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Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:25 am
by Luz
come to think of it this thread is kinda pointless :p
I dont care what happens in US :bunneh:

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:28 am
by Xest
As I say the ideal solution 2 years ago would've been to simply lower the delves on buffs such that they're not essential anymore but do help a tiny little bit. Nowadays however with buffs being factored in to how many nukes a caster can get in before a tank reaches him and how many hits a bard can take from a bunch of zerkers before needing BG or dying and all sorts of things like that the ideal solution is to just allow buffs to be available through all be it via an NPC that dishes out 1hr duration buffs (perhaps of slightly lower delve than bots, not sure) or to just allow them to be available by alchemy crafted potions but on much longer durations than they are now.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:02 am
by Argyleyn
Tbh i doubt anyone would bother making a bb to bring it to sieges, most people who enjoy siege stuff aren't really too worried about having top gear/buffs. Even if someone does it, i can hardly think he can buff more than 2-3 people.

I think that if it's too much trouble noone bothers. Having a bb in daoc was just too easy, you buffed and just left it at Ligen, having to move it around makes it a lot of pain, from my old guild 5/8 people's bb's would lose stick if they tried it.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:21 am
by Xest
Argyleyn wrote:Tbh i doubt anyone would bother making a bb to bring it to sieges, most people who enjoy siege stuff aren't really too worried about having top gear/buffs. Even if someone does it, i can hardly think he can buff more than 2-3 people.

I think that if it's too much trouble noone bothers. Having a bb in daoc was just too easy, you buffed and just left it at Ligen, having to move it around makes it a lot of pain, from my old guild 5/8 people's bb's would lose stick if they tried it.
Hehe, if you beleive people wont bother you really don't know the current state of the game :p There's always someone who will want to win no matter how lame the tactic. Moving it around only sucks if you have a single PC but I know tons of people with multiple machines now and sticking bots is really no issue, often see classes like sorcs and SMs running round with a DI or BG bot stuck to their ass.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 12:02 pm
by Shi
Xest wrote:... the ideal solution is to just allow buffs to be available through all be it via an NPC that dishes out 1hr duration buffs (perhaps of slightly lower delve than bots, not sure) or to just allow them to be available by alchemy crafted potions but on much longer durations than they are now.
I posted similar idea here ages ago.
You could have some special npcs spread over the realms and you could get from them some buffs.
You’d have to pay an additional fee for it, dunno, 2$ a month? :) per npc buff type? Aka str/con, acc, dex/quick or sth, just an idea.
In summ it would make less money to Mythic, but mayhap not that much less.
It would make happy ppl who cba to run a 2nd acc for a bot, and ppl who do that, anyhow would prolly keep them as those accs I presume are filled up by now not by only BBs but other lvl 50s etc :)
It sounds as materialist concept, not in 'spirit of the game' but not hypocrite at least :)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:59 pm
by xianghua
Ankh Morpork wrote:Nice one, to bad that even if we do get it I can't be arsed to restart on my chars :(

aye its hard to exp a char to 50 and get si equip rly :D

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:58 pm
by Hatsepsut
As a casual player who doesn't have the time to be more than a casual player I would simply love if they introduced this type of server in Europe. Then I would start playing again. *fingers crossed*