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The Plus and Minus points of clustering.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:54 am
by pikeh
As i see it, soloing in DAoC is getting harder than ever. Logged my shade on yesterday, killed a scout but was rapidly jumped by a rr6 paladin. Fair enough, i was out of the fight so he wasnt adding. Come back for a second run and fire off SL, and manage to get an infi down to 30% before an rr6 scout and the same pally added. Log on my vw, fight that rr6 scout and i think we would both agree that it was a nice fight, (i was on about 30% after a few bow shots and he was on 50%) so it could have gone either way, however, surprise surprise i was added on by a friar , who just healed the scout. so i put weapon away and /rude them both, (go me). I logged my vamp for some hardcore PvE, becuase at least i know mobs dont add when your solo.
So this big mess is what led me to start debating the plus and minus points of server clustering.

Plus points :
More action for GG's and FG's
More roaming rvr
More Competition

Minus Points :
Will never get a solo fight
Division of community
General rudeness from excal people (ive played there for a bit longer than i have hib so i know what its like)
Even more area camper's like the Brynja Defence Squad

So, these are the ones i can come up with. What are your views? A good move or Bad?

I imagine lots of stealther whine and people who have a GG to be quite happy with this change.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:05 am
by Xest
becuase at least i know mobs dont add when your solo.
Have you ever tried killing pygmy goblins or dampwood mites ;) ?

Seriously though, I think you'll actually get MORE solo fights with clustering, on Merlin which will roughly be the same size as Excalibur/Prydwen stuck together there's enough population to sustain RvR in every frontier albeit smaller scale RvR in two of the frontiers usually. Fact is, I know if I want solo RvR on Merlin I have 4 possible places to go - Crauchon, Bledmeer, Benowyc, Boldiam and it's VERY rare I can't feasibly solo on my Theurg in at least one of those areas.

I honestly do feel larger servers just give healthier RvR all round because you tend to find everything from zergs, to pickup groups, to high end 8 vs 8 to duos to solos, large servers just seem cater better for everything except artifact encounters ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:30 am
by Aran_Thule
My thoughts but all depends how they cluster

More people in RvR, should be able to get more things claimed
Possibly able to get more people for PvE raids

Communication issues between servers
ToA will be camped more
Breakdown of community and possible infighting
Unfair on thoose that play both Excal/Pryd
Makes any attempt of an unbiased planned relic raid impossible to keep quiet

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:40 am
by Compton
also teh alb zerg will become vaster and will lag you to death :p

I'd rather have TOA kept for each server on its own, i.e. no excal wankercampers on prydwen. And ml raids are becoming easy enough we dont need excal imo.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:41 am
by Maeloch
Zergs are always good for soloing as you can always patrol around em and pick off peeps. 8v8 action isn't really as u just get run over alla the time.

Also, solo atm = 1 or mebbe 2 areas. Clustering will open up some more zones for this.

Mael, 50th ment.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:44 am
by Quinlan
Compton wrote:also teh alb zerg will become vaster and will lag you to death :p

I'd rather have TOA kept for each server on its own, i.e. no excal wankercampers on prydwen. And ml raids are becoming easy enough we dont need excal imo.
This will never happen Compton. Part of the clusering as far as i get it is that if even only the rvr zones are clustered you can always port to the inner realm from the other server via a telelporter. Requiel explained this clearly on FH.

O and pikeh. Stealthers just need to find another place to 'meet' instead of bryna like it is now.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:51 am
by pikeh
Quinlan wrote:
O and pikeh. Stealthers just need to find another place to 'meet' instead of bryna like it is now.
semi retiring my shade now and trying to get VW done, stealth rvr just has no, dare i say "morals". there is no honour- when i do get a solo fight they either run away or totally obliterate me. Not what i call fun really, even ebayed rambo has to grp with an rr4 scout now. Had a couple of nice fights on my VW recently, but only by luck where they not added on. on both occasions a couple of small PUG's have run past just as i have finished the fight.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:55 am
by Briannon
Question: is clustering being considered purely for RvR reasons? If so then it ignores the other side of the game, PvE.

If GOA seriously contemplate going down the clustering route they should also consider giving Europe a Gaheris-style server that would enable peeps to play all classes in all realms, a small but significant step to redressing the problems that clustering would cause for people who like to play on two realms.

I've gotta say that looking at the discussions on clustering it seems the vote may well go in favour of it so I'm already planning the end of my time in the Europe game. Haven't yet decided whether to sell my house but will let peeps know if I do.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:59 am
by Elrandhir
Briannon wrote:Question: is clustering being considered purely for RvR reasons? If so then it ignores the other side of the game, PvE.

If GOA seriously contemplate going down the clustering route they should also consider giving Europe a Gaheris-style server that would enable peeps to play all classes in all realms, a small but significant step to redressing the problems that clustering would cause for people who like to play on two realms.

I've gotta say that looking at the discussions on clustering it seems the vote may well go in favour of it so I'm already planning the end of my time in the Europe game. Haven't yet decided whether to sell my house but will let peeps know if I do.
To be able to play all classes from every realm on one server really is to spoil the whole idea of the game imo -_-

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:15 am
by Briannon
Elrandhir wrote:To be able to play all classes from every realm on one server really is to spoil the whole idea of the game imo -_-

Not really, it's just a different game experience - there's no RvR and its pure PvE. Totally alien environment for RvR addicts but a nice way of exploring everything the game has to offer in PvE. There is also something a bit wierd (nicely wierd) about having a vamp and a heretic team up to go hunting.