ought to buy and in which order?
I am undecided as to my final spec ATM. I shall either be 40 Regrowth/35 Nuture or 40 Regrowth/36 Nature. I really don't like the idea of the 31 Regrowth/44 Nurture spec that seems in favour.
Also, has anyone got a good Druid Artifact/SC template they can post? I'd just like some idea of what items I'll be needing.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:38 am
by Ambrinoa
Divine Intervention Always good,And purge ofc,that's about all i know:)
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:02 pm
by Quinlan
From my short knowledge as playing a druid
If you have that you will have passed rr5 and should know the class and the choices

The sqeuence you get them in is purely personal and based on playstyle
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:48 pm
by Ovi
Quinlan wrote:From my short knowledge as playing a druid
If you have that you will have passed rr5 and should know the class and the choices

The sqeuence you get them in is purely personal and based on playstyle
Not far off what I would say tbh.
As to order, MCL1, Purge1, Purge2, DI1, DI2, MCL2, PR. would probably be my prefered option.
If you make use of respecs, then while saving for the 10 pointers (DI2, MCL2) I would pick up WH, MoH and Aug Dex as you go. Keeping a WH is good, since otherwise you can't even get Crits on heals.
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:49 pm
by centurion
my low rr druid ( 3L9 only atm ) got ; Purge 1, DI 1, augdex II, Perfect recovery 1, mcl 1 and serenity 1 .. think thats most of it, could have missed out.
I am currently specced 40 reg and 35 nurt, dont know if I would stay this spec if I could respec, would maybe go for higher Nurt and a bit lower reg.. spreadheal 2 takes an awful lot of power and I reckon you could get good enough heals with spreadheal 1 + capped +heal bonus. Also nice resist buffs and buffshear with higher nurt and the ability to buff up people with decent buffs in combat and when buffbot is not available. Nature , I dont know .. if you like that playstyle go ahead but I feel its useless in pve, nice for interrupts in rvr though, its all about what role you want to play.
Template wise you can take a look at the one I am planning to use , think its on the class section -> naturalist -> druid template and see if you find anything of interest there.
Hope it was any help :>
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:54 pm
by Lenah
(1) Augmented Constitution +4 con
(3) Augmented Dexterity +22 dex
(2) Serenity +2 pwr/tick
(3) Avoidance of Magic -10 % to all magic dmg
(3) Wild Healing +17 % chance of heal spell critical
(3) Mastery of Healing +12 % healing effect
(2) Mystic Crystal Lore +50 % power restored non-combat, 180s resuse
(2) Raging Power +50 % power restored anytime, 600s RUT
(1) Purge 5s delay, 15m RUT : Dispel Negative Effects
(2) Divine Intervention +2000 healing pool group buff, 10m RUT
(1) Perfect Recovery +5 % HPs,Endurance,Power resurrection, 5m RUT
... or just try
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:27 pm
by Sturgis Podmore
Thanks for all the replies - it's given me a lot to think about