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Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:06 pm
by nibs
I'm here to name and shame a certain person for 'stealing' an artifact.

To fill you in on what transpired, i will inform you of the events (those who were there can confirm/correct).

Earlier today (14/04) a small BG of people did GOV Encounter. The rules were clearly stated at the start by the leader (those being that you can roll for the artifact with your active character (and not your bots)). As such we took out Danos and all his little friends and completed the encounter. No treasurer was set, so loot was autosplit.

First item we rolled for was the actual GOV artifact, which was done on /random 100 and i won.

The artifact itself had been picked up and autosplit to 'Aimeniel' which was being botted by Penlid/Bellowing. Needless to say, i never actually recieved the arti, instead it was passed (by himself i assume as he was runnign the bot to my knowledge) onto his Bainshee (Bellowing), and ran off to activate it (which he did).

So yea, there you have it. Bellowing is now running round in a nice little GOV artifact which rightfully belongs to me, however theres nothing that i or you can do about it. Just thought id name and shame him :)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:24 pm
by Briannon
That sucks Nibs. Feel for you m8. There are times when greed is a most ugly thing to see.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:27 pm
by nibs
Im not worried that i didn't get the arti, there will be other times after all. Tis just the fact the guy blatently stole it and made a conscious decision to run off and activate it knowing that he had lost the roll, and that the artifact should have been passed on to the winner.


Yea, i told him to f00k off after he told me he'd activated it :)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:31 pm
by Penlid
\o/ First of all you won't even use the arti, 2nd of all ur a wanker 3rd of all ive offered to replace it. There ya go.

And for those who know me and know im a nice person, i wouldn't do it to anyone of you, i just think Nibalot thinks he is a righteous bastard and everyone should love him.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:32 pm
by Majty
Are you sure it was Penlid who did it? Dont know him to well myself, but what I'v heard from others in the realm/read on forum, ,he seems like a nice guy, but I guess you never know :)

EDIT : just check this thread for an example :)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:36 pm
by Penlid
That still stands Majty but not to someone who will just sell it.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:36 pm
by Haarewin
nice way to treat a guildy.
edit: the pair of you should sort this out with gm's. dont bring it to forums.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:38 pm
by nibs
Penlid wrote:\o/ First of all you won't even use the arti, 2nd of all ur a wanker 3rd of all ive offered to replace it. There ya go.

And for those who know me and know im a nice person, i wouldn't do it to anyone of you, i just think Nibalot thinks he is a righteous bastard and everyone should love him.
I wont use it? Are you sure of that?

And lets say i had no use for it that dont change the fact *i* won it, i was entitle to do what ever i wanted to do with it. Which unbeknownst to you could include many things:

Activate it on my eldritch... or my Animist... or my Bard or pass it on to one of my guildies free of charge so they could activate it.

And as for me being a wanker... your opinion matters to me.

And his *not* my guildie.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:38 pm
by Piffany
Same old, same old.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:41 pm
by Penlid
nibs wrote: And his *not* my guildie.
Thank god for that! :cowgif: