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Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:27 pm
by Oceaa
Cernos wrote:Finally the group get buffed and sets off. They jump off the boat wherever they're going, get ambushed by the zerg or a high RR GG using radar and die in 10 seconds flat. "Are we releasing then?" ..... so it's back to border keep, rinse and repeat.

I like the way high RR is paired with 'RADAR MEIGHTS.' Fyi, radar is very very low usage on this server. I can usually tell inc. and how many from 1000-2000 units just based purely on slight lag in different directions.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:30 pm
by Cernos
Oceaa wrote:I like the way high RR is paired with 'RADAR MEIGHTS.' Fyi, radar is very very low usage on this server. I can usually tell inc. and how many from 1000-2000 units just based purely on slight lag in different directions.
Well I wasn't being entirely serious, just illustrating how you can spend all that time farting around with getting the perfect buffs only to all die immediately in the first contact on running out, only to have to do it all again.

I can't comment on current radar usage, I don't play anymore. It wasn't so low last time I was active in RvR though, both on US servers and EU.

Coincidentally, there's a poll running on FH about cheating:

Seems 6.6% of 545 respondants so far are willing to admit to having used radar at some point, so draw your own conclusions.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:02 pm
by Xest
Cernos wrote:Well I wasn't being entirely serious, just illustrating how you can spend all that time farting around with getting the perfect buffs only to all die immediately in the first contact on running out, only to have to do it all again.

I can't comment on current radar usage, I don't play anymore. It wasn't so low last time I was active in RvR though, both on US servers and EU.

Coincidentally, there's a poll running on FH about cheating:

Seems 6.6% of 545 respondants so far are willing to admit to having used radar at some point, so draw your own conclusions.
I think that's the thing with radar, only one person needs it in group for the entire group to have the advantage of it. 6.6% of 545 players is around 36 players, times that by 8 assuming those players are running as part of a fg and you've got 288 players with the advantage of radar - this makes the radar problem far worse than it would if radar benefitted only the person using it and not his entire group. Honestly after the US server bans that pretty much killed radar there off even I was amazed at how bad radar useage is and it irks me somewhat that although say the bard, healer or sorc of a group their got banned for radar, that the other 7 people in his/her group are still running round with the 5mill rps or whatever they gained from exploiting their group leader's radar. I think it's naive to think euro doesn't have an equally high radar population it's just for some reason not talked about their so much. Perhaps because GOA have no method to /appeal suspected cheats so people just have to live with it and hope GOA act just on the right now reports. I'm not sure now if GOA have the tools to do the final mass bannings that killed radar off on the US or not but it really did make the game a whole lot better imo - I can run round as a solo caster again and not get radared down by the groups that spoil it for everyone else. I remember on euro there were quite a few groups and players I suspected of radar however as there was no way to appeal, as Right Now was far too cumbersome and problematic and as no one else spoke up I just kept quiet about it, comparing that now to my experience on US of appealling suspected radar users and seeing them get banned proving my suspicions right I'd wager a bet that many of my euro suspicions were correct too. Of course I haven't played euro in a while so have no idea what it's like now but seeing as all radar programs I've seen work on euro too and as many were even initially developed on euro I'd say it's as much a problem there as it was on US pre-mass bannings unless GOA have done the same mass bannings to clean up that Mythic did.
Ovi wrote:My biggest worry is that they try to do too much, which I think is one of the problems with DAoC. I think the class balance in Wow is much better, because they only have 9 classes to balance. Mythic have more than that for each realm!

