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Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:46 am
by <ankh>
Luz wrote:Erh why add in "the single largest dungeon in any mmorpg", like it isnt hard to find action as it is?? :(

I will buy the expansion, try it, see how it feels. If nothing else to hand in some money to the company that have made the best mmorpg ever, yes DAoC, wtf is this bitching about? Whine whine whine, yet people play?
Overall its the best mmorpg ever and with the numbers of games out there that really says alot. Just face it.
Nobody have claimed anything else about daoc - and thats why people complain. They just don't want to see a great game get ruined by bad expansions (with bad expansions I dont mean the next one, cos we dont know if its good or not...and thats just it :D)


Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:05 am
by Lieva
HappyG wrote:I agree!

It should be named "Fortress Of The Minotaur"!
hehe Fotm ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:42 pm
by Nikolas
Is this new labyrinth dungeon an instance or a big free for all place? Sounds like Mythic want to lock all their gamers in a huge maze they wont ever be able to leave :P

Make sure you take plenty of string...

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:50 pm
by Ovi
Nikolas wrote:Is this new labyrinth dungeon an instance or a big free for all place? Sounds like Mythic want to lock all their gamers in a huge maze they wont ever be able to leave :P

Make sure you take plenty of string...

I thought it was bread crumbs :D

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:07 am
by Cuchuluhain
wonder if they can be animists..

mmm steak & sautee mushrooms..

ps, eh oh Hibbehs !

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:31 am
by Gahn
Cuchuluhain wrote:wonder if they can be animists..

mmm steak & sautee mushrooms..

ps, eh oh Hibbehs !
Look who's back wtf! How ya doing m8? xD

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:48 am
by Mojo

As I don't play much anymore (like, twice a month if I'm lucky) this'll probably be the end for me, personally it's just too late in the game for me to bother redoing templates, grinding new champion levels and such. I prefer to just log on with my fully twinked chars and RvR then log off! Still, we wont know until they release a bit more info so we'll see ]

Well it's kinda cool that they update the game, it just sucks that it kills casual play, i am already 1 expansions behind so have no intention on playing again, but i do miss the game i just cant keep play catch up on each expansion for all my toons. I wish i had the option to /charcopy to a server that was never going to get expanded.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:15 am
by Gandelf
Ovi wrote:I thought it was bread crumbs :D

Only for the larger races. For Luris the crumbs will look like loaves. ;)

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:44 pm
by Gahn
Mojo wrote:Well it's kinda cool that they update the game, it just sucks that it kills casual play, i am already 1 expansions behind so have no intention on playing again, but i do miss the game i just cant keep play catch up on each expansion for all my toons. I wish i had the option to /charcopy to a server that was never going to get expanded.
DR does only bring Champ Levels that u can quite quickly achieve rvring.
So in fact u should only choose a toon and LOTM it ;)

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 2:55 pm
by Xest
[quote="Gahn"]DR does only bring Champ Levels that u can quite quickly achieve rvring.
So in fact u should only choose a toon and LOTM it ]
Says they're adding a new item slot which you can put in rare items for additional bonuses.

That + the new armour with built in ToA bonuses etc. = retemplate prolly :/ Not even DR templated all my chars yet so sure as hell cba to do this too.