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Camping a ML Mob is CoC now
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:39 pm
by Luinmir
Fridays news on Goa's site
A new fair play rule in Atlantis
More and more players camp specific Atlantis areas in order to kill over again the same creature from a Master Level step. It becomes a problem when it prevents other players or battle groups from killing the creature and completing the step.
Blocking an encounter is now considered as harmful for the community and will be punished as written in our code of conduct.
It is now requested that players who want to kill the same monster from a Master Level step repeatedly, let the other players or groups have their turn to complete the encounter or merge with them in order to find an amicable solution. The players who were there first will of course be allowed to continue their activities once everybody has completed the encounter.
The distribution of the loot is up to the player's discretion as always.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:52 pm
by Lairiodd
Hmm, you are chain killing a mob and you have to form a bg with anyone who comes along, this sounds reasonable.
However, there then needs to be a *rule* for loot split. A reasonable one would be that those who were there first get all the loot unless they are not able to kill the mob on their own (provable by the 2nd group not helping in the battle).
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:12 pm
by Ovi
I can't think of many ML mobs that are farmable and drop anything worthwhile anyway
Maybe some servers/realms get 4 fgs farming .10 bosses?

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:26 pm
by stupeh
morai, fire island are 2 examples ;<
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:48 pm
by Puppet
Ovi wrote:I can't think of many ML mobs that are farmable and drop anything worthwhile anyway
Maybe some servers/realms get 4 fgs farming .10 bosses?

ML1.1 is farmable; easy, good loot and insta repop.
ML2.10 is easy farmable (chanter + druid for example) quite fast repop and some good loot.
Various ML9 steps are easy farmable (ML9.1 for example) and so are various ML3-steps.
ML5 steps easy but drop fa loot; saw people chaining ML7 endure-tests; but beside 1 rare drop u can have multiple instances on that one up so np.
Also the ML8-step involving the djinn with the 1 controlled statue is easy farmable and semi-worthwhile loot (gale, lightning-etched XXX).
Never been a problem on Prydwen; however I imagine issues on larger servers at times.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:15 pm
by Kaire
Seems like a generally good idea imo

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 9:32 am
by HappyG
Thats just plain silly.
For example you have good farming group on 1.1 island, and than some random group comes, aparently unable to farm it in 10 minutes, and by the rules you have to watch em dying and patiently wait for your turn?
Besided, GOA doesn't have enough people to fix encounters, you can hardly get anyone to fix broken encounter in prime-time, I wonder who will watch if groups really give their turn to other people :chinese:
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:47 am
by Aran_Thule
HappyG wrote:For example you have good farming group on 1.1 island, and than some random group comes, aparently unable to farm it in 10 minutes, and by the rules you have to watch em dying and patiently wait for your turn?
We had this problem when we tried to get a few people through 1.1, had support but all damage dealers were low season and the purros were resisting constantly.
tbh it was painful (for us and the group that had been farming)
However there are easy ways around it, in this case (and was offered after it was taking a while) the experianced group can lend someone to make it go much faster.
The other way is when you you are running the farming group you allow 1 or 2 to join for the credit.
We did this on friday and got several people through without problem.
Personally i think this is a good rule, ToA caused much unplesantness and agro, this goes a little way to making it easier and shouldnt cause any problems.
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 6:04 pm
by Gitt
HappyG wrote:Thats just plain silly.
For example you have good farming group on 1.1 island, and than some random group comes, aparently unable to farm it in 10 minutes, and by the rules you have to watch em dying and patiently wait for your turn?
Besided, GOA doesn't have enough people to fix encounters, you can hardly get anyone to fix broken encounter in prime-time, I wonder who will watch if groups really give their turn to other people :chinese:
Here's an Idea.. if your mercenary cash hungry farm group wants a swift return to its selfish loot whoring you could always merge with them and do the encounter until they all have it...
I'm sure they would all be so grateful they would let you keep your prescious loot....
What the hell is wrong with people these days?
Fair play to GOA imo