For a PvP orientated game I would like to see a bit more variety, but I think Mythic went too far with DAoC, especially with the 2 add-ons that added classes.
I don't think Mythic do do too much to be honest, in terms of classes at least. There was nothing fundamentally wrong with the design of the bainshees, the bonedancer, the savage, the warlock, the animist etc. I just think there's some other underlying reason for making them so overpowered, I mean the bainshee is certainly the most obvious example, why should a class have a an AE DD that doesn't falloff despite every other single AE in the game doing it? Why is the bainshee baseline DD such high delve and completely out of line with every other DD in the game? Again with savage, was it not blatantly obvious that a class with more defence, decent utility and more DPS than any other tank in game was going to be overpowered? To me that doesn't sound like an issue of trying to do too much, it sounds like making the classes overpowered for some unknown underlying reason (To get the numbers of the class up in population and comparitive to existing classes maybe?) or just sheer incompetence on behalf of the class designer. I don't think it's particularly hard to design a new class who's dps/defence balance is in line with with existing classes - again with the bainshee DD, is it really so hard to make it 219, 209 or 179 like just about every other nuke in game?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:38 am
by Argyleyn
By the way, about eq2 vs wow pve question, from what little experience i have from eq2 it has more quantity but less quality. Raid encounters in eq seem to follow the 'boss has aoe/or boss has adds' mentality. They don't have many tricks, next boss will just have a bigger aoe and the next one will have more adds. Molten core in wow is a bit like that (a 'lol' came out of my mouth first time i saw sulfuron and noticed he was the same as gehennas and luci with more adds) but thank god after that it gets really different. The bwl and up encounters in wow are pretty smart and very exciting compared to anything i have seen in eq2 or any other game for that matter. Hell, Onyxia which is the starting raid encounter for a guild is a really well designed boss.

There's also the issue of sony ripping you off by making a half finished expansion every 3-6 months you have to pay for while wow actually has given really big amounts of content for free for 1 and a half year now much like Mythic did and i enjoyed that. Lore in eq doesn't really exist either while wow has a huge background from the warcraft games and various books that makes pve a lot more interesting for lots of people.

And i agree with the remark of daoc having too many classes. The main problem was that they didn't all fit into the fotm group and god forbid you had rolled a mentalist for example for the first 2 years of the game before all the light spec and salamander rage. Or having a champion after the pure tank buffs was pretty much a joke. Let's not even mention what i went through to get groups when i was void specced, but let's accept this was my spec choice's problem and not a class problem. Blizz really did a much better job at it, as no class is undesirable in groups or raids in pve or pvp and also they all have much bigger variety and downright more spells/abilities to play with than any daoc class i played and also a more clear role, classes don't overlap with each other like casters did in daoc for example.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 8:31 am
by Ovi
Adalyn wrote:You don't need to scrounge buffs of people, you can 'Group' with people if you ever heard of it. by the sound of it you haven't if you have to 'scrounge' for buffs to go RvR with.
Yea, lots of 50 Nurture spec Druids in groups :cow:

Lots of stealthers with 50 Nurture spec too, when I was playing my Ranger :sheepskip (Not to mention no whinging about running in stealth groups to start with!)

When I last played and ran in a regular RvR group, we had to have at least 2 BBs before we could even think of going to RvR, and that doesn't take into account the hassle factor Cernos described.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 8:59 am
by Adalyn
Ovi wrote:Yea, lots of 50 Nurture spec Druids in groups :cow:

Lots of stealthers with 50 Nurture spec too, when I was playing my Ranger :sheepskip (Not to mention no whinging about running in stealth groups to start with!)

When I last played and ran in a regular RvR group, we had to have at least 2 BBs before we could even think of going to RvR, and that doesn't take into account the hassle factor Cernos described.
No wonder your another one complaining about buffs, make a group friendly class and oh look you can join groups for buffs. 2 druids 40nurt/30reg and your sorted.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:18 am
by Nedo
im a bit ashamed to admit but Guild Wars PvE buildup was real nice compared to Daoc & WoW (ye I played both but did not like WoW really).

