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Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:20 pm
by Lenah
Ovi wrote:That's the one thing I really miss the most, whatever game I have gone to has been lacking the spirit that I first found on Prydwen. In a way think DAoC has spoily MMORPGs for me, because I will never experience that again :(
No one couldn't have said it better mate. For the sake of everything that aws and is Hibernia, the community that was built on it really made it what it was Perhaps we got lucky being unlucky and lower populated on the first months of release, and really had to come together? I've never ever since met a realmwide community feeling like that, anywhere. And what can one say, its all thanks to the mind who came up with and made it real.

OohhoO has propably the most valid point, that is behind all the other points. Enabling possibility for alt tabbing propably started the unavoidable downhill process =)

My vote still goes to the era when Ankh was still playing =)

I still remember you all /salute.

See you on Warhammer fields.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:36 pm
by Arcsalin
I won't be joining WAR :) I think I'll wait and see what's coming out in a year or so, preference will go to something that has a bit more diversity than most mmo's have now :p

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:41 am
by Botond
ToA was up till ppl started to quit playin cause of it. Wardens were unkillable those days :)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:57 pm
by Nedo
Id vote original but thats based alot on community which was great. Hib/Pryd really was like 1 big big guild at start due to the "us underdogs vs the evil Mids who got easy exping".

SI was real good to but unnerfed savages was pretty laughable and destroyed that part of the game as I see it. The game itself was as its best during that time though. Anyone could get a good template in SI area and the game was still new enough to not get the allmost hostile attitude to new players that came on later.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:39 am
by Guinnessrules
i started my daoc-days on alb in a guild called Utopia, back then when i had a pally at lvl 30+ i went to rvr and got into a grp with only pallys, all did heal-chant and noone could kill us, that was great fun.
Thank god that doesn't work anymore. ;)

So for me ToA was the end of the good days. Before u could play when u felt like it and still have a shot in rvr. But ToA forced u to waste several hours in pve and i hated it from day 1.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:06 pm
by Sharkith
as I levelled on the NS after TOA was released the only thing I could do solo for exp was do kill tasks. There were no maps in the UI and you had to run around with printouts looking at everything and trying to figure out where you were. I spent hours in Connacht looking for single mobs in stealth and then stealthing back to Ardee to cash in for exp. I really got to know those locations well - then they would change the mobs and you would be screwed.

It was nice hunting like this - then Briannon and Wyst showed me SI and I was dumbfounded by how big the game was. I went back recently when I had renewed my subs and it all seems so small now. I have the same feeling when I drive around my homeland. It all seems so small.

Yes this place is still second to none for community its why people keep coming back. I doubt we will ever see it again.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:48 pm
by Xest
Sharkith wrote:Yes this place is still second to none for community its why people keep coming back. I doubt we will ever see it again.
If it's any consolation I've seen it during both my Quake1 and my UO days so don't despair just yet ;) Come WAR or perhaps another game there'll be more communities, some friends will carry across, other new people will be met but rest assured strong communities do appear where you least expect to find them :)