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Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:20 pm
by <ankh>
Gandelf wrote:Then you get those stupid places where you can't take a direct route to a keep or tower, but have to go the long way around (when porting is not possible, that is). There's those stupied embankments and hills you can't climb up. At least in OF you could go over the hills.
I actually like that part - but the message you got (dunno if its changed now) when trying to climb one of the too steep hills was quite anoying.


Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:27 pm
by Cernos
Classic Server should mean just that - the original DAOC with no expansions (though the upgraded graphics engine should be supported as the original one had some lovely memory leaks) and only the original base classes. It could be argued the rot started to set in with Shrounded Isles (Bonedancers, Savages, Animists, Necromancers all brought their different issues) and Spellcrafting (much more exciting when your resists are cobbled together from whatver drops you were lucky enough to find).

Of course the game had to progress for better or for worse, but for anyone wanting a nostalgic server then pure classic is the only way to go. Not putting the advanced classes into a pseudo classic server (how can you possibly justify a Vamp on a classic server without buffbots?).

Of course there's a lot of rose tinted memories and I bet anyone giving a pure classic server a try with the benefit of hindsight wouldn't tolerate many of the inadequacies, bugs, imbalances and flaws in the original game (things which were tolerated because we didn't know any better).

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:51 pm
by Gandelf
Cernos wrote:Classic Server should mean just that - the original DAOC with no expansions (though the upgraded graphics engine should be supported as the original one had some lovely memory leaks) and only the original base classes. It could be argued the rot started to set in with Shrounded Isles (Bonedancers, Savages, Animists, Necromancers all brought their different issues) and Spellcrafting (much more exciting when your resists are cobbled together from whatver drops you were lucky enough to find).

Of course the game had to progress for better or for worse, but for anyone wanting a nostalgic server then pure classic is the only way to go. Not putting the advanced classes into a pseudo classic server (how can you possibly justify a Vamp on a classic server without buffbots?).

Of course there's a lot of rose tinted memories and I bet anyone giving a pure classic server a try with the benefit of hindsight wouldn't tolerate many of the inadequacies, bugs, imbalances and flaws in the original game (things which were tolerated because we didn't know any better).

True. However, another analogy I'd like to make is this...

Of all the Star Trek series, the original series was the best, in my opinion. It was funnier, it was fresh, the technology wasn't perfect and it had lots of little quirks that made it what it was.

Then came the Next Generation... a different kettle of fish altogether. Klingons as allies? Give me a break! Jean Luc Picard? What a whimp... always asking his officers for their opinions.. what a way to command!

DS9... just a "Hollyoaks in Space"!

Voyager... everyone whinging about energy supplies and not being able to get their "Eggs Benedict" from the food replicator. Then Neelix cooking up something totally revolting from rats from the cargo hold and some strange fungal growth found growing in the plasma conduits!

Enterprise? Not bad, but the technology looked more advanced than the original series, when chronologically it was supposed to be inferior.

Anyway, the point is the original version was the best and I believe that to be true of DAoC.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:36 am
by Lieva
best part of STtos was the fact of

a: making bets on which red shirted officer was going to die first
b: making bets on how long it would take til kirk was snogging the leading female.
c: the mission they started with was NEVER the mission they ended with :p

but i dont think they could impliment those features into daoc...
maybe some red shirted mobs which die just by looking at them :p

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:50 am
by Genedril
Gandelf wrote:Start Trek stuff...

The thing is not everyone will agree with you. I really don't want to debate Star Trek but, again, it's probably down to personal opinion which one you like.

The thing is if you don't like the current series you can go & watch the others on DvD. Now, if you don't like the current flavour of DAoC you can go away & play it somewhere else that is all OF & you can be happy. I've said this quite a few times you know & maybe you should go & try it with your fond memories of yore. Living in the past & hoping for things to return 'the way they were' isn't going to help you (let's be honest it things very rarely go backwards), but if you can go back & do something the way it used to be you should make the effort if that's want you want. Asking everyone else to join you in changing the present into the past is never going to work.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:52 am
by <ankh>
Gandelf wrote:It's interesting to note that Blizzard aren't chucking out expansions every 5 minutes for WoW, yet they are seeing no decline in player numbers. I know there is a WoW expansion on the cards soon, but my guess is that one of the reasons why it's so popular is because the game hasn't been messed around with... certainly not as much as DAoC has been interfered with!
What was that again Gandelf? ][/url]
Sams still confident of winter ship date for Burning Crusade

Blizzard COO Paul Sams has told that the company plans to release a new expansion pack for multi-million selling MMO World of Warcraft every year.

Speaking in an exclusive interview, Sams said, "Starting with The Burning Crusade, every year thereafter we plan on bringing out a new expansion set - so every 12 months."

The Burning Crusade is the first expansion pack to be released for WOW. According to Sams, details of the beta will be announced in the near future. As for the release date - "We're still quoting very confidently winter and we will be more specific on the timeframe quite soon."

Although the code on the show floor in Leipzig this week has already been shown once, at E3, German consumers don't seem to mind - with Blizzard's booth almost impossible to navigate on the first public day of exhibition.

Visit tomorrow to read the full interview with Paul Sams and find out which next-gen machine he prefers, and what his thoughts are with regard to bringing WOW to consoles.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:57 pm
by Cernos
Well, Blizzard are certainly slow to the first expansion compared to Mythic. Shrouded Isles was about a year after DAOC's lauch and expansions have continued on a yearly basis since. Burning Crusade will be 18 months after WoW launch if it's on time. Yearly expansions after that? Perhaps, but Blizz have a reputation for slippage and not releasing things until they're ready rather than push them out to meet a marketing deadline. So what they'd like to do and what actually happens are probably two different things.

However, the intent to release yearly expansions does have implications for unsettling the game. Burning Crusade is going to raise the level cap to 70. When devs see raising the level cap as a way of creating extra content it rings very loud alarm bells with me. Still I suppose expansions are all about new time sinks, so one game's raised level cap is another game's Master Levels.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:37 pm
by HappyG
[quote="Gandelf"]People are going to get confused between "LOTR" and "LOTM"! ]

I agree!

It should be named "Fortress Of The Minotaur"!

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:33 am
by Takitothemacs
HappyG wrote:I agree!

It should be named "Fortress Of The Minotaur"!

rofl... class :)

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:06 am
by Luz
Erh why add in "the single largest dungeon in any mmorpg", like it isnt hard to find action as it is?? :(

I will buy the expansion, try it, see how it feels. If nothing else to hand in some money to the company that have made the best mmorpg ever, yes DAoC, wtf is this bitching about? Whine whine whine, yet people play?
Overall its the best mmorpg ever and with the numbers of games out there that really says alot. Just face it.