Thats said the game in total sucked :P

And ye I know very well it cant be compared but some of the ideas in guild war PvE >> Daoc and WoW and could be implemented in a MMORPG to.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:31 am
by Ovi
Xest wrote:
I don't think Mythic do do too much to be honest, in terms of classes at least. There was nothing fundamentally wrong with the design of the bainshees, the bonedancer, the savage, the warlock, the animist etc. I just think there's some other underlying reason for making them so overpowered, I mean the bainshee is certainly the most obvious example, why should a class have a an AE DD that doesn't falloff despite every other single AE in the game doing it? Why is the bainshee baseline DD such high delve and completely out of line with every other DD in the game? Again with savage, was it not blatantly obvious that a class with more defence, decent utility and more DPS than any other tank in game was going to be overpowered? To me that doesn't sound like an issue of trying to do too much, it sounds like making the classes overpowered for some unknown underlying reason (To get the numbers of the class up in population and comparitive to existing classes maybe?) or just sheer incompetence on behalf of the class designer. I don't think it's particularly hard to design a new class who's dps/defence balance is in line with with existing classes - again with the bainshee DD, is it really so hard to make it 219, 209 or 179 like just about every other nuke in game?

What you are talking about is the balance in terms of class v class, and I agree that certain classes are left "more equal" than others for a (misguided?) reason.

I was more referring to how the classes interact; making groups as Argylyn discussed, realm v realm balance, fg v fg balance etc. We all know certain classes don't get groups so easily whatever they spec, and some classes are almost forced into a spec if they want to group. We also know that Hib has the advantage in Keep action, Animists & baseline stun both big advantages here.

Also over time the best FG has always been one particular realm, most of the time it was Mid, but Hib and Alb did have their turns too. I don't remember a time when this was balanced, and this is the main area that the numberof classes affects the balance.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:44 am
by Ovi
Adalyn wrote:No wonder your another one complaining about buffs, make a group friendly class and oh look you can join groups for buffs. 2 druids 40nurt/30reg and your sorted.

Sorry, but that's rubbish! :dairylea:

My main was a Druid, specced 40Nurt/30+reg for a long time. Groups still want a BB for the extra +8 s/c, the extra Int and the better haste buff. As well as the fact that the buffs drop if I died!

The benefit to having 40 Nurture was that if 1 or 2 people died, or got sheared, we didn't need to go and rebuff.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:37 am
by Shike
Adalyn wrote:Altho i agree with you shike that NF drove a lot of people away from DAoC. But surely would they still be playing the game now if it still was OF? in my opinion a new scenary (spelling?) was needed to keep people playing.
Yes, I agree totally on the point that OF was indeed getting old and that too would have driven away people aswell as NF has done, but, NF by design and concept is a disaster, pure 100% disaster. The bad things i see with it is:

Hello! Heeeeeeeeelloooooo! And nobody answers.. it is too big, waay too big. You need very large servers to support NF, actually so large so it all just lags to hell or crash.

Towers.. well.. isnt it fun to have some soloarcher lighting up a tower on fire, the guards have an IQ of 2 and dont even bother to charge him. You go there with a group and the archer stealths, 5min later, tower on fire again.. yay. One tower per keep is enough, more than enough. All you actually need a tower for is putting up siege in shelter, why is there 4 towers for this? Its silly to break ports by taking one tower and open ports with 4 towers, one is enough.

Bridges, well, isnt it clever to build bridges so that enemys have a perfect place to build siege on, and also a tight spot which is silly easy to defend for them aswell. Its great tactics actually!! Fkin idiotdesigners imo. A plain bridge is enough, no more, no less, allow us to kill bridges with siege aswell to prevent enemys from passing easy and set up camps to just farm and farm and faaaarm. Its the same as old frontiers with the MGrooms. No different in any way tbh, ppl use it in the exact same way.

Water.. yay for water, yay for ppl diving and surfacing, diving and surfacing, Its completely silly and its badly designed. Put cooldown on 10s on dive/surface and give LOS through it both ways for both nukers and melee. Make all movement 30% in NFwater, end of story. This gives a reason to kill a bridge near keeps to prevent enemys from easy rush towards keeps across a bridge.

LAG.. HI! OF wasnt as laggy as NF is, nowhere near. Bad design yet once again. 200 ppl zerg in a keep is unplayable for many many players. Delay on heals and stuff.. fun.. not..

Oil.. shouldnt give RPs, at all. Its silly. Its not you who is killing, you was lucky to get to leech RPs with it first of all who wanted to do it, and the damage on it is still silly, oneshotting isnt a good thing, never was and never will be.

etc etc, there are more stuff but i have to work now :<