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Gimps looking for guild!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:40 am
by klonk
We are three people from Norway who last week made four chars on hib/pryd, and have xp'ed since. Our group have been Blademaster + Mentalist + Bard + a botted Druid. We are now lvl 35ish, and feel the need to talk to other ppl than ourselves kind of urgently ;)

We wondered if there were any active guilds around on hibernia/prydwen who would be interested in taking up three new members?

A little bit about ourselves: I play Myshkin the bard, and have played Daoc almost since release, mostly on Midgard/excalibur (see sig). I am 27 yrs, and hail from the true land of vikings; Norway :P

My girlfriend plays Maiya the mentalist in our group, and she has played Daoc for about two years. She has a 50 skald, RM and healer on Mid/excalibur, and is also from Norway.

The third member of our party can introduce himself:

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:42 am
by Briannon
Join the Marsh Horde guys, you would be very welcome. We currently have the largest numbers of players and toons on hib/pryd so you will be guaranteed plenty of chat and chances to meet peeps.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:51 am
by centurion
Velkommen til hibernia kompis ;) Lykke til med guild , er ganske mange bra guilds der ute så er bare til å velge og vrake ;P

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:51 am
by Aran_Thule
If you want to try out a roleplaying guild then feel free to give the Artisans a shout.

Otherwise there are a lot of nice friendly guilds out there, have fun in our green lands.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:54 am
by Deine
Hehe I obviously wasnt fast enough =)

I am the third member of our little newbie grp looking for guild here on hib/pryd. We're lvling quite well atm, but as mentioned above we feel the need to socialize/settle abit more than just hanging around together all the time =)

For the record; im a 28 year old norwegian RL friend of Klonk and have played daoc almost as long as him (I started about a month later). I play Deine the blademaster here on hib and are quite satisfied with it - hope to get him to 50 soon =)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:03 am
by Briannon
[quote="centurion"]Velkommen til hibernia kompis ]

Show off!! :)

Ok, the Horde can't compete with a same-language guild. You got us on that one. :)

BTW, any member of the Horde can invite so just do a /who Marsh Horde to find us on-line. Tell the person you find that Briannon sent you :).

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:25 pm
by Alexandrinus
you could also try the Green Peacekeepers we atm the oldest living guild in the green lands.
we have not so much low level people like the Hordes, we are more focused to RVR. :rambo:
anyway GPK Hordes and the Artisan are in the same Alliance wich is a very nice helpfull one :classic:

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:38 pm
by centurion
Briannon wrote:Show off!! :)

Ok, the Horde can't compete with a same-language guild. You got us on that one. :)
hehe =D was just a friendly greeting in norwegian , we are 3 crazy norwegians in PN.

Dont know if we are recruiting or if you would like to join us but we are a small, relaxed guild with a nutty atmosphere ;P. Marsh Horde is a good alternative also,nice people and many people at various levels out exping there I have noticed =)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:17 pm
by Selenia
DarkBlade Mercenaries are always recruiting. We're a bit quiet on the guildchat front at the moment, but that's going to change over the next week or so.

We're a small guild of friends who have played either in beta, or just after, so we've a wealth of knowledge about the more "Questy" and geographical side of it. We're also quite clued up about where to XP for a majority of the levels.
We're primarily a PvE guild, but RvR is encouraged for those that wish to do it. Currently we are getting ourselves together for the imminent release of "Catacombs" in Europe.

That, and we hold regular RL meets where we drink, wear stupid hats, drink, and partake of all general sense of craziness open to people who aren't already bound in straitjackets (although a few of our members are getting 10ft of rubber wallpaper for their Christmas pressies this year).

The Offical DarkBlade forums can be found here if you want to check us out, or just say hi! :)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:34 pm
by klonk
Hehe :D

Wow, so many replies :) What's a guy to do...

Coldbeard: takker, morsomt med så mange vennlige svar ;)