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Whats coming next in DAOC - lookin nice !

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:56 am
by Cuchuluhain ... ,265825359

Yeah the interview date had me a bit 'hrm, april fool', but take a look at the stuff theyre on about, its art content, new looks, new tooling of areas, a sensible set up to areas.

In short, a lot of fixes we've been whin... uh, asking about for years.

Now, for my ultimate prediction, this isnt the end of the cosmetic changes, and the up coming 'freebie' patch will include.

Player mounts - some form of personal run speed enhancement for -all- classes, possibly some flying mounts or customisability with the likes of guild banners, saddles and the like.

This would lead on to 'combat' mounts, theyd be able to attack and fight, making open field fights take longer (ooh look a hp buffer), all classes could move around easier, lets say the current speed classes get a bonus that allows all grouped/area mounts to move faster to offset the loss of a 'unique' ability. The mounts will have several 'levels', get the first at 20, say its a pony, then a horse at 30, then a warhorse at 40, then at 50 you quest up for a Battlemount (thats usable in rvr), I dont think theyll go for a buy your mount schtick like WOW, it`ll be earnable.

Tie that in with a new Epic armour, now at 50 you can quest for BattleArmour, including a set for your mount, its like the old epic armour, only updated with new skins and more relevant stats that would give a 50 decent resists and stats and weapon abilities. The old kit will remain useful for overcapping stats and adding extra little nudges like 5% style damage (artifacts etc). There may even be 2-3 different sets of amour/styles that players can work toward, one dealing more with pve, one being rvr focused and one being middle ground.

thats the biggest things I can see coming, perhaps a rise in group size from 8 to 10, but that would be a reach indeed.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 10:43 am
by Asysh
Dark ride of horse-a-lot

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 11:35 am
by Lieva
omg that mm fountain looks scarey :)

seems to make everything look dark :(
lke the new brickwork on TNN but the domes look really dark :(
On the Horizon: Guilds Next On Hit List

Proper UI: They are going to finally get this sorted out and give the players powerful tools to manage and observe their guilds.
hmm wonder this means they will finally give us ambassadors and guild bank? :)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:14 pm
by pikeh
hmm looks true enough - otherwise its a hell of a lot of work just for an april fools joke. anyways, looks like camelot is turning yet another corner graphically, i still think catacombs graphics are great. So im a bit skeptical, becuase already its a completely different game from the one i bought over three years ago, just hope they can deliver what they promise.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:46 pm
by Abalith
Its a shame its taken a competing game to make Mythic get their thumbs out their arses and implement ideas that should of been in this game years ago, i mean those they've stuck in with catacombs and this upcoming patch. But at least they're making progress.
And cuch, sure they've been trying to implement as many of WoW's ideas as possible, but i think player mounts will be a bit much :P

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 2:29 pm
by Lieva
i agree tbh

those newbie quests should have been in the game from the start.
But they are a welcome addition :)
And alot of fun to do :)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:09 pm
by Elrandhir
Abalith wrote:Its a shame its taken a competing game to make Mythic get their thumbs out their arses and implement ideas that should of been in this game years ago, i mean those they've stuck in with catacombs and this upcoming patch. But at least they're making progress.
And cuch, sure they've been trying to implement as many of WoW's ideas as possible, but i think player mounts will be a bit much :P
Would just get silly really, WoW needed it, Daoc donĀ“t.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 8:02 pm
by Cuchuluhain
to those saying they wont do mounts.

theyre redoing all the horse graphics, adding horse 'patrols' in the frontiers and adding rvr missions to ambush 'caravans'.

now, why put all that work into horses and mounts without having an alterior motive.

cmon folks, I called the banshee class well before it was leaked/announced, work with me here :)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:06 pm
by Argyleyn
I don't know about all the others, but increasing the group size would be a bit silly really as it's hard enough getting groups as it is now, trying to get a balanced group of 10 could take a really long time. And the balance they are trying to reach all this time would be thrown out of the window.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 10:21 pm
by Lieva
balance? nah :)
group of 10 is good.
On the ml raids people try to invite the best peeps to get a good base group but there are alot of peeps left out (VW, ranger, ns etc) who dont get to group with the best base as room.
This would give them a chance to be in a good group :)