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Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:11 pm
by Grymligast
Cernos wrote:Servers cost money to run and maintain. Without any revenue from monthly subscriptions Mythic won't keep the servers running indefinitely. Yes they might for a period of time as a goodwill gesture (especially if DAOC 2 or Warhammer is doing well and they have lots of income) but eventually the plug will be pulled.

There is another possibility, that Mythic might release the game and code into the public domain, so that players could run their own DAOC servers. But the complexities (legal and technical) of anyone doing so will probably prevent this.

Take a look at Anarchy Online. They have skipped their monthly fee for some time now.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:39 pm
by Cernos
Grymligast wrote:Take a look at Anarchy Online. They have skipped their monthly fee for some time now.
Well sort of. It's only free if you play with the free client you download and you can't access any of the expansion content. What's more there's these T&Cs on their site:

You can play free of charge until January 15th 2007. Should Funcom deem that server load or other unforeseen events will lessen the experience for paying subscribers the offer will be terminated at our discretion. The free version does not include access to any of the three expansion packs. Should you wish to upgrade to any of the expansion packs monthly subscription and client fees will be added

Which kind of backs up my point. Running servers costs money. There's no free lunches. Offering a free base game is however a good way to get new subscribers paying, and DAOC should do this too.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 11:01 am
by Cryn
OohhoO wrote:Assuming he's a complete idiot & still continues playing, he struggles through his 10-14 artes + 30-42 scrolls & levelling the Mofas, ports to Crauch & STILL gets WTF pwned by some RR10+ Sorc who /rudes him afterwards.
I think RR differential is my biggest gripe with the game today. There are many factors that make a group successful at RvR, including using voice, having the right classes and specs, etc, but RAs massively bias things.

When I read the latest survey about "What one thing would you like us to focus on" I would have picked "RvR", but to my horror the comment in brackets was something like "e.g. more rewards for RvRing". That really made me wonder if I play the game the devs think I do.

Actually ... I don't play it now I guess. The frustration outweighed the enjoyment and I left. I'd like to come back one day, though, and I can't see it happening until RvR becomes less tailored to high RR groups. Kes had the right idea. People who reckon they are so good at RvR should have abilities lessened. Then we'd see if it's true ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:56 am
by Takitothemacs
Grymligast wrote:Support for the game etc will dissapear but aslong as there are any players left the servers will remain.
there has been support? cant say I had noticed tbh :P

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:21 am
by Poh
Cernos wrote: Even then, DAOC will decline, as all games must. You can only flog an ageing game engine for so long. So, the only real future is DAOC 2. Perhaps next time round Mythic will realise that the way you retain subscribers is by having a game which is compelling and vital, not by just throwing time sinks in the way of players.
The only future is Warhammer imo. Atleast i think there wont be a DaoC 2:

Q: Will there be a DAOC 2?

A: Over the dead body of all the people working on DAOC.

from this grabbag

well ofc you never know. I just think Warhammer will be the DaoC 2.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:48 pm
by Cernos
Poh wrote:I just think Warhammer will be the DaoC 2.
Yep, that's the most likely. They'll not name it DAOC 2, but Warhammer will probably have all the features you'd expect from DAOC 2, including some form of RvR system.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:09 pm
by Sardine
Dallanah really did prophesy the end, and the end is nigh!

All Hail, All Hail!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:37 pm
by Seanpaul
Sardine wrote:Dallanah really did prophesy the end, and the end is nigh!

All Hail, All Hail!
aint totally dead yet, some of us are still flogging it. must admit though i'm playing a theurgist now ankh1:bump:bump:bump:bump:gunz:

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:43 am
by Earendil
Seanpaul wrote:aint totally dead yet, some of us are still flogging it. must admit though i'm playing a theurgist now ankh1:bump:bump:bump:bump:gunz:
Where Sean??

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 2:29 pm
by <ankh>
Nice to see people still enjoy good ol DAoC :)

Personally im playing LoTR online trial atm.