More info on the upcoming patches/releases - from VN board

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More info on the upcoming patches/releases - from VN board

Post by Cuchuluhain »

Evening all,
Just got back from the Roundtable in Washington DC and thought I would tell a bit about what was discussed and how things went.

Two Updates and one Expansion were shown. 1.76 for release in roughly June 05, 1.77 roughly Sep 05 and the new UNNAMED expansion in Winter 05.

1.76 - This update will be giving Guilds some love. Several things were mentioned as follows.
- An update to the Guild Interface. Making guild items more easily accessable.
- Instituing a merit system. This will have several aspects, but will be a good way to try to keep people in a guild.
- Guild Banners. Usable in RvR. This was very interesting. Each banner has a different ability (ie. with it Abs buff, mez reduction, etc..) Only one banner can be in RvR/Guild at a time. However, if the banner holder dies, the banner falls to the ground and an enemy realm will be able to pick it up and take it back to their guild house and display it like a trophy. The specifics on how long the banner stays in one place before it can be picked up have not been difined yet, but were being worked.
- Guild Missions. Much like RvR missions, but guild specific.
- Guild Dues. A system to pay guild dues. Not much was discussed about this.

1.77 - This update will be giving Classic Camelot a much needed rework. Specifics that were mentioned were updates to Epic Quests and Epic Armor. Making it worth wearing and doing the quests for. Updates to Classic high level areas (Dartmoor, Lyonesse, Llyn Barfog) Updates to the dungeons. etc... Specifics were sketchy but lots of good things were discussed.
- Epics. The big downer on the Epics was that one would have to REDO the epic quests from the beginning to get the new updated armor. However, the quests are being reworked so that peeps would be doing the same final quests for the armor.
- Many individual class bugs were discussed, too many to list, however, not many were new bugs not stated in TL reports.
- Talk about reducing the repair timer on razed towers was mentioned, and other thought on RvR. Some far fetched, some not so far fetched.

New Expansion - The next expansion (presently unnamed, in fact there was a contest to name it at the Roundtable) will be another PAY expansion. The next expansion will be based on each realms (Hib, Mid, Alb) is being "attacked" from within and is having his thone threatened. Players will talk to the king to start the process. This expansion will include several aspects I will discuss below, but will be Champion Quests, Champion Levels, Champion Weapon, and one other thing....
- Champion Quests. These are going to be in 3 phases, presently undetermined as to how it is going to be separated. But will be able to be started at Level 30. The 2nd phase may be at Level 40 with Phase 3 being the Champion Levels at L50.
- Champion Levels. These will additional abilities that you will be able to get, but not as powerful as ML's. Each Champion Level will give like a 50 HP increase or and increase to Power. etc... small things but will give the ability to work on Subclasses. Subclasses are being able to get abilities not normally available to you as a specific archtype. Example: A paladin would be able to get a low level Caster DD, or a Caster could spec in slash and be able to wear and use a sword. etc... certain things WILL NOT be allowed according to Mythic. Stealth, Speed, CC, Climb Walls, and several others will not be able to be Subclassed into. Completing each Champion Level will give one point to put into a subclass culminating to a total of 5 CL points. Titles will also be available at the completion of the Champion levels. Completing all CL's will lead to getting the Champion weapon.
- Champion Weapon. This will be the Weapon equivilent of Epic Armor. Each will be class specific and will be individually created for EACH class. The concept art of the Pally Sword was very nice. Eagle on the hilt and Bright Glowie...
- PLAYER CONTROLLED HORSES. They are coming and we saw the video showing the initial stages of them. With the expansion, at @ L35 everyone would be able to get a horse, however this will be the Standard Horse (free), not customizable. With the pay expansion you will be able to get a customizable horse or several different types. Barding, Armor, Guild colors, etc will be able to be put on the Horse. Horses will not be usable in combat and will travel at Mins/Bard/Skald speed. Completing CL's and other undefined quests, will unlock different abilities of the horse. Saddlebags will be available for additional storage. There is also a plan to be able to name your own horse.

