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Checking out the game again after 7 years.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:10 pm
by mitath
Hi all,

Wow, it's been a really long time ago since I played DAoC on the Prydwen server. I was part of the Roses of Dawn. They moved to SWG and later to WoW, which they are still playing.
The guild became too big to my taste and due to RL commitments I had to quit. Tried some other games in the mean time (basically all promising titles over the past years), but never found the fun I used to find in DAoC.

To my surprise I was able to retrieve the data of my old account and took advantage of the free month retry for returning players. So yesterday, for the first time, I logged on with my druid Mitath, to find everything completely different.

Ok, so I tried a build that I found somewhere online (not many resources left), that I still have to try out with my druid. Went to buy a house (had plenty of plat left on my char to do that) and went to check out the action.

Boy..... is it quiet on Prydwen. Peak time showed 90 logged on players in Hib. Chat is completely quiet, and when I went to check out the RvR zones, it was obvious that problably half of those players were buffbots standing at the gates.

So, anyone else came back to check out the game after such a long time? And what are our hopes for server mergers so that we can get a decent population? Meanwhile I'm just checking out the new quests, and once I finish those in old Hib and SI, I will check out the other new parts (taking things, one step at a time).

Also, does anyone know where I could possibly find some good sensible druid templates? I used to be a healing druid, since that made most sense at the time, but judging the current population, it might make more sense to respec for a battle druid. Looks like I will be soloing for quite some time to come.

Anyway, feels good to be back though, and the game looks good. Now all I need is the ability to group with some folks every now and then.
Oh, and what about a bit of an active and social guild? It turns out that I'm the only one of my guild left, so I'm feeling a bit lonely. :'(


Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:38 pm
by Sharkith
Wait until you get your transfer to Ywain - that server is packed with a good population, lots of RvR PuGs and so on. Basically hang around until we get transfer

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:32 pm
by Luz
Yeah, I hope they allow move to US servers before I forget about DAoC again!
The free month is soon up and no way I'll renew on EU servers..

Much have changed indeed, I feel completely lost from time to time, but overall it's such fun nostalgia !

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:41 pm
by mitath
Luz wrote:Yeah, I hope they allow move to US servers before I forget about DAoC again!
The free month is soon up and no way I'll renew on EU servers..

Much have changed indeed, I feel completely lost from time to time, but overall it's such fun nostalgia !
Couldn't agree more. I'm using my free month now to have a peek around. It's awefully quiet. At best I get a 60 player count on both Prydwen and Excalibur together. Now that is very very quiet. Especially considering that about half are buffbots. So in that regard; not much fun.

I'm working on getting my crafting a bit up (no lag in TNN at the moment :P), so that when we get the transfer (hopefully before my free month expires) I'll at least be able to participate a bit in the crafting community.

Now I'm waiting to get my luri ranger un-deleted, since I in my cleaning up frenzy deleted that one as well. doh: I just hope that doesn't take them a full week, like it did to get my old account info. Those folks in the US for sure are not faster than the ones in Paris used to be. bah:

Despite all that, tons of fun memories pop up when I roam the lands of Hib. Now all I need is a fun guild. But I guess that better has to wait till the transfer. Not much activity on the servers now anyway.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:23 pm
by zanski
I wanna play.....