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[Official] Clustering thread on FH

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 4:58 pm
by Requiel
I've made a thread on FH which various management people at Goa will be reviewing prior to a clustering decision. Please go and make your opinions known.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 5:36 pm
by Jupiler
bleh can't open FH on this comp o_O :/

why put it on FH btw? I wouldn't call FH people a realistic audience...with all due respect for people who post there, why put it on a forum where most threads end up as flaming-corners after 30 posts? and I haven't seen much pve people either on FH(if you compare it to rvr whine/spam/whatever threads), only 'hardcore' rvr players.

as for my own opinion, I certainly hope prydwen & excalibur won't be clustered. It's easy to say for an rvr player(who certainly has more than one fully ToA'd character) to cluster the servers, who cares about other people's items they still need anyway? It's already hard to get arti's on Prydwen nowadays(think about band of stars, which is only farmed for the ring/crown of zahur, same thing, for the ring/Malice's Axe encounter), after clustering we can expect excalibur players to start camping encounters on the Prydwen cluster? Yay, I bet everyone wants higher(read:ridiculous) prices too !

As for RvR, i'm happy the way prydwen is now(no exca zergs!), and I don't see why anyone on Prydwen would like to change current RvR state..And yes, im an rvr n00b.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 5:56 pm
by Kallima
If people post on Freddy's House saying they don't want clustering, they get yelled at. <cries>

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 6:00 pm
by Elrandhir
Kallima wrote:If people post on Freddy's House saying they don't want clustering, they get yelled at. <cries>
Noone can really yell at anyone for saying what they think, or they can, but well, they aint much to think about...still clusterin is probably hard to avoide if server pop is decreasing ;D and if it wasent clustering wouldent be needed in the first place really ^^

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 7:36 pm
by Briannon
I've made my views known in a rightnow message. They are all the disadvatages listed in Requiel's post so i ain't gonna repeat myself.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:24 pm
by Nored
Requiel wrote:The smallest realm (Hib/Prydwen) is still able to run large scale raids with little difficulty.

What difficulty? :P

Our last Relic Raid was one of the easiest I've ever been on ;)

Feel the love

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 11:02 pm
by Reza
This guys post cracked me up, just had to make sure you all got a chance to see it :)


Regular Freddie

Join Date: 21st Apr 2004
Location: i live in Denmark

First of all the (small) realm Hibs arent small anymore. They are more active than any other realm in RvR and they are atleast as many online as the mids so why i votet "Yes" is because maybe we can have some ballance agani adn trow that redicules and stupid idea of underpopulation away and take them as a god damn realm as all other ffs. We are all needed to be trade equally and not give some stupid realm some bonus pts because they arent to many online. Itys thair problem and i see a possible opertonaty in that if we remove underpopulation we can get some moral back to this Unballanced game as it is...........
Mid/Pryd: GM of Norsefejd
Angle SM.
Baldina Hunter.
Painlezz SB.
Balkeriz Warrior.
Baldarina BB.
Paramedic Healer.

Baldina Chanter
Akoni Druid

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 3:19 am
by Flippant Desires
Reza wrote:This guys post cracked me up, just had to make sure you all got a chance to see it :)

Had to put it thru the spell-checker before i understood it :)

But on clustering, ofc it will happen. The alternative is to keep wishful thinking that hordes of new players will join.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 8:24 am
by Ankh Morpork
I don't think I will bother voting for this one. Cos I both want it and dont want it. Can't decide, so instead of making bad decision ill just wait and see what we get..


Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 8:32 am
by Heta
Requiel wrote:I've made a thread on FH which various management people at Goa will be reviewing prior to a clustering decision. Please go and make your opinions known.
I got banned once for calling GOA fucktards on FH, but guess thats not the opinions you are after in that thread :sheepskip