Well, that is all I have at the moment, if you have any questions, go ahead and post and I will do my best to answer them.

-> Anything about how many new zones will be implemented? Was anything mentioned about the look or dynamics of those zones?
- There will be 3 new zones total. One in each Realm. The concept art was not really shown for those zones and nothing really was stated as to where they were going to be. What was stated was that the zone will be where the 3rd phase of the Champion Levels will be.
There will also be an addition/change to each capital city. The King will be there... not sure specifically where, but will be there. The "doors that go nowhere" in Cammy Castle were mentioned and the devs got a strange look in their eyes when they were asked about them. They were very elusive about more on those doors.

-> Can you tell a bit more about how the horses looked at initial stage? Was there already some animation?
- The Horses looked Pretty good.. the grafic design from what we were shown did include rippling muscles while running. The detail was pretty good.
- When we were shown the video, we were asked to bring out these plastic coconuts that we were given when we checked in. The Video starts with the sound a of horse running... then it shows a rider... then pans out to the "rider" skipping along... followed closely by another guy with a BIG backpack and a pair of coconuts in his hands... IT WAS ABSOLUTELY CLASSIC!! Most people were begging that they institute that as an optional mount.
- The standard horses looked pretty much like the horses you see at the stablemaster. The advanced horses had different colors and there was talk about different breeds. Sizes were slightly diffenent depending on race of the rider, but horses weren't all that different in each Realm. Does that mean it won't change before release, I don't know. The graffics were Catacombs graffics so they were pretty good.

-> Any chance that some video footage might appear online by some RT Attendees? Or did they ban all cams?
- There were cameras and some video cameras, but I honestly can't say if anyone was filming. I unfortunately didn't get any shots... sad

-> Can you elaborate a bit more about what is meant with the 3 phases on the Champion Quests?
- The 3 phases were basically thought of as increasing in the story line progression. Mythic was deciding on whether it will be level based (ie... start at 30, continue next part at 40, final part at 50.. or something different). That portions specifics is still in development. Sorry, I can't answer more on that one.

-> Did they say more about story related stuff? e.g. if they want to strengthen that part, which imho lacked in terms of involvement and dialog?
- The story was talked about, but mostly as a general overview. I am not sure I follow the rest of this question. Do you mean Epics or in the Expansion?

-> Did some of you bug them about that darkness rising stuff anyway?
- There were lots of questions, but not alot of them (in my breakout session, there were 3 going at the same time and we rotated thru them) were about the story. Sorry I can't be more specific here. sad

-> A lot of confusion currently resides about the CL Skill points. To take the example of the low level dd for the paladin. Is it 1:1 comparable in terms of power to a lev5 spec nuke or will there be just five nukes that have individual delve values not comparable to the normal progression of traditional skill trees?
- For the subclassing, each Archtype, would be able to get basic training from a different Archtype trainer. (ie.. Paladin would not be able to see an Armsman trainer, because they are of the same Archtype, however could go to an Elementalist type trainer and learn some spells. Or a Healer for Healing ability or baseline buffs. Or Scout to learn how to use a bow.) What was stated was that the ability would not be OVERPOWERED. Mids would not be able to Chamber, Tanks would not be able to stealth (in fact no class, other than those that already could) would be able to do that.
- It was also stated that you could use all 5 of your CL points in one area making it stronger, or spread it out among several subclasses. 5 in one or 2 in one, 2 in another, 1 in last as an example. Does that help answer that a bit.

-> Whas there anything said about animation reworks? (old topic)
- Nothing that I heard... but what did you mean about animations? Emotes, spell effects, something else??

-> Will the 1.77 update include reworked mob modells as well? How drastic will the rework be? Will it be a complete Redesign including new loot, quests etc? Anything mentioned about the Dragon encounter and model?
- Specifics were not really discussed, however it was stated that the classic zones would get some well deserved "Love". Loot was talked about to make it more desirable, but specifics were hedgy...

-> Did they say anything about Voiceovers?
- Not that I heard sad

-> Was anything mentioned about Instanced RvR?
- Instanced RvR was not really talked about, but CL's will be Instanced and able to be completed either solo or grouped

-> What do you mean by saying "a customizable horse or several different types"? Different type of horses or types of mounts?
- errr... see above... It think I answered this up there....

