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Druid Looking for active RVR guild

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 5:40 pm
by Biloria
As topic says Im looking for an active RVR guild to play in.

Biloria Beau RR6L1 druid fully Toa template, jacina, kalares, gov etc etc zo'arkat etc etc.

Played in AD, Elcyion Lacar and Eden Falls.

Yours: Bil

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 5:54 pm
by Elrandhir
Biloria wrote:As topic says Im looking for an active RVR guild to play in.

Biloria Beau RR6L1 druid fully Toa template, jacina, kalares, gov etc etc zo'arkat etc etc.

Played in AD, Elcyion Lacar and Eden Falls.

Yours: Bil
Hello there Biloria and hope you get some answers, get your old guildmates to return instead... pft that Garaa only playing WoW ;P

Would also said yes to inviting, but we have 2 druids and we donĀ“t always have time to play every day and so on cause of many IRL sheat things ;P
*But no dought someone will want you to join their guild =D.

Was cool grouping with you some times back then, sorry TOA came really, as thats what scr*wed it for your guild I guess "Garaa said something like that anyhow ;P", well did for me for a long while also, but back and trying again now, well when I have time..

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 5:55 pm
by maxis
I think NFD can work something out ;)

Will try to catch you in game

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 8:13 pm
by Biloria
[quote="Elrandhir"]Hello there Biloria and hope you get some answers, get your old guildmates to return instead... pft that Garaa only playing WoW ]

Elcyion Lacar time was filled with fun all time.
That was the good ol' days.

And yeah sucha shame that Khazze (Gaaraa) went to WoW.
Blazor playing in Nolby on excal and he has been doing a BM now here on Hib / pryd in Nolby too.
Urme Plays WoW
Presence doing drugs or I don't know.
Sverker not playing anymore.
And tha warden he is playing alb / excal now I guess.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 8:33 pm
by Elrandhir
Biloria wrote:Elcyion Lacar time was filled with fun all time.
That was the good ol' days.

And yeah sucha shame that Khazze (Gaaraa) went to WoW.
Blazor playing in Nolby on excal and he has been doing a BM now here on Hib / pryd in Nolby too.
Urme Plays WoW
Presence doing drugs or I don't know.
Sverker not playing anymore.
And tha warden he is playing alb / excal now I guess.
Big shame, was fun having all of you around, nice to still have you here ofcourse, but was really cool the few times I jumped in as Blockhero for you, will never be the same ingame not having that guild here and "Garaa/henke," always bugging me about getting Elrandhir for Blockspot, hope somehow all will return but I dought it ofcourse..."WoW isnt really that great though tested is and made an 44 mage, then I swopped back" ;D

Well gl Bil, and gimme a /send if you se Im ingame ^^

Maby we can have some outside guild RvRing when one of us has nothing to do ^^

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 5:21 pm
by Overdue
RvR guild "The National Health Service" forming, we're still toa'ing and stuff atm though but need another druid for last spot in group.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 9:27 am
by Evulweebeastie
Ross :) I'll be making my Light Eld soon ;o

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:48 pm
by Overdue
Eh, what happened to our deal?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 8:11 pm
by Evulweebeastie
ill still have it for PLing but im rolling a light eld cos its uber on camlann

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 9:08 pm
by Overdue
Ah I see, hows life anyways? When you coming back to daoc or are you playing Camlann atm?