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Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:59 pm
by <ankh>
Satyn wrote:I rather play with voice comm than without. Its way more fun when they yell : Ellen heal FFS!!! instead of typing it :D
What idiot yells that? ]/Ankh[/B]

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:10 pm
by Wyst
Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread so far and for keeping it congenial and proactive.

I am sure there are more people than just myself who have gained some valuable insights and tips for useful ingame furtherment and onward enjoyment.

Its true that I have no real desire to be the best of the best or anything like and no time to run in 3 or 4 night a week fixed groups as there is more to this game to me than purely RvRing with a single character.

I guess at the end of the day, the real problem is that the albs and mids arent playing how I would prefer, ie the medium RRs are sticking to the zerg more often than not and as such when a good looking fight happens I am just as likely to get completely run over by a zerg mid way through the fight as I am to actually win it, which probably means there are likeminded albs and mids to me, but they have already hit the frustration barrier in this area and have gone with the strength in numbers solution.

Please feel free to continue the discussion as I am sure there are more people with valid points to make in this area and I need all the help I can get:)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:18 pm
by Satyn
<ankh> wrote:What idiot yells that? ]/Ankh[/B]

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:19 pm
by <ankh>
Satyn wrote:you!
I refuse to admit that it was me tbh ]/Ankh[/B]

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:44 pm
by awarkle
well on midgard excalibur before the classic server we were running a low realm guild group.

1 sham (me)
2 healer
2 warrior
1 zerk
1 sav
1 skald

with 2 buffsbots my 50 aug healer bot and a 50 aug shamman bot

we never ever targetted anyone who was above our realm rank we wnt for casuals and expers in poc every time to get passed the rr5 barrier (we never made it lost another healer)

the point being is that we couldnt dream of competing against any other guild group. we ran into first cohort and although we were fully set up with buffs resists armour equipment mls etc we still couldnt win.

We use vent now almost all the time even if someone in group doesnt have a microphone its normally good for them to just listen in. Vent and voice coms does make rvr that little bit easier because you got 7 other people looking around and instead of saying "INC" you get people saying "incoming from the right" or "go go go"

Voice coms probbly does give us an unfair advantage over people who dont use it but thenagain if we didnt use it and relied on ubah typeing skills or macros pre set. We would still be up against people who used voice coms we would be at a disadvantage.

I have nothing wrong with adding or people who add on fights, yes it is anoying but tbh i would rather win the fight and walk away with 50% rps than die and walk away with nothing.

although when your playing on midgard and your fighting and a warlock just chamber dumps your target its a bit frustrating.

But ive been in fights with my valkyrie vs rr9 stealthers while other people watched me die only to then add on the fight and get the full rps.

As for glast at the moment ive not rvred much all i know is that in general hib and mid are running around in 2fgs normally and iwll add on anything moving.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:53 pm
by Elrandhir
awarkle wrote: But ive been in fights with my valkyrie vs rr9 stealthers while other people watched me die only to then add on the fight and get the full rps.

Have to explain how it could be adding if ur already dead =P and if you dident do 0 amount of damage to whomever the one adding shuldent get the full amount of RP's

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:16 pm
by Cryn
Elrandhir wrote:well this is more or less the same in all games tbh, and you get more effective by using voice communication, and when some have started doing so and you want to be competetiv.

Not like it's only Daoc this is used in, so changeing game because of that aint no point imo.
Very true. All PvP games have picked up the trend to a greater or less extent. But in DAoC, it was just one of a few issues that affected my situation. The RR differential was just as important.

Having said that, it remains to be seen whether leaving DAoC got me away from that type of thing either. All games try to reward PvP, either with skills or equipment, and I would think all are gonna experience some kind of balance issues from doing so.

Maybe games would be better without such rewards. I'm sure people would still chase titles, league positions and trophies even if they didn't give skill or ability increases. Enjoying the fight should perhaps be the reward we get from playing.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:23 pm
by Elrandhir
Cryn wrote: Maybe games would be better without such rewards. I'm sure people would still chase titles, league positions and trophies even if they didn't give skill or ability increases. Enjoying the fight should perhaps be the reward we get from playing.

Well maby if they had never brought in RR abils, but now it's impossible as I don't think anyone would stay almost if you removed all the skills.

And I think you need a reward for your char and not just a Titel for you to want to get to a high RR as some do, and I also think someone that have spent so much time in RvR needs to get something as a reward, not just a title.

could say it's like those wanting to only PvE(or mostly) only getting an Pve Mastah Title instead of getting any Items from what they kill, well something like that atleast, I doubt it would be as fun to do if so.

What Im saying you could probably do this at first cause of the new experience, but after having done it a couple of time I think you would want something for doing so to keep the interesst up.

Also if many think like I do Titles means more or less nothing to them, but as they are there i use them.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:50 am
by Cryn
I see what you're saying, but I don't quite understand why you need to be rewarded for doing something that is supposedly fun. If it is a case of "I wouldn't RvR if they didn't reward me" then DAoC is clearly in its role as entertainment. I take your point about pve but believe it or not I feel the same about that - the game should keep us interestd with fun gameplay, not keep us chasing character development milestones.

Going back to the competitive sports analogy, the players don't get new abilities as they progress. They have to up their game themselves if they want to beat better people.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:00 am
by Ovi
Cryn wrote:
Going back to the competitive sports analogy, the players don't get new abilities as they progress. They have to up their game themselves if they want to beat better people.
They do still get a reward though, in cash. This allows them to add some "abilities" like a nice car that can move at super speeds etc. Of course these abilites don't help on the footy field.

The biggest mistake I think with the RA system is that most of the abilities simply add power, either offensive or defensive. What they should do is offer diversity, in fact I think if RAs had been more like CLs it woud've been better.

That way the rr10 Caster can't do more damage to you, or take less damage from you. All they can do is do some different damage to you etc.