ML2 Raid - May 7th

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Emerald Rider
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ML2 Raid - May 7th

Post by nibs »

With the hopeful completion on ML1 on the morrow, i will run a ML2 raid in one weeks time. It will be a 2fg raid (sign up) with the following rules.


* Only 99%/100% drops, scrolls, and keys will be lotto'd
* If keys drop, all can roll for them
* You can only roll for an item you can use (i.e. wont have any bards rollin for hero items)
* You let me lead, and kindly dont bark orders on the BG... thats my job.
* If anyone decides that they should pipe up and attempt to tell the BG what to do without due cause, i will warn them only once, and if they persist i will more than happily remove you from the BG for being annoying.
* You listen, follow, and do as i ask. This will allow for the raid to go quickly, and efficiently.

That'll do for rules :)


Meeting will be outside Stygia Haven, at 6.45 GMT (so that we can move out for 7). This will allow us time to set up groups, and allow for all to arrive for a prompt start.


Only pre-request i will ask you to have done is the solo step, we will do the chess step on raid as it is 2fg sign up, thus, wont be too time consuming.


Group 1

bard: niblet (ctr now lvl 10 so ae songs 4tw)
druid: raisla
melee: riceybeag (ranger... if you can call it that ;p)
melee: moleey (hero)
warden: Perfume
mage: Alise (eldritch)
mage: Azdomar (animist)
misc: Flyck (bainshee)

Group 2

melee: mordenaar (vamp)
druid: tararan
warden: minkyra
melee: Rhoslyn
melee: childofkhain (vamp)
mage: midget/treee (chanter)
mage: adalyn/werty (chanter)
misc: minixxcal (eld)

Group 3 misfits

mage: moley (menta)
melee: jea (vamp)
mage: killsimba (chanter)
druid: killsimba
melee: Ejacula (shade)
druid: makaronada
mage: bowie (chanter)
bard: bowie

2.10 Only:

Ambrinoa (shade)
Amedor (?)

Other than that, i open the thread up for you to sign up and say that you wanna come join me on my 4th (iirc) ML2 full raid. I currently have the keys to open the necessary doors, so half the item farming battle has already been won :)
Gwarp, 42, Savage, LGM AC
Grumblebum, 50, Spiritmaster, ML3
Nibkyrie, 48, Valk, 9xx Alch
Nibmedic, 50, Healer, ML9
Stumblebum, 50, Warrior, ML10


Post by Kallima »

Rhoslyn 48 ranger

Emerald Rider
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Post by twinga »

lo :) would like to go with my druid BB specced "tararan" so add me in druid/any/misc spot :)

Laterr :)

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Post by Amedor »

Amedor the Enchanter signing up
Retired until further notice

Emerald Rider
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Post by Bugzy »

I intended to do a bg raid for this myself but oh well :P

sign moleey, a hero, up for a melee spot.

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Post by nibs »

thought id save u the trouble ;)

you can do ML3 :D
Gwarp, 42, Savage, LGM AC
Grumblebum, 50, Spiritmaster, ML3
Nibkyrie, 48, Valk, 9xx Alch
Nibmedic, 50, Healer, ML9
Stumblebum, 50, Warrior, ML10

Emerald Rider
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Post by Childofkhain »

would like to sign up as vampiir please

Emerald Rider
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Post by Treeeebeard »

hehe bugz fears ml3 tbh :P

Sign midget up for pbaoe chanter :)

If you both run a seperate ml3 raid i can get Fop on coreane and still work towards ml10 on chanter ^^
Marsh horde
Treeeebeard Hollowhead <Animist> ML10 RR5 Grandmaster talior


TheBigSmurth <Sorceress> 50 RR2


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Post by Adalyn »

enchanter signing up, and update your sig tree :p

Adalyn - Eagle Knight - ML10



Fishyflaps - Grove Protector - Ml3

<Marsh Horde>


Emerald Rider
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Post by Treeeebeard »

Happy now n00b?

Oh and since i never seen these before

:eny: :ec:
Marsh horde
Treeeebeard Hollowhead <Animist> ML10 RR5 Grandmaster talior


TheBigSmurth <Sorceress> 50 RR2


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