-> Regarding Champion Weapons, were there more concept sketches presented than that of the pally weapon? If yes can you elaborate on them a bit.
- The only one we were shown was the Pally sword. To go back into my (hidden) past, I got the impression of a Holy Avenger Sword. The Eagle on the pommel was reminiscent <sp> of the Eagle on the Pally Epic armor, but with wider wings. The sword was Bright Glowy with VERY VERY Yellow/Gold glow. This was a concept art picture and not a grafic in game.
- No other examples were shown, however it was stated that each class would be unique. So the Wizzy staff would look nothing like the Sorc staff etc...
- It was also stated that they were looking on how to have it not only be class specific, but spec specific also and would be able to be turned in if a Respec was done (ie. Pole Arms switch to S/S would be able to change the pole to a sword type thing)

Thx in advance for your answers.


Anytime, hope this helps answer some questions... Please let me know if there are any more...."

These are taken from a post on the EU boards.

Interesting, no?

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Post by Lairiodd »

... that the ability would not be OVERPOWERED
Famous last words :) ?
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Post by pikeh »

am i the only one that thinks releasing details this quickly after cata came out was a bit of a mistake? I myself have just got the impression that catacombs is somewhat oldschool compared to the new expansion, as it incorporates all the things cata hasnt. I know its still over a year away probably, but still seems a bit silly to say "heres whats coming in the new expansion, have fun playing cata's for another year without personal mounts and champion level's meights!!!111"
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Post by Asysh »

pikeh wrote:am i the only one that thinks releasing details this quickly after cata came out was a bit of a mistake? I myself have just got the impression that catacombs is somewhat oldschool compared to the new expansion, as it incorporates all the things cata hasnt. I know its still over a year away probably, but still seems a bit silly to say "heres whats coming in the new expansion, have fun playing cata's for another year without personal mounts and champion level's meights!!!111"
Exactly. They also need to stop adding quite so much new stuff. Fixing game mechanics etc would be far more preferable.

Also I'd like to see a bit more of Albion, Hibernia and Midgard. Atlantis has basically made the differences in rvr fights a bit generic and catacombs was total fabrication - the shar queen based on celtic mythology? Whatever.
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Post by Sardine »

With these champion levels would Blademasters or Heros be able to spec abit into valor and get debuffs and a dd? Don't understand all off it tbh, seems a bit weird if you ask me. A caster running around styleing other people, sounds totally stupid ;o

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Post by Lairiodd »

In fairness though, Cata was released before Christmas for the US servers, so this is 6 months after they released it.
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Post by Arcsalin »

What it says to me is that if the armor and weaps are going to be available and in some way they are better than the present system (which presumably it will be) we have then nobody is getting any more plats off me for anything toa orientated. This news renders it worthless, have fun trying to horde plats of peeps in future because if any one has any sense they can look at this news and just say right well i'll ding an alt to ml 10 and then leave it to rust till the next expansion.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

I like the sound of these updates,guild changes and especially the banners and tbh the champion levels too (unless they screw it up)


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Post by Lairiodd »

Arcsalin wrote:What it says to me is that if the armor and weaps are going to be available and in some way they are better than the present system (which presumably it will be) we have then nobody is getting any more plats off me for anything toa orientated. This news renders it worthless, have fun trying to horde plats of peeps in future because if any one has any sense they can look at this news and just say right well i'll ding an alt to ml 10 and then leave it to rust till the next expansion.
Well, it might be worth less than before, but not worthless. You get nearly one year of use from any equipment that you buy.
Lairiodd Level 50 Nightshade and Legendary Grandmaster Smith (1065) check prices here
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Post by Arcsalin »

Thanks but i'd rather not waste the plats and make a crafter tbh, think the money is more usefully put into something that has a lifespan rather than something fickle and that peeps change from day to day regarding templates. At least a crafter stands the test of time, i'd rather not waste my time in all that wasted xp either tbh.

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