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Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:14 pm
by Kallima
Xest wrote:Just saying basically it's stupid to whine about something you prevent.

It's like going to a 1am showing of a film at a cinema when you could've gone at 6pm and then complaining that the cinema sucks because it shows films late.
I agree totally, why go to the US cinema showing the film at 1 am when you can go to the European cinema showing it at 6pm.

OK <grins> I couldn't resist sayig that. Xest is always right. The US is in the same time zone as us. The streets on US servers are paved with gold. I retire from the entire argument, because I'm bored to death and I'm due to be kidnapped by little grey aliens with big eyes.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:23 pm
by Xest
Or because you've yet to provide one bit of factual evidence to back up your claim :p

You know, it's easier to admit that you just didn't bother looking properly for european players and hence it was a problem of your own making than spouting a load of complete crap :p

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:06 pm
by Kallima
Xest wrote:Or because you've yet to provide one bit of factual evidence to back up your claim :p

You know, it's easier to admit that you just didn't bother looking properly for european players and hence it was a problem of your own making than spouting a load of complete crap :p
Alright, take the VN Board server raid schedule for the Kilibury Cluster. Thats the one you play on Alb Merlin. Fast glance shows four full sets of ML raids starting at 8 EST, 6 EST, and 6PST and 6PST. There are some make up raids starting at 10 PST (morning), which are the only ones that seem to be feasible for me to attend living in my time zone. Therefore I'm not able to go on a lot of the ML raids unless I want to attend a raid starting between what does that convert to, 11 pm and 2 am? You can do master levels but your choice of raids is a lot more limited than if you lived in the US time zones. Its possible but you have to work round it. Its the equivalent of only being able to attend the Saturday and Sunday morning ML raids on our cluster.

Purely individual thing how much of a problem that is.

EST is 5 hours behind us, PST is 8 hours behind us, according to the Greenwich Mean Time web site.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:12 pm
by Bugz
Xest wrote:Or because you've yet to provide one bit of factual evidence to back up your claim :p

You know, it's easier to admit that you just didn't bother looking properly for european players and hence it was a problem of your own making than spouting a load of complete crap :p
It depends what u do, how u work etc.

-5 hours for New York for here is a pretty big deal. Raids which start at 8pm here (when you say, return home for work) will not occur usually at 3pm there because people are still at work. Then, 5 hours on from there time, when its 8pm, it will be 1am here.

Who needs factual evidance? Common sense is far better.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:46 pm
by Sharkith
Aran_Thule wrote:ive no intention of moving, when it gets too much i will stop playing or move to another game.
Ive made friends here and the community is what makes the game, all i see from these discussions is the community getting more and more broken.
If people want to move then fair enough but please respect the views of thoose that dont.
I can see how you could say that it looks like fragmentation of a community. However I disagree that this is the only interpretation and what matters is how that community reorganises around a different configuration.

Anyone who stays deserves the utmost respect and support. All of this arguing is getting silly. There are those who will remain on Prydwen and they deserve the utmost support and understanding. It is fairly evident that some others are thinking of leaving. If it is done right the community can remain cohesive and in fact it can improve because whilst we will not longer interact in game we can still interact about the game.

One other point. If those who are leaving do not at least try to provide a coherent alternative to Prydwen under GOA then I would say that moving was futile from the perspective of our relationships as a group. It is a responsibility for all of us to facilitate an alternative. If we fail to do this then everyone has lost including GOA.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:47 pm
by Sharkith
Bugz wrote:It depends what u do, how u work etc.

-5 hours for New York for here is a pretty big deal. Raids which start at 8pm here (when you say, return home for work) will not occur usually at 3pm there because people are still at work. Then, 5 hours on from there time, when its 8pm, it will be 1am here.

Who needs factual evidance? Common sense is far better.
all this bickering about time zones is pointless. I miss tons of raids here and I am in the same time zone. Plus your all forgetting patch 1.81 is out there in 1 week!!!