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Artiraid: Every thursday - signup

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:51 pm
by Childofkhain
ok After last thursday and the feed back i have decided to run this raid EVERY week from now till - whenever.
Raid will be EVERY thursday at:
18:00 <UK TIME>
19:00 <CET>
Meet at Stygia haven.


If the artifact you are after requires you to complete a pre quest: eg CS then get it done and if you need anything to do the arti YOU are responsible for bringing them eg: SoK: one ram, EoY 2 rams etc etc
List ATM:
ChildofKhain: SoK and CB
Sugah: GoV
Tox: Phoebus Harp <at least i get you down this way >
Celedth: Scorpions Tail Ring and EoY
Finagle: GoV and SoM <silly arti's>
Aerendur: Jacina's Sash and Erinys charm <Will take your first 2 only but you are free to change these if you prefer another>
Moley: Nailiahs robe and Ceremonial bracer
isletha: Bruser
Dwaee: Ceremonial Bracer and Atlantis Tablet
Nostalgica: GoV
Shaanor: Atlantis Tablet
cuiroadh: GS and GoV <silly arti's>
Asterixx: Zahurs Ring and Woven Hair of Malamis <Twinge getting there>
Haste: Croc tears ring and Phoebus harp
Killder: Malice and Battler
Eradium: Bracer of Zo'arkat and Eriny's Charm <silly arti's>
Brydia: SoK
Yurian: eirens hauberk and CB <Please ensure you get the rest of the pre req done>
Aimithirse: Jack's Sash and Bracer of Zo. <-10>
Balthasar: GoV + SoK <Tut Tut -10>
Alduan: Jacinas Sash and Atlantis Tablet.
Asysh: SoK
Happymiel: Khaos
Shift: Jacinas
Roanne: Eriny's Charm and Cinder Sleeves <close to getting a - will consider this>
Brodwen: PH and CS
Aruthae: enyalios boots and GoV
Jarahl: Zo Bracer and Atlantis Tablet
Smiral: Stone of Atlantis and Zahur's Crown
Fugue: Many 0o -GoV and EoY
Eirian: GoV and SoM <-10>
Flaiir: CS and Snatchers
Qbic: SoM + Battler <-10>
Maccian: Battler and Malice <-10>
Araryn: Battler and Malice
Candor: Jacinash Sash
Kagath: Bruiser
Lukkoye: CB and Zo
Malanari: SoK and CB
Maramar: malice and gov
Touchy: EoY and Phoebus
Gimpy NS: SoM and Golden Spear
Phinith: CS and Nailah's
Farils: cb and zahur bracer/ring
Hiolu: Bracer of Zo
<trez>: CB and GoV (arti only so can bring animist)
Akillez: Golden spear
Kraigh: Nailah's
Cogan: Bracer of Zo'arkat
Bondoila: Bracer of Zo'arkat
Rhiewen: egg of youth & bracer of zo
Pikeh: Hair of malamas and malice encounter
Growik: Goldenspear
Relic: Eiryne's charm
Ocalin: Egg of Youth and Spear of Kings
minilarax: atlantis tablet and jacina's sash <-10>
Pohez: Erinys Charm
Pohui: Erinys Charm
Dorax: Spear Of Kings and Eirene's Hauberk
Togusa: nailahs robe and jacina's sash

If you are not on here please sign up.

In additon to this those who attend the most raids and go unrewarded will recived a bonus on the roll. Likewise those who get what they are after will be penalised:
Attending First Raid: +10
Staying till the end of a raid: +10
Failing to Gain an artifact even though encounter was completed: +10
Giving outstanding assitance to an encounter +10 <per encounter>

Getting the artifact / item you came for: -30
Excessive cursing: -10
Choosing 2 V hard artifacts: -10
Being late for the roll: -10

Scores on the doors:
Me: +130
Eldina: +30
Asterixxx: +40 <silly arti's>
Naicara: +20 <silly arti's>
Gried: +30
Kize: +30
Green Peg: +20 <silly arti's>
Toxnote: +70
Aimi: +100 <2 outstanding displays of support>
Shifty: -20
Happymiel: +70 <2 outstanding displays of support>
Smiral: +20
Darksaga: -20 <arti gained>
Farrand: +10
Jerice: +50
Phinith: +20
Chenata: +20
Banana: +10
Lukkoye: +20

Just to clear up what defines a <silly arti's> note: Any 2 arti's that will more than likly require 4+ animists or 3+fg.
Raid will be EVERY thursday at 18:00 BST 19:00 CET Meet at Stygia haven.
Loot rolling at raid leaders descresion.....

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 9:23 pm
by locherbread
Well i'm signing up for sure :-)

Bracer of Zo' & battler are my two choices - er hopefully these don't come under the tough arti category ^ ^

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 9:54 pm
by Nored
I might pop up some raid to help and for some nice items, if they drop ...

I don't need anymore artifacts ;)



Note: By the rules you've set, you'll grand yourself an extra 10% on roll every raid ...

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 10:00 pm
by Ethild
What sorta times are these running? I would love to do Bracer of Zo'arkat, but we have guild RvR on Thursdays too in the evening.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 10:37 pm
by nibs
im not currently after any arti's but if im free on a thursday, ill bring along an ani to make things easier for everyone :p

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 10:57 pm
by Childofkhain
Cheers nored and nibs - all loot is rollable at the end - will go as class specific the first time but those who just come for mlxp / to help can roll for all on the first round - though only one drop each <not including the artifact that you end up getting>

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 11:16 pm
by Eibhing

I signing up in the other "arti post u did" but i´ll type down my artis here as well, so u dont miss them ;)


Signing up for atlantis tablet and a drop from battler
( the cinder slevees )

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:15 am
by Lenah
Thankyou for taking this off my back Childofkain. I hope these raids the best of luck, and you know you can buzz me if ya got anything to ask.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:24 am
by Treamos
Signing up with Treamos for Fool's Bow :)

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 1:07 pm
by naic
Gonna come all thursdays ( hopefully :) ).

Problem is my wanted artis though as you know, Jacina's Sash and Atlantis Stone Tablet. :p

Oh and btw, thought I had +30 on roll ;)