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Do YOU want to raid Galladoria? Slay the Primal Elementals?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 5:37 am
by Lenah
Oh the depths of Galladoria, the place of nightmares, under the tree.
Oh the spritis of the forsaken timber, you call, we follow, under the tree.

Plan :
Plan is to raid Galladoria dungeon in Worlds End, deep in Shrouded Isles, this is the "epic dungeon" of Hibernia. Plan is to do it completely from entrance to the final mob. Actual combat plan is long and complicated, and it will be explained in detail at the raid so that it fits the grps and classes that show up, but here it is in simplified version :
1. There is certain spots and places, where it is logical and easy to "camp", places where people pile near each other for pbaoe storm + animist pet pile + all kind of tauntage from tanks. Going to use these spots as camps, and 1-2 bards go around pulling mobs on nearby area, so we can clear the dungeon's roaming mobs that would otherwise add on us when we go on bosses.
2. Most other bosses are pretty straightfoward zergfights, but there is allot of tricks to the last 3 primals, as they have been complicately coded, and their abilityes help eachother and we gotta get trough them. I have been sent couple of tested and working plans and more will be inc I'm sure =)

Reward :
All mobs in this dungeon drop single line respec stones. BMF, nuffsaid. Awesome weapon drops, atleast by the looks. There is some named mobs that generate ML xp, but you are most likely going to lose normal XP. The place is absolutely awesome, mobs are strange and rarely met, and the experience of this kind of raid is unique. ROG. (See Lootrules)

Requirements :
The 1st mob in this dungeon starts from somewhere lvl60+ and they end ones are close to immortal, with 90% absorbation shield and selfhot instant. So its almost certain (ofc I hope not) that people will die. LvL50 is prefered, so you dont lose precious xp, you may bring younger chars at your own risk. Also becouse the very very high resists of the boss mobs, raid requires atleast 12 animists, or over 60 people to be complete. I will lead the raid to clear as much as the dungeon we can with fewer people / animists, if bg wants so.

Loot Rules :
All stones, ROG and other random drops will be rolled at the end of the raid at domnann. To roll respec stone you must be lvl50. You can win only 1 item from the rolls. You may roll other items than stones for any of any of your alts or selling (this to ensure we get right classes to the raid, and u can still roll freely as these aint template worthly items anyway).

I will call a vote before raid starts if following would be good idea : Galla drops certain class specific epic drops, that in together generate complete armor that looks awesome. I would be holding these drops and gather them to get full set of armors (or as close as we can get) and in 2-3 weeks (or when ready) in Galla raid, we could roll these armors among the people that have taken part to the raids and then it would be class specific rolls (animist epic for animist and so). If bg thinks its not good idea, they go trough the rules above.

I will not roll or claim anything from the loot.

Time and Place :
1st and Main run :
Wednesday 8.6.1800GMT - Necht
2nd run :
Wednesday 15.6. 1800GMT - Necht
More? depends of intrest and succsess.

Clearing this dungeon should take less than 5 hours.

Signing up :
This raid requires no offical signing up, but it would definetly rock if you would let me know if you are coming, and if you can bring an animist or BB with you? Answer to the post anyway with your opinnion and ideas =)

Other :
There is BMF, aka BroodMother Fang, special rapier that has some fundamental value that some people want to their templates. Should these be alot of people that want this item badly, somekind of signup for specially this list will take place. (May there be other items, same blabla..)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:36 am
by Finolin
I'm looking forward these raids. Unfortunately I have plans on the 8th, but I'll be there on the 15th with an animist and FOP/BB (or void eldritch if gtaoe is more useful).

Also, if you put it to a vote I'd prefer Galla epic armour to be lotto'd one piece at a time, as I already have about half the eldritch, animist and valewalker sets.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:39 am
by upton
interested in these raids, it just depends on timing, how long do you think it would take to clear the whole place?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 8:24 am
by Moley:)
Would love to do some real raids after i usually ld'd part way through em , not saying my comp can handle 60 + ppl running around anyway but we can give it a shot :) :cowgif:

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 8:36 am
by nibs
Can bring a level 49 Animist if your short of them; but that'd be dependant upon whether that drops me out of the single line respec roll :)

If so; then ill prolly give it a miss.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 8:57 am
by Ankh Morpork
I'll join with 1 or 2 chars...depending on what I feel like playing when it's time for the raid :)

Edit: I CAN come with 2 animists but tbh it's much more fun to just play one char at the time..


Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 8:59 am
by Bugzy
upton wrote:interested in these raids, it just depends on timing, how long do you think it would take to clear the whole place?
Depends entirely on amount there.

With say 10 animists and 2 bards pulling you could probably clear up to 20 mobs per shroom field in the junction route areas.

If you allow all animists to roll for respecs regardless of level i can bring my animist along (level 47 when free ding).

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:06 am
by Lucchini
Count on my animist :P :monkey:

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:12 am
by Lieva
If youre desperate - i do have a level 40 animist :p but prefer to bring my mage/warden/ranger etc :p

/edit almost forgot
can prolly bring danu as well - BB Fop maker (with fairly decent heals and DI 1 perfect rezz)- just if im playing a melee/caster dont expect me to heal on her very well :)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:17 am
by Earendil
I can make it on the 15th Lenah!

Will want to try also for BMF, if i get it i will give it to the person who gave me the one i have... :):):):)

<hugz>! and great idea by the way!

Zakoraya Wildcat - Can bring Warden, Enchantress, Blademaster, if you really want i have a bard level 43?

See you soon! :)